6fred6 rolled 3 100-sided dice:
18, 99, 28
Total: 145 (3-300)
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:41 am
Attempts to stay on course.
sachara rolled 3 100-sided dice:
6, 62, 79
Total: 147 (3-300)
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:17 pm
Esme Marie Cullen rolled 3 100-sided dice:
53, 28, 20
Total: 101 (3-300)
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:50 pm
Esme enters a course for home. 🚀🌎
AngelMuerto rolled 3 100-sided dice:
99, 57, 29
Total: 185 (3-300)
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 11:23 pm
99 - 57 + 29 = 71
Queentintin rolled 3 100-sided dice:
49, 75, 21
Total: 145 (3-300)
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 5:40 am
Navigating time, lets get this airship off the ground first lol
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 5:42 am
Queentintin Navigating time, lets get this airship off the ground first lol Queentintin rolled 3 100-sided dice: 49, 75, 21 49- 75= -26 + 21 =-5 lol not gonna work lol
6fred6 rolled 3 100-sided dice:
7, 51, 50
Total: 108 (3-300)
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 6:50 am
Attempts to stay on course.
Esme Marie Cullen rolled 3 100-sided dice:
57, 88, 63
Total: 208 (3-300)
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 12:32 pm
Esme plots a corrective course.
sachara rolled 3 100-sided dice:
96, 10, 2
Total: 108 (3-300)
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 12:33 pm
AngelMuerto rolled 3 100-sided dice:
8, 90, 92
Total: 190 (3-300)
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 8:00 pm
8 - 90 + 92 = 10
6fred6 rolled 3 100-sided dice:
73, 61, 34
Total: 168 (3-300)
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:11 am
Attempts to stay on course.
Queentintin rolled 3 100-sided dice:
78, 69, 64
Total: 211 (3-300)
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:20 am
lets see if I get to NAVIGATE lol
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:21 am
Queentintin lets see if I get to NAVIGATE lol Queentintin rolled 3 100-sided dice: 78, 69, 64 78-69 = big 9~ starboard side listed! then 9+ 64= 73 way off! oh my! we crash!
Queentintin generated a random number between
1 and 20 ...
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:40 am
when I'm home, everything seems to be right , its been a hard days night lol
oops sorry, my bad! nvm this post redface
sachara rolled 3 100-sided dice:
26, 8, 97
Total: 131 (3-300)
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:31 pm