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Darth Daddicus' Evil Sith Temple!

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Energy Battery

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:26 pm


Great tanks! So nice to meet all your personalities. I think quite a few in the Temple are multi-personality. mrgreen

A word of warning.... Don't eat the meat in the Cafeteria. lol

Well thanks! I do have a few more, but they don't have tanks. rofl Mules are the way to go for sure!

Ooh, which way to the caf? biggrin

Uh, maybe you should read the Comics first before you go to the Cafeteria. razz
There's a reason it's called emotion_puke "mystery meat". rofl
PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:06 pm

Hey everyone! I'm Static, you can call me Static or Stat or StaticLost or some variation thereof whee

I haven't always been super into aquarium stuff, I was more of a zOMG player, but since zOMG is basically dead ( crying ) I have channeled my boredom into booty grabbing!

IRL I'm 23, female (she/her/hers), and I'm a college student who is graduating this December!

I'm pretty introverted, I prefer lurking over engaging in conversation, but I'm friendly!

Thanks so much for inviting me to the guild! heart


Anxious Spirit

internet grandpa


PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:50 pm

            drace. they them. cst.

            I like to chitchat and whatnot, but really. I just enjoy this scene. it's been a fair minute since I've bothered to keep a tank and planned on staying the committed time to actually upkeeping it. lol.

            but here I and! ready to go.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:14 am

occult dad
            drace. they them. cst.

            I like to chitchat and whatnot, but really. I just enjoy this scene. it's been a fair minute since I've bothered to keep a tank and planned on staying the committed time to actually upkeeping it. lol.

            but here I and! ready to go.

Hey! Thanks for putting that lazy Jedi Jailee Kel Son to work! Some of those tanks you reported were just on hiatus, though, so she didn't move those yet. At least, that's what she said. She's probably just trying to get out of doing her job. Freaking Jedi are so lazy!

Darth Daddicus
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Darth Spectrous


PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:53 pm

Darth Daddicus
Hey! Thanks for putting that lazy Jedi Jailee Kel Son to work! Some of those tanks you reported were just on hiatus, though, so she didn't move those yet. At least, that's what she said. She's probably just trying to get out of doing her job. Freaking Jedi are so lazy!

*huffs* You're one to talk about lazy! You won't even keep the temple you squatted in half way decent for your members! And you want to be worshiped? You call yourself a Sith much less a Darth! Try getting putting a little work into it! Are you a Darth or are you a lazy wimpy Jedi! *glares* And while I'm on a roll, where are my legs!?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 6:27 pm

Hey everyone! I'm Static, you can call me Static or Stat or StaticLost or some variation thereof whee

I haven't always been super into aquarium stuff, I was more of a zOMG player, but since zOMG is basically dead ( crying ) I have channeled my boredom into booty grabbing!

IRL I'm 23, female (she/her/hers), and I'm a college student who is graduating this December!

I'm pretty introverted, I prefer lurking over engaging in conversation, but I'm friendly!

Thanks so much for inviting me to the guild! heart

Hi hi Static. smile I see the Boss has lost his manners again. You have to forgive him. He would rather grumble than be humble. razz

rolleyes Then there's Granny. Awwww mother in-law love at it's best. blaugh

Hope you enjoy your stay at the Roach Motel Temple. Did you bring plenty of blankets? It gets pretty drafty in this ole shack place. A little tip since you said you're friendly.... now would be a good time to turn Vegan. 3nodding xd


Energy Battery

Darth Spectrous


PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:38 pm

Hey everyone! I'm Static, you can call me Static or Stat or StaticLost or some variation thereof whee

I haven't always been super into aquarium stuff, I was more of a zOMG player, but since zOMG is basically dead ( crying ) I have channeled my boredom into booty grabbing!

IRL I'm 23, female (she/her/hers), and I'm a college student who is graduating this December!

I'm pretty introverted, I prefer lurking over engaging in conversation, but I'm friendly!

