Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:10 pm
I'm Nylliax, Nyll for short, feel free to use it. I've been on Gaia for forever, this isn't my original account, so long that I can remember when kiki and demonbows were brand new items! I'm here because it reminds me of a society I'm in that is BRILLIANT! (Not that it's taken over my life or anything like that) So it is rather nice to meet like minded people who aren't in my imediate area.
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:46 pm
Hey, i'm Ryan :] i'm 16, from CA, US. yeah um, i love random and supernatural and the impossible. hope to meet new friends on here, but i won't be on alot due to school/life. anyways ~ peace
Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:46 pm
Hey my name is Becky. I'm 18 and live in WA. Thanks for adopting me to this awesome guild!! I'm in the mood for some serious rp! XP
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:51 am
Hello, you can call me Shan or UP. I'm 27 and live in the U.S.A. I have been on Gaia for years. I remember one of my first collectible items was the white Kiki kitty.
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:43 am
Hello, my name is Nikita. (or Keet for short) I'm 20 and from the UK. I'm a big MMORPG fan but also love anime and shopping~ I played Gaia long ago and quit and gave away all my stuff but needed something to pass the time while I was staying at my mum's over Christmas and ended up coming back with a new account because my other one had an emo name... Nobody told me you could change it! I cba to go back now that I've started this one sweatdrop Well that's my story anyway, boring huh D:
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:08 pm
Hi, everyone can call me Foxy. I'm 14, but most people have said I act older than that. But I never try being 'all that' so I'm not purposely acting older. I have been on Gaia since... I think for two-three years. I had a different account when I started, but then created this account and switched over. I love chatting, role playing, and watching anime.
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:32 pm
Hello! I'm Zhi Shen, but you can call me Z. I like role playing, reading sci-fi, and playing video games. I can't be on extremely often, but I make an effort to post in threads daily. C ya round! mrgreen
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:12 pm
Hiya. I'm new, my name is Amy, ive been on Gaia for 2 years. Er, I love zOMG! (pm me for sEB? XD) My favorite thread is the GCD. annndd, i own an art shop. I love donating. <3 That's about it. C:
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:55 am
Hello! biggrin My name is Alexandra, Sandra for short, but there I prefer use Syrielle. I'm 16 and I'm live in Hungary. I'm absolutely in love with Gaia biggrin
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:00 pm
Y hallo thar, and top of the evening! mrgreen I'm Infiniti Avian. You can refer to me as the Spazzmatic Avian, or just Avian for short. 3nodding I'm 16, and live in a place that is on the Earth. xd My hobbies are drawing, painting, photography, music, cooking, writing, and just being weird. 4laugh I hope to see you all around the forums! ninja Oh, and before he has a chance to denounce his affiliation with me, I do know Zhi Shen. >w>
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:04 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:35 am
I'm Crystal, and I have an incredible memory. But for some reason I can't remember if I posted here yet. >.> I'm not a munchkin.. Let's see...where I live?: In your closet (Is referring to her nickname, snow monster in your closet) I don't get hyper except if you give me catnip, strange I know. I love being petted, and I don't like being lied to. I like singing, watching anime, reading, designing, chatting, cuddling, and many other things. and also...I LOVE waffles. ^-^ *has a dreamy look* I love belgium waffles, and i mean the edible kind and my laptop
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:10 pm
Hi I'm Layla. I've been floating around this site since 2008 but I've never really focused on it. I have posted in this forum before but I haven't been on gaia in over a year so no one probably remembers me.
I am sixteen going on seventeen. I love the color pink, reading, afros, Steven Tyler, and all thing Italian (see: food). I spend chunks of my life on TVTropes and cracked.com. I live in Cleveland I'm it leaving it for NYC. I tend to be a topic killer. Hopefully I won't in this forum.
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:36 pm
So.... are we supposed to give a reason why not, or just introduce ourselves? lol
I'm Tango.... and uh... I like pie. biggrin Any questions just ask.