Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:03 pm
^Is Talking About Stuff I Dont Know About...... (Arrow Pointing 2 Me, Sorry I Cant Get It) Is Bored Out Of Her Head And Loves Her Outfit! heart v Do U Like My Outfit, Do U Like Urs
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:43 pm
^ yes i like ur outfit > yeah...tho rite now imma centaur V r u a centaur?????????
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:34 pm
^ No. < My friend and I were trying to find out whether or not one of his friends had died or not. He ended up finding out that the death wasn't of his friend. After the "mystery" was solved, he asked which one of us was Sherlock. We ended up deciding that he was Sherlock, and I was Dr. Watson. v Who are you most like: Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson? ((Go with the 2009 movie versions))
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:19 am
^ I asked a few people and they said Sherlock. < Is really loving this game! V Do you love this game as much as I do?
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:48 am
^ Sure. < Is going to watch Iron Man today. It's been forever since I've seen it. v Who is your favorite superhero?
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:34 pm
^ either spiderman or iron man...can't decide > is mad cuz she was rated low on he rate ur avi thing V should i do tht anymore???
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:27 pm
^ Should you do what? Participate in the avi arena? Hmm... only if you have an avi that actually has a "Wow" factor to it. If you just do an ordinary avi that didn't take much time or creativity, then yeah, I wouldn't suggest entering it into the arena - because you are bound to get low ratings. < Is listening to the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack v What is your favorite school subject?
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:39 pm
^ probably ELA NOT MATH > obviously hates math V hates math as well
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:11 pm
^ I'm good at it so it doesn't bug me. > doesn't have school tomorrow due to the seniors graduating :3 v still has school/work tomorrow?
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:41 am
^ Nope. Well, not yet... > Loves Dr. Watson and manga. V Do you like staying up?
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:50 am
Only when it's not to do homework. But does have to do homework. Do you have to do homework?
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:08 am
^ Nope. Woohoo! > Is staring at something again... V are you happy now?
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:05 pm
^ yes! Today was my last day of school!! < will have to go to school nxt year... V...do u like Jeopardy?
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:23 am
^ The TV show? Nah, not really. < I got out of school in April.... biggrin Lucky me. It's because I'm home schooled. I'm actually a grade ahead. I did 2nd and 3rd in one year. When school start again, I'll be in 7th grade. In most subjects... My Mom's gonna make me go all over the place. 9th grade in this, 8th grade in this, 7th in this and so on, and so on. V My Birthday is in four days!!! I'll be 11! When's your birthday?
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:00 am
^ June 21. I'll be 21. < Can't believe that her birthday is in a couple of weeks. Woot! v What do you usually do for your birthday?