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Reply "COS" ^Can O Spam^
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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:28 pm

1702. How would you react if a stranger pinched your bottom?

I would probably be creeped/freaked out by it, and question them on why they did it.

1703. When was the last time you went on a date?

The last time I've gone to a date that both parties considered it a "date" would have been... Sophomore year of high school probably. Though I've been on outings where I've personally considered a "date," but the other party probably didn't interpret it as such - which would've been in 2008.

1704. Have you ever ridden a horse?

Yes, twice. The first time I rode bareback. Second time on a saddle. I wish I had more opportunities to do horseback riding. I enjoy doing it.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:30 pm

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I was waiting for the 30-minute "intermission" to pass, but it looks like Dad has decided that he wants to go grocery shopping now. So, I'll have to finish watching the episode I'm on later. Therefore, this will be for future reference ---> 7:15

So talk to you later.
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Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:20 pm

1706. What is almost over?

Amount of time for me to watch Doctor Who episodes today. And this time around I won't be able to stay up late, since I have to get up early tomorrow for school.

1707. What should you be doing that you are putting off?

My Mom would probably say apply for the other job positions I found. But honestly, I don't feel like applying for them right now. Some of them are too complicated having to log onto websites and all that. *sighs*

1708. How much would you have to change physically before you would no longer be yourself anymore?

I'm constantly changing as time passes. I may have the memories and similar personality traits as my past self, but I'm never the same. As time passes, I grow older. It's a natural process.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:23 pm

1709. How much would you have to change mentally before you would no longer be yourself anymore?

See my response for the last question.

1710. Would you rather be famous or notorious?

Famous, I suppose.

1711. Would you rather have a necklace that's dripping with diamonds or a blueberry farm?

A blueberry farm. Not only would I be able to grow my own food, but I could also make money. A diamond necklace can only satisfy you for a limited time.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:24 pm

1712. Could you take first place in a beauty contest?

Depends on who I'm running against.

1713. Who is the biggest hypocrite you know and why?

Hmm... not sure.

1714. Would you consider yourself to be more opinionated or bitchy?

Of the two choices, I'm definitely more of an opinionated person than a b***h. Not that I voice my opinion that often.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:25 pm

1715. How long is it until your next day off?

A couple days, lol. I only have classes Tuesdays and Thursdays at this time... for the first session of Summer anyway. It'll change in the second session.

1716. What sound is annoying you right now?


1717. Imagine you're taking a vacation with 4 people. Who are they?

Amber, Lynnsey, Brittany and Chris - my best friends.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:29 pm

1718. The five of you travel by plane. Suddenly your plane crashes down over snowy mountains. The pilot and the air crew and all the other passengers die. The only way for you to survive is for one of you to get eaten by the others. Who will it be?

Oh please. I'm sure there's plenty of food left on the plane for us to scavenge for a while, and there's probably wildlife we could hunt for. Plus I'm sure with Chris' military experience, he might have ideas of maintaining our best welfare in the conditions we've found ourselves in. There will be no need for cannibalism here.

1719. Anorexia and obesity are two life threatening eating related disorders. Why is it that when it is discovered that someone is an anorexic they are rushed to the hospital, but when someone is obese they are not rushed to the hospital?

Because with obesity there are things one can do to take care of their situation. Exercise, have a better eating habit, so on and so forth. Where as anorexia is more of an issue because it requires more work and psychological help to improve their health.

1720. Who is your favorite smurf?

The Smurfs were part of a different generation than me, so I don't have a favorite.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:35 pm

1721. Why do you do things that you know are bad for you?

I don't usually do things that are bad *for* me... but I may do things that are bad just in general for the sake of thrill and satisfying my desire of adventure. And probably to prove to myself what I'm capable of.

1722. How important is testing to education?

I can understand testing for maybe entering certain schools to make sure you are up to the right level for college level education. And the general tests in classes to make sure you understand the concept... and further the education of the information you are learning. But some of these required state tests and what not seem pointless. Seems a waste of money and time for teachers... stop focusing on surrounding your classroom lessons around the test and focus on the actual subject you are teaching... for goodness sakes!

1723. What food group do you eat the most of (bread and pasta, meats and eggs and fish, fruits and vegetables, milk and cheese, sugar and butter)?

We do fairly well with balancing the amount of items we eat from each food group. But I probably eat quite a bit of sugar and meats (including seafood) more than the normal person. Though I still live a healthy lifestyle with a happy attitude, exercise and a balanced, natural diet.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:41 pm

1724. Who is the most adorable person you know?

I think this picture says it all, hehe...

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1725. If you had to spend a half hour locked in a dark closet with someone from school or work that you don't normally hang out with who would you want it to be?

Why would I be locked in a dark closet in the first place? *laughs* Um... I don't know. I guess my former classmate Scot... I'm sure we would have a good time passing the time. Plus I haven't had much of a good interaction with him. Most of the conversations we've had has been in relation to someone else's comment or very brief.

1726. How often do you masturbate in a week?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:43 pm

1727. In the USA people work a full third of the year for the government, due to taxes. How do you feel about this?

Wow... really? I didn't know that. Other than that, I don't know what to say about it, heh...

1728. Should people be allowed to use cell phones in their cars?

Well, it's against the law to be talking on your cellphone now and you can get fined if you are caught talking on it, especially if you don't have the headset. Personally I don't see why people always have to be on the cellphone. Why can't people wait to talk? But then again this is a viewpoint who barely uses her own cellphone.

1729. Have you ever been in the room while a human baby was born?


Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:13 pm

Another intermission to wait through before I can continue watching the current episode I'm on. So... here we go with answering more questions...


1730. Have you ever been in the room while an animal baby was born?


1731. Did you see the video The Miracle of Life in school?


1732. How do you feel about having a baby?

I would prefer to be married before I start thinking about having children.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:15 pm

1733. Have you ever had a tooth pulled?

Yeah, you could say that. I had a lose baby tooth and didn't realize it until it broke. So I had to go to the dentist to have them pull the remaining part of the tooth out.

1734. Who are you waiting for an email/call/note/visit from?

Pretty much the only thing I'm waiting for is hearing a response back to my applications for various jobs to hear that they want to have an interview with me... or the thing I would really love to hear that they want to hire me.

1735. What are you counting the days until?

Hmm... I guess the day I graduate with my Bachelors in English.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:16 pm

1736. What is the greatest temptation for you?

Hmm... not really sure.

1737. How do you resist it?

Well, seeing as I don't know what my great temptation is, I don't know what my resistance would be.

1738. Who is your knight in shining armor?

Good question. I'm still waiting and searching for him.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:18 pm

1739. If you were walking and someone behind you yelled "HEY YOU!" would you turn around?

Depending how many other people are around me, it would affect whether I turn around or not. I might glance over my shoulder just to see if it's me... and to wait to see whether the person calls out again, if it is indeed for me.

1740. Do loud noises make you tense?

Depends on what the loud noise is.

1741. Has anyone ever told you that your epidermis was showing?


Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:21 pm

1742. Would you rather work or stay home with the baby?

If my husband was able to financially support us on just his job, then I might consider staying at home with the baby... unless I really enjoy my job and don't want to quit it. In this day of age, I probably wouldn't risk quitting my job when it's such a hard thing to find a job in the first place.

1743. Would you rather have people agree with you all the time or tell you the honest truth?

Somewhere in between, I guess.

1744. Will you/have you gone to your high school reunion?

I'm planning on going to the reunion, if my graduating class has one. Technically next year will be our 5 year reunion, so... we'll see if anything happens.
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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