Thanks so much for inviting me to the guild! heart

Hi hi Static. smile I see the Boss has lost his manners again. You have to forgive him. He would rather grumble than be humble. razz

rolleyes Then there's Granny. Awwww mother in-law love at it's best. blaugh

Hope you enjoy your stay at the Roach Motel Temple. Did you bring plenty of blankets? It gets pretty drafty in this ole shack place. A little tip since you said you're friendly.... now would be a good time to turn Vegan. 3nodding xd

*glares* Don't sugar coat the facts child. It's got more roaches than a landfill! *scowls* Why you'd call him boss is beyond my understanding. I'd expect more from a Jedi child! Suppose they don't raise you little children right! *grumbles*
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:46 pm

Darth Daddicus

No worries! I just went through the list because I figured it would make your life a little easier to maintain it.

I didn't do some deep investigating on whether or not the owner was on haitus; I didn't think about it. I apologize on that. Naw, she's not lazy. she's just busy doing things we non-jedi can't comprehend.

internet grandpa



Energy Battery

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:59 pm

Darth Spectrous

*glares* Don't sugar coat the facts child. It's got more roaches than a landfill! *scowls* Why you'd call him boss is beyond my understanding. I'd expect more from a Jedi child! Suppose they don't raise you little children right! *grumbles*

cry B-b- but Granny Specs....*plays with fingers*... Iz gotz to be nice to the Boss. If Iz not, sweatdrop he maybe send me to the Huttz. I don't want to go. crying No smelly, stinky ole Huttz.

mrgreen Iz be a good little Jedi. Iz call em all Boss, even you... if you wantz Granny. razz
PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:57 pm

Darth Spectrous

*glares* Don't sugar coat the facts child. It's got more roaches than a landfill! *scowls* Why you'd call him boss is beyond my understanding. I'd expect more from a Jedi child! Suppose they don't raise you little children right! *grumbles*

cry B-b- but Granny Specs....*plays with fingers*... Iz gotz to be nice to the Boss. If Iz not, sweatdrop he maybe send me to the Huttz. I don't want to go. crying No smelly, stinky ole Huttz.

mrgreen Iz be a good little Jedi. Iz call em all Boss, even you... if you wantz Granny. razz

*huffs shooing the girls hands* Enough, don't you worry about that you little hellion, he won't send you to the Hutts, I won't let him. You just have learned some bad habits and need to be educated properly. *smiles sweetly* Now you just call me Granny. Just remember if he wants to be a boss he can do it himself. Go run along and play, you've got your sabers you can use, go see what you can destroy with them.

Darth Spectrous



Tipsy Counselor

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:55 am

Hello and thank you for the invite to your guild :]

I typically go by Wenzer online but you could also call me Katie if you prefer. I don't have a preference either way. I also do not have a preference on pronouns but I am female IRL, so it may be simpler to go by she/her but don't worry if you say something else, you won't upset me User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I'm 23, autistic, massively passionate about birds/parrots and have some of my own.
I love gaming but I usually go through "game phases" where I'll be super into a specific game for a while then get really burnt out on it and have to take a break User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. then I "phase out" and find a new game to "phase" into.
My favorite genre of TV shows are fictional crime (Criminal Minds, all versions of Law & Order but especially SVU, NCIS:LA, Chicago PD...etc), sometimes nonfictional crime if I'm in the mood for it, comedy, horror and/or suspense. I'm not fond of real-life drama shows unless they're more funny than drama lol (I like Chrisley Knows Best, for example).

I also LOVE to read but haven't actually picked up a hardback book for a while User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. I need to renew my library card... I read online/using apps most of the time.
Some of my favorite series are the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter and the Gone series by Michael Grant. I enjoy Harry Potter but have not really read much of the books, nor do I know much about the series after Prisoner of Azkaban... but I enjoy hearing about the series through other people and letting them express their love of HP!

