Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:39 am
Wutup ya'll! ninja
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since early 2008.
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Many of em'.
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Work, family and PS3.
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Not in school and wit loved ones.
+------ What would you like us to call you/name? Truu, if ya call me at all. xp
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:57 am
TruuBluu Wutup ya'll! ninja +------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since early 2008. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Many of em'. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Work, family and PS3. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Not in school and wit loved ones. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Truu, if ya call me at all. xp
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:57 am
TruuBluu Wutup ya'll! ninja +------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since early 2008. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Many of em'. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Work, family and PS3. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Not in school and wit loved ones. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Truu, if ya call me at all. xp
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:05 am
TruuBluu Wutup ya'll! ninja +------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since early 2008. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Many of em'. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Work, family and PS3. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Not in school and wit loved ones. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Truu, if ya call me at all. xp
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:08 am
TruuBluu Wutup ya'll! ninja +------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since early 2008. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Many of em'. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Work, family and PS3. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Not in school and wit loved ones. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Truu, if ya call me at all. xp
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:44 am
How long have you had an aquarium? What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Are you still in school, or are you on your own? What would you like us to call you/name?
Uhm... I've had my aquarium since April, 2012 so as of now... Approximately 7 months. My favorite Aquarium fish would be the outlaw wolf. Sure, the gold cap isn't as good as an Airshark or Stone Coatl but they're cute x3 Hobbies... I draw, paint, create... art, if you may. I'm in college, in an Art school. You may call me Syko, Kris, Sy... or whatever you come up with :3 Oh, I'm 21.
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:49 am
TruuBluu Wutup ya'll! ninja +------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since early 2008. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Many of em'. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Work, family and PS3. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Not in school and wit loved ones. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Truu, if ya call me at all. xp
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:55 am
Good morningeveryone. I'm excited to be a member of this Guild. How is everyone? I shall explain a few things about myself as posted in the introductory post. How long have you had an aquarium? For about a year or so, can't remember off the back without going back to my thread. What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? My favorite has to be the Aquarium Air Shark. I earn so much Gold from them in one grab. Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I like to draw, and listen to music. That's pretty much it other than going on the Internet to meet new people. Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I'm still in school. I am a junior this year, going to be a senior. What would you like us to call you/name? You may call me Tighe, or Sifu. Which ever you may prefer.
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:01 am
+------ I have had an aquarium from the first day they introduced them. +------ My favorite fish would have to be Gwee. +------ No hobbies to speak of outside of Gaia. Is there really an outside? I don't get out of my house much. +------ Graduated from school in 1978, so I guess you could say I'm on my own. However, I do live with my husband. +------ I go by a few names: Shanra, Shan-mama, Sharna (for those who can't spell.) Just don't call me late to dinner.
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:06 am
Morning! and thanks for the invite to this great guild!
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since aquariums came out.. so a while? I am just back from what i think might have been a 2year forceful hiatus and let me tell you... things have/haven't changed!
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? My favorite fish has got to be Giant Stone Coatl.. great grabs and zero lag but I also love higher end mini monsters like Kokeshis and Lawnsharks.
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I wouldn't say hobbies... oh wait.. me and my Netflix are attached at the hip.
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I work a full time job that demands much of my time and am on my own. Well... other than my mini zoo of critters.
+------ What would you like us to call you/name? Everyone calls me Soy regardless of what account I'm on none of which have tanks anymore. I don't rake in the gold like I use to so it would just be a waste of money.
Anything else...*ponders*.. I'm a huge gamer, I'm hooked on anime & manga and I absolutely love Star Wars.
..OH and I'm an avid bumper... it's an honor thing.. wink
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:31 am
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? I think since May of this year, I used to booty grab before that but never really wanted a tank until then.
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? I've only had mini monsters, so the alpha grams!
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I'm practically married to my xbox.
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I'm a freshman in college right now. I'm majoring in Graphic Design & Advertising.
+------ What would you like us to call you/name? Either Mel or Cuppy
Also, thanks for inviting me! heart
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:10 am
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since they came out.
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? The one that give me the most gold.
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I crochet, make jewelry and make glass wind-chimes.
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I graduated and got married in 1971 so yes we live own our own.
+------ What would you like us to call you/name? Sky.
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:59 am
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? (1157 days) I've had it since I've been a gaian.
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Water Meats... of course!
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? crocheting, jewelry making, teaching
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? We have a family of six. I've been married since 1995.
+------ What would you like us to call you/name? People call me Felina or Fel for short.
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:11 pm
ello ello thanx for inviting me +------ How long have you had an aquarium? hmm i'd say about a year or less my memory's on the fritz +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? dolphins and enkis but i love gwees too +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? drawing, manga, anime cat_3nodding +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? heh i'd like to be on my own but ya i'm in school +------ What would you like us to call you/name? call me luna cat_cool
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:15 pm
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? Probably since September 2012 when i put good fish in it.
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? I love the Gramsters, so fluffy
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I work, and draw, and read a lot biggrin
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I am currently in Nursing school biggrin
+------ What would you like us to call you/name? You can call me MPL, or An variation of my username.