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Jin Awaud

Shadowy Rogue

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:38 pm

Jin Awaud
Jin Awaud
Jin Awaud

~rolls eyes huffing at her~ Shab!


I could say what Kasai would say nar'sheb but I will not....oh but I did....

~huffs rolling eyes~ Rather stating the obvious are you not?

**smiles evilly** yeppers....

~shakes head watching the vampire and the beast of a toad then slowly smirks at the sight~ You seem to have an issue yourself Sky! Maybe you should hope that is not that beasts mating ritual!

maybe ya should watch out or I will be sure he gets ta ya next....**slings a handful of slobber your way**

~moves enough out of the way to avoid the throw slobber~ You can keep it. You might like the taste.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:42 pm

Rassa Vizsla
:::nods her head taking a chug from her bottle::: Yep Toady like it and slobbers on people better after a few barrels sis! Why do I need a new hobby when I'm having too much fun?

She grins listening to the song. "Now we're talking Kasai!" Laughs grabbing the bottle of ne'tra gal from Xal taking a long gulp then gives it back as she starts dancing a jig and singing along rather loudly to the song.

(black ale)

~sighs shaking his head trying not to laugh~ Wayii! I am going to need more to drink!

(Good grief)

Jin Awaud

Shadowy Rogue


Playful Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:55 pm

Jin Awaud
Jin Awaud
Jin Awaud

~huffs rolling eyes~ Rather stating the obvious are you not?

**smiles evilly** yeppers....

~shakes head watching the vampire and the beast of a toad then slowly smirks at the sight~ You seem to have an issue yourself Sky! Maybe you should hope that is not that beasts mating ritual!

maybe ya should watch out or I will be sure he gets ta ya next....**slings a handful of slobber your way**

~moves enough out of the way to avoid the throw slobber~ You can keep it. You might like the taste.

**tries not ta puke at the thought....** I will leave that ta ya....**laughs** we can evn mix it inta a drink for ya....
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:50 pm

Lucent Rym
Lucent Rym

**while wiping the slobber off of me** just right now watch out for the toad....

-grins never looking at her or the toad- I'm not worried about the toad, my eyes are on someone else.

still watch out for him....he likes to lick people....**wipes more slobber off my face**

-smirks- He's not going to be doing any licking at this table. Though there could be arrangements made for someone else.

maybe y'all should rent a room somewhere....

-grins- Why? I see no reason why we'd need to.

Lucent Rym


Lucent Rym


PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:52 pm

Rassa Vizsla
Lucent Rym
Jin Awaud
Lucent Rym
Jin Awaud

~huff and laughs~ But I could get used to this look vod!


-raises eyebrows- Vod you're in a sad state right now. Maybe you should seek help? That hair looks like a knotted mess! -laughs-

~grins~ Seek help? This is in no need of help, maybe some more tangles, that I do agree. I have to start focusing on the complete package now!

-laughs- You have issues vod.

She shakes her head reiterating about Jin, "He's an idiot, do you expect more?"

-chuckles looking at Jin the Rassa- He must have really pissed you off. You're always calling him that.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:54 pm

Rassa Vizsla
Lucent Rym
Exal Kressh
Lucent Rym
Exal Kressh

:::looks stone cold at Lucent speaking lowly::: That toad comes near this table, there may need to be "arrangements" made for three!

-smiles amuse whispering- That's why we have blasters Cyare. I'm certain that thing would be able to be used in the cafeteria.

:::smirks whispering::: My trigger finger is itching. Perhaps it's owner and the vamp should go along as well.

-grins temped to let her shoot all three but sighs softly whispering- Just the toad cyare. The other two can be send to the basement to deal with s**t down there.

She gives a glare at the couple about shooting the giant toad, "Just leave it alone vod. It's not done anything to you. And you can go find something else to eat, the toad too cute to eat!" Scowling at both o them she just about suggested what they could go eat but decided not to, not wanting to get sick herself.

-smirks- Then keep it away from us vod.

Lucent Rym


Lucent Rym


PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:13 pm

Jin Awaud
Lucent Rym
Jin Awaud
Lucent Rym
Jin Awaud

~grins~ Seek help? This is in no need of help, maybe some more tangles, that I do agree. I have to start focusing on the complete package now!

-laughs- You have issues vod.

~sighs chuckling~ Perhaps I do. My hair is completely out of control now!

-laughs- I stand corrected then, you've got the corner on the market with the lifetime membership to issues vod!

~grins wiggling eyebrows with an impish gleam in his eyes~ Want to read one? I am certain you would find one of interest! Or would you rather have a balloon?

-raises an eyebrow at Jin then levels his blaster at him- Back down vod. -smirks- Unless you want to loose that damned wig.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:16 pm

Jin Awaud
Rassa Vizsla
:::nods her head taking a chug from her bottle::: Yep Toady like it and slobbers on people better after a few barrels sis! Why do I need a new hobby when I'm having too much fun?

