Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:01 pm
- OOC: *drinks water madly with a look of furstration* Can't ******** sleep. I'm scared I'll walk as soon as I get on the damn bus people will laugh at me. Especially since I plan to be a neko to school. UGH! - Alexia went to class with an actual smile on her face. Not a smug grin, an actual smile. Some who were use to seeing her act like she was better than everyone was baffled by this, but the president didn't care. She was going to make herself happy and finally had a friend. That's all that mattered at that point.
Lunch finally came around and Alexia was sitting at a table, eating a tuna samwich that Chaves made for her for lunch. She was multitasking by reading her book in silence.
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:44 pm
Misao tried not to think too much about what just happened, since his head still really hurt, but not too much by the time he went around to lunch and returned the ice pack to the nurses office. By the time he got to the lunch room, it was already crowded and full of people with loud chatter and the clattering of trays full of what the cafeteria like to call 'food'. He went to go buy his lunch. He took his tray, though he probably planned on eating about half of it and looked around for where his friends sat. They waved him over from their table, but noticed that Alexia wasn't really sitting with much of anyone. He heaved a sigh, but he did say that she was going to be her friend, and what did friends do? They stick with each other. His other friends were confused to see him go to the other table, so they picked up their own lunches to move over next to him as well. "How's the book?" he asked as he sat down and only took the apple and handed the rest of his lunch to his friends who nearly jumped onto it. "What're you doing here, Misao?" One of them asked as nudged him and he glanced over to him and just shrugged "Because." "Because....?" Misao didn't say much of anything else because he had already began spacing out as he ate his food and his friends shook the feeling of being uncomfortable off and began chatting like nothing was different.
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:50 pm
Even though the others at the table didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, Alexia felt that way, bringing her book closing to her face since she had just finished her samwich. She looked at Misao long enough to answer, "It's really interesting." Dipping her head lower, she kept reading without another word. - OOC: First day and I join Color Guard. o.o This will be a eventful year. *lays on couch* Nyan, and then there's practice tomorrow. =o= I'm going totally be beat by Friday. xD -
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:52 am
[Oh? You guys started school already? Mines doesn't start until after labor day, so I'm going to Texas to the beach until then. LOL. ^_^ But don't worry, me and my friends are even weirder when it comes to dressing up to school. Plenty of times, one of my friends will wear a renaissance dress to school with neko ears and tail while me and a someone else wore kimonos. AWESOMESAUCE. ]
Misao watched her read and finished his fruit as he tossed it onto one of his friend's trays as they got up to go empty it before he took the book from her and scanned through the page. "Is this the book I recommended to read yesterday?" He handed the book back to her. One of his friends remembered something when he mentioned book, and it was the same one that gave him the other book earlier that morning. "So, how did you like your book?" he asked with a smirk. Misao however, was unimpressed "It was absolutely useless" he said using a rather blunt tone "Nobody could learn to smile using this book." His friend frowned and then laughed "Nah, its just you. Poor you and your lack of emotions” he laughed and slapped him hard on the back as Misao cringed and pulled out the book to look through it again.
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:39 pm
- Well, I'm alone when it comes to cosplaying. Even to cons. *kitty ears droop* And I think I'm going to quit Colo Guard... Blech... I just feel really depressed today... - The girl nodded, "Yes, it is." Then, when something was said about a book about smiling, she shook her head slightly. "You can't learn to smile in my opinion. It's a natural thing. I also think those who smile less have more honesty in how they feel and I respect that. I'm not one of those people though I wish I was. People are too prideful to take their masks off." She had spaced out when she was talking, forgetting who she was talking to. Alexia shook herself to reality. "Sorry for rambling." she said softly, going back to her book.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:09 pm
[Whut?! D: Don't you have like an anime club or something? I always just hang out with them and stuff. Why is that? D: ]
Misao just stared at Alexia explaining about smiling, then looked down at the book then put it back in his bag. "I think that that's just the opposite. People who control their emotions, they'll never be able to know what it's like to express that emotion to the fullest. It must be nice to express how you really feel whenever you want." People stared at the two debating on a strange topic about emotions, but he just looked away, dazing off once more, but still paying attention. Most of his thoughts on what it would be like if he could show emotions.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:26 pm
