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Reply "COS" ^Can O Spam^
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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:55 am

3661. Use five words to describe your childhood.
Emotional, Fun-going, Solitary, Adventurous, Enjoyable

3662. Who has seen the wind?
Why do you want to know?

3663. what's the point of MLA format? Why can't students just freely write their gathered info and opinions the way they feel is best for them?
So people can go to the sources themselves and check them out, not just for checking to make sure you referenced the information correctly, but so that people can read more about other folks' statements if they wanted to.

3664. What's your favorite fairy tale?
Sleeping Beauty

3665. How will explain god to your children (or a child)?
I'll worry about that when the time comes.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:59 am

3666. Is this question satanic?

3667. Name a person that you love. Benedict Cumberbatch *laughs* ^.^;

Describe how they look: Tall and slim; a natural ginger but often is seen with dark brown or black hair; dazzling light blue eyes that seem to ensnare your heart; long, slender fingers... *shakes head* I think you get the idea.

Describe how they sound: A deep yet quiet voice that always seems to pull at your heartstrings and contains a hint of mysteriousness in it.

Describe how they smell: I wouldn't know that... but I'm sure he smells nice. smile

Describe how they feel: Again I wouldn't know that.

Describe how they taste: Don't know that, lol.

3668. What will last longer, the moon or the human race?
I'll say the moon.

3669. Whose lives do you value more; those of your country or all of humanity?

3670. If the jehovas witnesses dropped by your house what would you do?
Politely tell them I'm not interested.

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:01 am

3671. Someone you work with or go to school with is giving you a surprise gift. Would you like it better if it were a talking teddybear or a mini tarot deck?
Tarot deck.

3672. Where does the sky begin? Just above the ground?
There is no beginning to the sky.

3673. What's the most romantic thing to do?
Just spending time with your loved one.

3674. What's your most twisted, perverted or odd fantasy?
Spoilers! wink

3675. What's wrong with lieing?
People's feelings can get hurt by what results from the lie or finding out the truth. Sometimes bad things occur when someone lies.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:07 am

3676. If you could have lunch with any _______ who would it be?: rock star? actor/actress? political leader? historical figure? dead person? person from your past? person in the world? writer? artist? fictional character? Disney character?

What's a samuri?

Actor/Actress - Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Benedict Cumberbatch or the Tardis Team (Matt, Karen, Arthur and Alex)
Political Leader - Queen Elizabeth or Prince William and Kate
Historical Figure - Princess Diana
Dead Person - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Writer - J.K. Rowling or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Fictional Character - Sherlock Holmes (especially BBC Sherlock version) or The Doctor (10 or 11)
Disney Character - Aurora a.k.a. Briar Rose a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty

3677. Dedicate a song to someone right now.
"Hey There Delilah" for my friends Amber and Chris

3678. It's christmas eve at ten o'clock at night and YOU HAVE NO SHOPPING DONE! The only thing that's open is the grocery store and the drug store. Do you do all your christmas shopping in the grocery and drug store?
Well, technically my family opens our Christmas presents on the evening of Christmas Eve. I would just tell my parents that I didn't get around to get them any gifts. The best gift I can give is being with them.

3679. If superman is so powerful how does he get with Louis Lane? Wouldn't he kill her?
He controls his strength. They covered that aspect in Smallville. xd

3680. What do you think of: Jane Fonda? Alan Alda?
Not sure who Jane is. I like watching Alan.

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:09 am

3681. Remember Mary Popins? Feed the birds tuppence a bag. What is 'tuppance'?
Yes. The price for the bag of bird feed.

3682. What was the saddest most tear jerking heart wrenching moment of the movie Titanic?
When Rose and Jack are in the cold water trying to hold on as they wait for a boat to find them, and Jack ends up dieing from the freezing temperatures.

3683. Would you like a nice hot bath?
Not right now.

3684. Why is jesus always pictured as white when he came from the middle east and was probably middle eastern?
I have no idea.

3685. Which is worse: Sand in your underwear or Sand in your mouth?
In your underwear...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:10 am

Good morning Moonie! *hugs* ^_^ How you doing?

Princess Zelda21

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:13 am

3686. Has President Bush made his case for war with Iraq?
I'm sure he did... but probably a few small amount actually liked what he said.

3687. Should Senator Lott resign (or have resigned) his leadership post?

3688. If you could pick time's person of the year who would you pick?
Right now I would go with Prince William and Kate. Might as well considering they've already had their faces on almost all of the other magazines that exist.

3689. Name all the people you know who you are attracted to and what is attractive about them?
Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Smith... and there are a few others but they have been demoted to lower on the list, or I've moved on from my celebrity crush on them. As for what's attractive about them... well... that's hard to fully put into words.