She grins listening to the song. "Now we're talking Kasai!" Laughs grabbing the bottle of ne'tra gal from Xal taking a long gulp then gives it back as she starts dancing a jig and singing along rather loudly to the song.

(black ale)

~sighs shaking his head trying not to laugh~ Wayii! I am going to need more to drink!

(Good grief)

-sets his blaster back on the table with a chuckle- That's the sanest thing you've said. Though that is what the song says. "Drink" -laughs-

Lucent Rym


Lucent Rym


PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:30 pm

Exal Kressh
Lucent Rym
Exal Kressh
Lucent Rym
Exal Kressh

:::smirks whispering::: My trigger finger is itching. Perhaps it's owner and the vamp should go along as well.

-grins temped to let her shoot all three but sighs softly whispering- Just the toad cyare. The other two can be send to the basement to deal with s**t down there.

:::softly giggles, whispers::: I adore how you think Nulis. Sounds good to me.

-grins- But no one said we can't make them dance... -quietly unholsters out his blaster-

:::looks at him with a grin way too big::: I love you Lucent. :::giggles:::

-give her a rather big grin with bright eyes whispering- Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar Exal.

(I love you)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:37 pm

Exal Kressh
Lucent Rym
Exal Kressh
Lucent Rym
Exal Kressh

:::just nods once and snuggles in close::: So true Nulis. Not our problem to deal with. :::kisses him under the chin with a grin::: Now about learning a lesson the hard way....:::chuckles as she she strokes his cheek::: you've taught me a few Kudik.

-smiles lovingly at her giving her another kiss- Lessons learned and enjoyed together Cyare. -looks into her eyes whispering so no one could hear-

:::returns his kiss, then smiles softly hearing his words she nods once, her hand cradles the back of his head giving him a tender loving kiss:::

-kisses her then gently pulls away whispering- Ah before I forget Cyare, I have something for you. -reaches into his utility belt and carefully pulls out something small that was wrapped in a shiny black cloth and hands it to her- I made it when I went home this past run.

:::just watches in anticipation as he unwraps the shiny black cloth, then reaches to take it from his hand grinning as she places it on her middle finger, admiring it, making a first, looks up with a big grin::: Oh my god Lucent! You made this for me. Our initials. The mythosaur. It's perfect. :::takes his face in her hand kissing him deeply and smiles::: Thank you my Nulis. :::looks at her hand again making a fist and grins::: This will leave one hell of an imprint in someone's forehead, should I choose to.

-watches her lovingly as she sees the gift then kisses her back then gives her forehead a soft kiss grinning- You're welcome my Cyare. -smiles taking her hand in his and gently kissing the back of her hand whispering- Yes it would leave someone a very nice imprint. I knew you'd like that.

Lucent Rym


Reve Casse

Spicy Witch

36,075 Points
  • The Edgiest 250
  • The Sweetest 250
  • Ghost Hunter 250
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:49 pm

Darth Spectrous
Reve Casse
Darth Spectrous

Reve Casse
Darth Spectrous

*Granny watches as Sky decides to show off to Arris and takes a sip of her wine* Pass more of that spice Reve, looks like Sky's busy right now so we can enjoy what we would've shared with her!

-refills Granny's pipe for her, then her own- I'm not sharing my good spice from Exal with that old Vamp. -laughs- Drinks, spice and entertainment. Who could ask for more Granny.

*enjoys her refill of spice thanking Reve and leaning back in her chair smoking and sipping wine* Right now Reve, Granny won't ask for more!

-sits drinking and smoking unamused by all that is going on other than Jin's hair and nose- You think your son in-law, El Cheapo, will pay to replace some of the furniture that is getting busted? These Mandalorians are worse than having unsupervised children on the lose!
-huffs- Why and the hell isn't Axton watching the security monitors?! All this is ruining my zen zone.

*Granny smiles enjoying her spice* What that no good looser don't know won't hurt him Reve! Granny will have my Normie order more furniture and charge it to that wannabe Sith Lord! Those people are why we can't get nice things!

*pours herself another glass of wine* Axton? You expect him to do anything? He's just as bad as that son in law of mine!

-smirks looking at Granny- Oh I don't know. I kind of like a man in uniform. Plus Axton is much easier on the eyes than that Sith Lord!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:47 pm

She walks in and looks around. "Wow! This place looks just like I remember it! Only there's more people here now!" She says before giggling happily. She spots her mom, aunt, grandmother, and great aunt amongst the people in the room, but before she can go say hi to any of them, she spots someone much more interesting. "TOADY!!" She shouts excitedly as she runs over to the overgrown toad beast and hugs it. "Who's a good girl? Who's such a good dungeon beast? You are! Yes you are!" She says in the tone someone would use with an excited puppy as she pets the beast happily.

