Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:27 pm
"Maybe a newspaper?" Daniel suggested. "We passed a news stand on the way here." He pointed down the road, back the way they had come, where there was indeed a small kiosk.
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:25 pm
"Nice to know you as well, Mister...?" Kitty said, ending her sentence with a question. She had told him her name, but what was his? All she knew about him so far was that he was a dentist and he seemed to think it was 2008 for some reason. Thus, he was also strange. She turned to the others at about the same time that he did, looking at them with curiosity.
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:11 pm
"Oh, I'm Jeremy Yin. I'm sorry. For some reason I thought I already told you my name" he said, a little embarrassed that he'd forget something like that. Perhaps the panic of not knowing where he was...or why he was suddenly 6 years in the future made him not think about something like that.
"I guess that will do. I've never actually seen writing on paper that's not part of the historical archives" Cedric said as they headed back. He grabbed a newspaper and searched for a date. He found it and had to look at it for a while to be sure. "2014?" he asked out loud. "This must be a simulation. Otherwise I've traveled back in time over 500 years. That can't be. We don't have time machines."
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:12 am
"2014?" Daniel was startled. If that was true - then all his family were dead now! Unless, of course, they had somehow turned up here too. "Time machine? Oh yes, I read that wonderful fantasy by Mister Wells. I think something like that must be the explanation. Only - not a machine for one person. More like some kind of heavenly Rapture. I wonder what man or God has thus brought us here, and for what purpose."
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:30 am
Jake inwardly sighed as a couple other people showed up, one of them looking like they could also be from the future. Apparently, Bee was thinking the same thing as she asked if the other girl was from the same time, she wasn't but still came from the distant future. The boy that was with her seamed to be from this year, but he wasn't sure how nice this boy would be. Jake's funds wouldn't be able to support three people, as it was he was pushing the envelope by telling Bee she could stay with him.
"My name's Jake. It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to 2014." He said with a polite smile. He figured he might as well be nice, then a thought hit him. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know how you got here, do you?" he asked, hoping she had an answer.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:53 pm
Jake would probably be happy to know that Kitty had no interest whatsoever in going clothes shopping or going to stay with him; she was far more interested in things like maybe finding another map, but this time including the areas surrounding Lockeheart. They would probably have to go back to the information booth for that, but she wasn't looking forward to seeing that horribly confusing woman again. Kitty, unfortunately, still couldn't understand why it was 2014 and not 2064. She looked at Jake, and returned his polite smile. "Thank you, it is nice to know you as well." She pondered over his question for a few moments, wishing she could conjure up at least some memory of last night. But the last thing she remembered was cleaning up after doing some experiments and getting ready to head back out, and then from there she had woken in the cold wet grass. She shook her head. "No," she replied honestly. It couldn't have been that something in her laboratory went haywire, because nothing in there was strong enough to send her fifty years back in time. That is, unless someone had planted something. But why would someone do something like that?
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:19 pm
[Sorry, my toddler and I both have come down with a cold so that on top of preparations for our trip things have been Blah. I am leaving on the 5th in the early AM and my Hubby bought me a laptop so I will have a way to post, but idk if I will have the time.]
Bee's face fell when she heard that Kitty wasn't from her tip, but at least she was from the future, that was a step closer. "Bee." She repeated as she pointed to herself. Then shook her head at Jake, "I was just watching a movie on the cam," She tapped next to her eye with the little scar before going on, "and guess I fell asleep. When I woke up I was here." She titled her head a bit, letting her bangs fall over her face as she took in the street around her. "The layout of the streets look familiar to me, but I do not recognize the names or buildings. So... maybe that means we are all from this place, but in different times?"
Echo was confused and it read plainly on her face. Digging into her pocket she bit her lip as she searched for something. Taking her hat off, she looked inside and pulled out about $20 in a folded mixture of ones and fives from the lip. "Does my money work here?" She asked, looking around at the food.
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:07 pm
"God? You mean the Earth Spirits?" Cedric replied, "I wonder why they'd do that." In Cedric's time and country, people didn't believe in gods, but rather spirits that were created by Earth itself. It is the state sanctioned religion and the only one allowed. It is even stated that the Earth Spirits were the founders of Ylantium.
"Well, I'm glad someone knows when or where we are. I'm still having a hard time adjusting to the fact that I somehow went 6 years into the future and the last thing I remember was preparing a patient for a procedure" Jeremy said. His labcoat had made his sleeve wet by now.
"I don't see why it wouldn't work. It's just old bills. I know about inflation and stuff, but I don't think that would affect it. Coins are still worth the same" Trace said as they entered the store.
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:00 pm
(Hope you two get better soon, and have fun visiting. :3)
Kitty thought about the idea. She hadn't recognized anything on the map, and wasn't familiar with any of these names, but maybe things had changed over fifty years. A lot. She looked from one person to the other, and suddenly shivered. "Is there not a warm place we may go to talk?" She asked the others. Her clothes were still wet and it was making her cold.
Emma glanced at the bills as they went into the store, which was just as busy as she had expected it to be. "Those still work," she reassured Echo. She briefly made eye contact with her manager, and she said to her two companions, "I have to start my shift. I'm usually in aisle 12... oh, and I get off at one for a break." "Emma," her manager called. "... Um, see you I guess?" Emma smiled a bit shyly, and then went off to open aisle twelve to the customers. She caught the eye of a young man who wore old fashioned clothes and looked out of luck, but it was only for a second before he walked away.
Thomas caught the eye of the young woman with the pink and blue hair as he walked away from the cold vegetable section and back towards the newspapers. He was wandering, unsure of where else to go. Like when he had been walking in the park, people were ignoring him because he probably looked like a beggar to them; some of the clerks were keeping a close eye on him to make sure he didn't try to steal anything. Thomas mostly ignored them as well, confused by their new technology and all the skin they showed even on a cold day like this. The only thing he knew was that he was in Lockeheart, and it was strange because that was where his family was going to go to avoid all of the dust storms. Maybe his family was still back at their old home?
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:11 am
Earth Spirits? Daniel had no idea what that meant. "I guess so." He didn't actually consider himself a Christian believer, rather an agnostic, with an open mind. "Certainly someone or something with powers beyond our knowledge."
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:29 pm
Trace waved goodbye to Emma, then turned to Echo. "Well, I'm going to be looking for a coffee machine. How are you now? Still cold? I know it's usually cool in the grocery store" he said to her.
"Well, whatever is going on, we need to see if we can return to our own times" Cedric said.
"Yes, that would actually be a good idea" Jeremy said, agreeing with what Kitty said. "I'm starting to get a little cold myself."
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:09 am
Daniel mused. "I know you thought these misplaced people are no use. But maybe we should walk around, ask a few questions? Such as the time and place they were at before they found themselves here? Maybe there's a method to this madness."
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:49 pm
Cedric sighed. "I suppose" Cedric said. He spotted a group standing around a newspaper dispenser. "What about them?" he asked.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:25 am
"As good a start as any, I suppose." Daniel answered, and began walking down the street towards the small group of people.
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:08 am
"There's several places w can go to. The big question is whether you wish to eat, drink, or sit and talk." Jake said as he considered where to go. He was personally thinking about going to a café. He was in the mood for some hot coffee.