Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:08 pm
{Alright, goodnight.}
Ariae's eyes widened slightly upon hearing this, the resistance to the tears she had been holding back losing it's strength entirely. "W-what?" she murmured, the pure shock she felt from this making her lose her guard entirely - if only for the moment.
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:12 pm
"...Please don't go...You're all I have...." Jaquel muttered as he continued to hold his love close before slipping into unconcsiousness, his mind needing time to sort things out from the jumble it had become.
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:32 pm
Ariae stared for many, many moments - still unsure of what to make of it. After all of these years, he could still say something like that? He could still hold her close in such a gentle manner? Why? Was he just trying to manipulate her into being some permanent sex toy? Was he just screwing with her head? Or...did he really mean it? Ariae couldn't help but somehow hope this wasn't a farce of some sort. Of course, part of her was enraged that he'd even consider asking something like that of her after all that's happened. She was conflicted.
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:42 am
Needless to say, Jaquel was out cold for the rest of the night and he did not get the sex he wanted. Poor guy. He slept so peacefully, it was almost hard to believe that this was the perverted demon that gave so many people so much hell for so long.
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:03 pm
Ariae sighed softly, closing her eyes for the moment and just letting herself lay there. Before long, she fell into a light sleep, doubting that the rest of the time she was supposed to spend there would be as easy as she'd hoped it'd be. Before, she planned on simply sleeping with him and stabbing him in the back at first opprotunity. But now, for the first time in a long time, she honestly didn't know anymore whether she should or not.
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:29 pm
((Started doodling the window scene during class. Just need to add a few small details and then I'll upload it. XD )) Jaquel quietly rolled over before finally waking up. "Wh-what...? What happened? Where...?" He put a hand to his head when he saw the familiar demon's claw. "Arg, not again...!" he squeezed his eyes shut hoping this was nothing more than a bad dream. Instead the hundreds upon thousands of years spent as a tyrant slowly came back to him.((EDITS: Look! It's done! biggrin ))
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:48 pm
{Lol! I love it. I'm definately faving the moment I get back on the computer.}
Ariae opened her eyes slightly, a dull look on her face as she watched Jaquel for a moment in hopes of deciphering whether or not he remembered his strange words to her. Not really sure either way she mumbled, "Looks like you're finally awake."
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:51 pm
"Just...Just go...." Jaquel said, burying his face in his hands after sitting up and wrapping his wings around him. "I don't deserve this....I don't deserve any of this..." he said, talking about his luxury and having Ariae by his side once more.
((Back on the b***h-pod?))
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:06 pm
"People seldom get what they deserve." Arise pointed out, sitting herself up and gazing over at Jaquel still with cold and seemingly unfeeling eyes. "I've still got to stay, since you've payed for at least another four hours. Also, when you tell me to, why would I want to?" Her tone of voice held no hints as to whether she was feeling more overjoyed or furious to hear him say such things. {For now, anyway.}
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:12 pm
"I've....I've done horrible things like this...You're better off finding someone who hasn't caused you so much grief...." Jaquel said, remaining hidden behind his leathery wings.
((I must also share with you the most hilarious case of 'leave class early' to ever happen. Originally, we were supposed to watch V for Vendetta in class today, but apparently the previous teacher to show it in class brought back the case but not the disc, so we couldn't do that. But my teacher couldn't find Star Trek as a back up either, so plan B was a bust too. So we were going to watch Matrix Reloaded, but the case only had disc 2 with the special features but not disc 1 with the movie, so plan C didn't work either. With no plan D, my professor just sent us home. xd ))
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:30 pm
{XD Roflmao, that is simply hilarious! Hurrhurr, no moobiez 4 joo! Come back wan yee-ah!}
"I pretty much gave up on finding somebody who hasn't somehow hurt me." Ariae said in a flat tone of voice - clearly getting pissed instead of touched by Jaquel's guilt. "I don't give a rat's a** if you're feeling guilty or even in clear remembrance of what you did. This is your only warning, but I won't be leaving town until you've payed for what you've caused me. " She then reached out to gently place a hand on his shoulder. "But for now, though, I'm not feeling like exacting any retribution upon you. So quit with the damn 'sorries' and save them for one of the many occasions to come in which my knife will be at your throat." It was difficult to decipher whether or not she was happy and hiding it behind gruff words or if she truly had abandoned all sentiment.
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:35 pm
((I just had the random mental image of wife-swapping these two. The results are rather humorous, especially putting Jaquel with Mala. XD))
"But...but Ariae...!" Jaquel finally looked back at her, a look of shock and sorrow at how his wife (or was that ex-wife now?) was acting now. It was clear the years had not been kind to her in his absence. He kind of liked it more when she was a worrying spaz.
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:51 pm
"Must I repeat myself to get it through your thick skull?" she asked irritably, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at Jaquel. "I do not want just a mere apology or some sad sob story after all of these years apart. Just words won't make up for the HELL I've been through in this goddamn world! I'll make you suffer later, so quit putting a damper in my mood already!" {Lol! XD A huge bloodfest might result from that...}
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:57 pm
"Ariae what more do you want? Words are all I have!" Jaquel said desperately. "I'll gladly try and make it up to you, just tell me how! Please!"
(Oh how the mighty have fallen? And I'ma get some food stuffs now, do a brief bit of shopping, and I'll be back later.)
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:25 pm
Ariae sighed, allowing herself to calm a bit so that she could think of proper retribution. After many moments, she thought of something that'd hopefully strike a nerve somehow. "Your entire harem. I want them gone, whether they're just kicked out or killed doesn't matter to me. I also want full ownership of this city as well as a matching set of rings - the finest you can buy, in fact." she said, holding a look that clearly said that she didn't expect him to actually go through with her unreasonable demands.