3690. What does RSVP actually mean?
It's an abbreviation of the French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît," meaning “reply please” or "please respond".
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:15 am

Fiora Rozu
Good morning Moonie! *hugs* ^_^ How you doing?

Good morning Zelda. I'm doing quite well. Just continuing answering questions from the questionnaire I've been working on for sometime, while I pass the time away until it's lunchtime and then time for me to head off to school.

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:16 am

3691. Is rhyming fun?

3692. Are your dreams violent?

3693. What 3 questions would you love to ask either your mom or your dad?
I can't think of any right now.

3694. What are the hardest words to say?
"I Love You" - especially to someone you have a crush on

3695. Should I smile because we're friends or cry because that's all we'll ever be?
Smile. Better to be friends than strangers or enemies.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:18 am

3696. What do you think of the slogan 'you laugh because i'm different. I laugh becuse you are all the same'
Haha... that's one of the phrases I wrote down on one of my dividers I have back when I was in 5th grade, because a girl in my class had it on one of her key chains. I have a whole bunch of those silly little phrases. Anyway... I personally connect with it, to an extent.

3697. How do you stop dry elbows?
Put lotion on them.

3698. Why don't people MAKE gifts more often?
Because people aren't willing to use their creativity to make something. Or don't have the time to do such things.

3699. Tell it to the world! Read my lips:
I definitely a mad [wo]man with a box! xd

3700. Do you like those plastic couch coverings?
We don't use them. We have no need for it.

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:21 am

3701. If you HAD to do your holiday shopping for EVERYONE in only ONE store what store would you pick?
Wal-Mart, I guess

3702. What's more annoying: the person in front of you driving ten miles under the speed limit on a regular day OR a person who cuts you off doing 10 miles over the speed limit on a stormy day?
Person driving slow, especially when there's no reason for it

3703. Define the word TIME without using the word time in the definition.
"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, spacey wacey... stuff." xd Sorry... I had to use the Doctor's quote.

3704. What old cartoons do you remember watching?
Pokemon and Card Captor Sakura are practically the only "cartoons" - though technically they're anime - I watched. But they aren't exactly "old," at least in comparison to what you are probably expecting.

3705. Do you think that people care only about the people they know personally or do most people care about all people? Why do you think people feel that wway?
Depends on the person.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:23 am

3706. Are you more like Brak Zorak or Space ghost and why?
Who or who?

3707. Would you rather see the movie first and then read the book or read the book and then see the movie?
Personally I like reading the book before seeing the movie. But there are times where I've seen the movie before reading the book (i.e. LOTR series).

3708. Do you own any audio books? What?

3709. Why are things the way they are?
Because they just are.

3710. Do you believe that guns don't kill people and that people kill people? Why?
Usually it's peoples faults that have caused guns to go off resulting in the death of someone.

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:25 am

3711. What is the best way you can think of to prevent murder?
Don't kill people.

3712. Why is it that in the USA thousands of people are murdered with a gun each year while in Canada only a handful of people are murdered with a gun each year? Sure sounds like the USA is doing something wrong, but what?
Intriguing. I'm not sure why that is.

3713. Is there a difference between really being yourself and just being automatic and acting on whims? What?
Yes. Because doing the automatic/acting on whims thing could be easily influenced by peer pressure.

3714. Have you ever strolled through a graveyard? In the dark?
Yes. Not in the dark... but I've wanted to.

3715. What is the difference between a good poem and a bad one?
When someone actually puts thought into what they've written and actually care about conveying emotion and/or a message through the words - or sometimes through the words that aren't displayed.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:28 am

3716. Who really cares about anything? Do you? Do you let it show, all the time?
A few people. Yeah. Sometimes I do.

3717. Do you live with passion?

3718. Do you talk to squirrels?
I have done that a few times, yeah.

3719. Do you kick up leaves?

3720. Whuch do you need more: sugar, caffiene, alcohol, drugs, sex, sleep?
Lately it would be sleep. Obviously my night owl trend recently is having an effect on me. I'm going to get back to my usual schedule. Especially now that I've decided to stay away from any Tumblr website... at least for a period of time... because as you've seen, I can easily just stay up looking at all of the pictures people have posted on Tumblr. xd

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:29 am

3721. What images do you get from the phrase 'human subway'?
A human holding a subway sandwich. *shrugs*

3722. Joe Strummer died. Are you sad? Do you have a fond memory of him to share?

3723. If you are a guy are circumcised? If you are a girl which do you prefer circumcised or not?
I have no preference.

3724. Does it bother you that in the USA you will be tracked based on what web sites you visit, what online purchases you make and your email will be read by the government?
I have nothing to worry about, so it doesn't really bother me that much. Sure, I don't like the idea of my privacy being invaded, but I can understand the need to do so for security reasons.

3725. Have you ever checked out the online personals?
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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