Hmmm...good question. I really like a lot of them. Right now the one that popped in my head is of the "toys of yester years" With that hero girl that's on super mad pms and goes all crazy and stuff.
Oh my gosh! I'll have to think and try to remember how it goes!
eek EDIT I found the lyrics!
~Pepe Le Peep March~
Marching through the flame.
PEEPS...they look cute but they can maime you....
lalalalala peep brigade to the rescue!
They'll burn you just the same.
~Teh Peep Song~
The peeps go marching one by one. Hurah! Hurah!
The peeps go marching one by one. Hurah! Hurah!
The evil minons burn away.
4H is no longer safe today, as the peeps go marching down.
Wow, I'm so lost because this is so random XD!
Haha, I say peeps instead of people all the time Lenelee ^^
I wanna get chocolate candy hearts for Valentine's Day and be like "Omnomnom, I'm eating someone's soul."
Please don't eat my soul. K?
xd :