- OOC: They don't cosplay to school. :/ - She looked up from her book again at Misao. "The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence." the president said simply, "Sometimes you get teased and called weak for showing emotion. It happened to me in elementary school. Though now with stupid high school drama, people are too busy to say something about showing emotions." 'Especially, when I can expose their dirty, little secrets.' Alexia added mentally.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:54 pm
[Lol, we cosplay whenever we feel like it. Because it makes us feel cool. ]
"Having a poker face doesn't make you any stronger" he pointed out. "But I'm sorry to hear that, I hope things are better for you now." Misao began gathering his things as people started to leave for class. "I guess that means it's time to go." He stood up and nodded to Alexia "It was nice talking to you" he said bluntly once more before going to his next class.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:25 pm
- OOC: Same, but I don't often because (1) I'm alone and (2) everyone who hates me wants to ruin my wigs... My friend, Nevaeh, has saved my wigs twice now since I started my current school. My first high school was very accepting of my style... *sighs* Remember the roleplay you were gonna help me with? I made it, but got a new way to post profiles! :3 - Alexia said nothing in response as she gathered her things to go to class. She nodded a farewell to Misao's friends and left. - OCC: Skip to meeting? -
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:45 pm
[Oh, we don't wear the wigs. :/ Damn! They're mean! ;A; I don't know who'd do such a thing. People just stare at our awesomness, but that's just about it. And awesomesauce. =D ]
Again, Misao sat in the meeting room for the student council waiting for people to start filing in and start. Geez, do they have these things every day? What a pain. He didn't have a book, since he finished them, so he rested his head on the table with his headphones plugged into his head as he slept until the meeting began.
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:01 pm
- OOC: I get stares, too, but I always have this bad feeling and look over my shoulder a lot... I'm reconsidering cosplaying this year because of it until I get my Rin or Zatsune wigs... :/ - Alexia waltzed in and quieted everyone down. "Alright, everyone!" she said with a less bitchy tone than yesterday, "Today's meeting shall cover ideas for the pep rally! Depending on what ideas I've come up with that we decide to do, we may not have a meeting tomorrow and only Thursday, the day before the pep rally." The president got a piece of paper from her bag and read her ideas. "'Each of or sports teams carries a banner saying what they play and list the names of the players. Our football MVP from last year-since he was a Junior last year-comes running with something like that Olympic guy does to light that bowl, but we're not setting anything aflame. Then, I got..." She said about six other ideas before she finished the list. "Okay, so which ideas should we go with? If you have an idea, add it in please."
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:33 pm
[CRAP. I might not go to the same school this year ;A; It's a really ghetto school, so I'm afraid to cosplay there. T^T ]
Misao had nearly dozed off again until someone shook him awake for the meeting and he sat up as he took out his headphones. There wasn't that much to discuss, not that he planned on saying anything much this time. He'd already had his say the last time, so he didn't want to ruin it this time. Besides, weren't they good enough?
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:47 pm
- OOC: Sorry for not posting... -
"So then we'll do my first idea." Alexia announced after a bit of discussion, "I'll e-mail the team captains tonight. They make their banners, so we're ajourned until Friday. Remember we get out of sixth and seventh period to get last minute things ready!" The council started leaving and Alexia got ready to leave for home.
- OOC: Not in a coding mood... Sorry... -
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:45 pm
[It's cool. I know how you feel now. My first day back to school and homework already. OTL ]
Misao stretched and casually walked out of the room, hoping she didn't call him back for anything. Let's see, I need to stop by the library, then grocery shopping....I need to get new cleaning supplies.... Misao counted off on his fingers as he listed in his mind what he needed to do as he walked home. Living alone wasn't easy, as he had to take care of the whole house by himself. Most of the time at least. Sometimes his friends would go over to crash at his place, knowing that no one would be around as they brought over smuggled booze and party there like there was no tomorrow. Of course, Misao took no part in it as he sat quietly in his room reading or sleeping, away from all the noise. And again, in the end, Misao would always be the one to clean it up, not that he didn't mind. Though he couldn't help but think that there was something he was forgetting. In fact, he stopped in the middle of the hall trying to think as people walked around him, careful not to run into him to cause another accident.
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:14 pm
- OOC: The sport teams are making the banners, not the council. I actually felt way very terribly worse than that when I posted last. - Alexia tidied up the room and then left finally. "How should I go about avoiding going home for a while..." she muttered. The senior girl didn't really want to face her parents after the day she had. She hummed a foriegn tune, 'Ju belate dayoh', as she thought about anything she could do. "Wow, I hate people thinking I'm a snob and not wanting to be my friend. Makes avoiding home difficult." she sighed.
- OOC: God, my chorus teacher got 'Ju belate dayoh' stuck in my head, lol. -