I'll go ahead and leave it there; this is probably a good enough introduction User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Looking forward to grabbing booty with ya'll. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 4:08 pm

Hello. Thank you for accepting me into the guild. 3nodding

I’m DeadCollective, but Dead works just well. I’m in my late 20’s and prefer neutral pronouns.

A few years after the aquarium feature my Gaia activity varied on the lower ends. I’ve been more active since last year and learned a few months back that despite the finicky functionality of the site that Aquariums still exist. heart

I’m admittedly a fairly reserved person, but this shared interest will probably shadow that. May Aquariums thrive well on after the collapse of Flash~.



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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:36 pm

Hi all! This might get long because, I guess I'm in the mood for typing.

I used to go by "Rage" (ikari = rage), but you could call me anything really. I'm 26 irl, but in many ways I feel old and out of touch and yet too young to be able to be a real adult. But alas, last year I moved from South Africa to Germany alone and yes, I have a job. I prefer gender neutral pronouns.

I find it difficult to talk to people in General, I either have nothing to say or too much to say. *shrugs* So I tend to lurk a mostly. I have insomnia and flexible working hours so you may see me online at seemingly odd hours because I can't sleep. crying

This is the first time I think I've really made an effort to have an aquarium. I was here when aquariums and later Booty Grab were released and I used to just use free or cheap fish in it just for the drops mostly and sometimes play Booty Grab. It used to be prohibitively expensive to properly keep an aquarium at the time as young teen without access to Gaia cash, so I didn't bother. Favourite aquarium item would have to be Lila the mermaid because of her tap animation, but I also really like the Kokeshi dolls and various kitties.

I haven't been active on Gaia probably since 2009, and eventually I just stopped logging in at some point, but I'm not sure when that was. I decided to log in randomly over the weekend because I was ill and bored but I couldn't get into this account because emails weren't being sent, thankfully I finally got in 2 or 3 days ago after scouring my brain for possible passwords I could have used. I was pretty active on another smaller avatar site named Ernya which was shut down unexpectedly in 2016 I think. (My sense of time is pretty bad tbh). It didn't have much of anything besides forums, but the community was nice. I don't think I've bothered with avatar sites since.

Right, I think I'm done for now. mrgreen
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:21 pm

Greetings! I'm Auriga! I float around quite a bit here on Gaia. I've tried many different aspects of its games/communities. Thank you for the invitation!

Although I've had an aquarium for quite a long time, I don't actually manage it often. I just tap booty rather than get tapped, if you know what I mean. I used to be really really big on booty grab, but not so much these days. I'd like to get back into it a bit. On a side note, I do enjoy fishing too! Sometimes you'll see me in Bassken.

Ohhh I've always loved the Knight Fish. But that'd be pretty obvious for those who know me xD I also like the hermit cats because they're adorb

Aside from reading/video games, I quite like sports. I enjoy paintballing or playing tennis when I can.

I'm always down for a random chat, so don't be afraid to throw a random PM or comment my way.

Auriga La Shock

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Strawberry Feline

Business Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:46 am

+------ How long have you had an aquarium?
= Only this June 1st, I just got back from a 5 year hiatus and now using this account which I made after asking Gaia to totally delete my main old account.
+------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item?
= since then I've been into dolphins only because I love dolphins in real life. I might try Momo the Monkey later on since it has longer life. no faves for now.
+------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share?
= I like reading and watching, I'm spending like 24/7 in front of my PC at home due to my work for the past 6 or 7 years. But I took a break last year, now trying to find new hobbies and practicing to be AFK, I might start home exercise and zumba. I planned to spend a lot of time outside this 2020 but corona thing happened, now I don't wanna go out. I want to keep myself isolated just like what I've been doing for the past years.
+------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own?
= On my own? Actually a 26-year-old adult with the parents & grandparents. You know here in Asia, we like living together and will only move out when we get married.
+------ What would you like us to call you/name?
= Just call me Feline, the Jedi Kitty. ninja
Darth Daddicus' Evil Sith Temple

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