Butterfly Crescent Moon

Interstellar Blob

18,815 Points
  • Trash Can Supporter 50
  • Fortuitous Finder 100
  • That One Hero 500


Playful Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:49 pm

Lucent Rym
Lucent Rym
Lucent Rym

**while wiping the slobber off of me** just right now watch out for the toad....

-grins never looking at her or the toad- I'm not worried about the toad, my eyes are on someone else.

still watch out for him....he likes to lick people....**wipes more slobber off my face**

-smirks- He's not going to be doing any licking at this table. Though there could be arrangements made for someone else.

maybe y'all should rent a room somewhere....

-grins- Why? I see no reason why we'd need to.

well with all the smooching going on over there I thought maybe ya would want a little more privacy....
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:45 pm

Xal Vizsla
Jin Awaud

Arris Zern

Exal Kressh

Lucent Rym

Mirdala Naast

Rassa Vizsla


He looks at Jin noticing something about his friends hair. "Correct me if I'm wrong vod, but did you're hair get puffier, bigger than it was?" Starts laughing.

*humphs* Give him a hair cut and a box of dye.

Arris Zern

Arris Zern

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 11:16 pm

Jin Awaud
Arris Zern
Jin Awaud
Mirdala Naast
Jin Awaud

~muttering agreeing with Mirdala~ Nayc osi'kyr. ~getting his sore leg under him better he found himself slightly distracted by the banter from his vods and shook his head but keeping alert to things around him. Seeing Mirdala going once again for his legs he dodged, but not soon enough. Landing on his back he moved to give Mirdala a fist to the nose, wincing in pain as his already hurting leg's knee bent back popping but not breaking. Clenching his teeth in pain, he took a second punch with his other hand to Mirdala, this time to aiming under his chin~

(No s**t
brothers and sisters)

Arris Zern
*says nothing watching her then gives one nod of her head then grabs Sky with the force and slams her into Jin and Naast then crouches to once again watch and study her unemotionally-

Jin Awaud
~winces getting hit with a force slammed Sky, scooting away from the tangle of her Mirdala and himself he looked at Arris in shock~ She force sensitive! Tah'da! I did not see that one coming! Heard it happens but never see on in action! ~not able to put much pressure on his leg Mirdala attacked he carefully got up watching now both Mirdala and Arris. Seeing Arris busy with Sky he kept his focus mostly on Mirdala, careful this time for anything that might be launched their way~ <******** class="clear">

Mirdala Naast grunted landing on Jin and then smirked hearing his knee pop, and taking a punch from Jin to his nose. Shaking his head seeing white from the punch he blinked several times only to take another punch, this time to the side of his chin.

Before he could recover from Jin's punches, he got hit in the back of the head by Sky. Closing his eyes feeling dizzy he gave a groan saying with a slight slur in his words from being knocked silly, "Sky you's gets daa number ta dat fighteer?" Struggling to get to his feet and focus on Jin, he slurred to Arris, "You'ss tryinn' ta get me kill'd vod?"

Blinking at Jin's shock he laughed a bit, slowly finding his head able to focus on him. Giving his head another shake, still a bit dizzy he remembered what he had been told about those that are force sensitive. Muttering more to himself, "It's just another weapon..." Closing his eyes he decided to put to good use something Jorus had given him. Letting every emotion drain out of him and focusing as best he could he gave a force shove towards Jin hoping it hit him and was strong enough to slam him into the wall and possible keep Jin off his feet. "Surprise! Dat's from da Jedi bui'tsad in my veins!" getting the words out he stumbled and tripped as the room spun, leaving him on his side on the ground holding his head saying in pain, "Bu'nas'a!"

(brother or sister
family lineage (biological - rarely used)

Arris Zern
*never breaking her visual contact with Sky, never moving she says to both her vods* Gar ganar cibyi lkregida tec, pirimmur bic.

You have bacta spray, use it.)

~seeing Mirdala had taken the brunt of Arris throwing Sky at them, he used the time to move his injured leg a little more trying to get steady on it while Mirdala was dealing with his own issues. Watching him slowly get a bit more steady while he tried to do the same with his legs, he raised an eyebrow wondering what Mirdala was doing as the hairs all over him raised. Seeing him move and quickly realizing he had no way to block Mirdala's force attack, he hit the wall hard, knocking the wind out of him.

Shocked at Mirdala being force sensitive as well, he struggled to catch his breath. Opening his blurry eyes he blinked several times as he realized he was on his side. Still gasping for air he heard both Mirdala and Arris but was not able to voice a reply to either. Rolling over to his back he winced and managed a sharp but horse yelp. Managing to sit up and look at his leg, he saw a shard of wood from something sticking out of the side of his leg where there was no armor. Ripping it out he dropped the shard and struggled at his utility belt for his bacta spray. Managing to finally choke out to them both~ Besom!


*never opens her eyes* You'll both heal.

~rolls eyes~ Easy for one to say when they are not the one hurting.

*humphs at Jin* You... will... heal...
Darth Daddicus' Evil Sith Temple

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