Queentintin generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 5:28 am
Queentintin The object of this exercise is to maintain stability through your hyperspace journey. You'll start out your journey by picking a random number between 0 and 100. This will give you your starting course. If you get a 50 on your first try, great, you're off to a great start! However, this is still a training exercise and you're going to have to pick another random number between 0 and 100. This second number is how much your ship has listed to the starboard side. Subtract your second number from your first number. Now, for the final number, choose a number between 0 and 100 to bring your starship back to port side. Add this final number to your total. If you end up with a total of 50 at the end of all your computations, you win! Be sure to send me a message so I can give you your reward! 77 stating coarse~
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 5:29 am
Queentintin Queentintin The object of this exercise is to maintain stability through your hyperspace journey. You'll start out your journey by picking a random number between 0 and 100. This will give you your starting course. If you get a 50 on your first try, great, you're off to a great start! However, this is still a training exercise and you're going to have to pick another random number between 0 and 100. This second number is how much your ship has listed to the starboard side. Subtract your second number from your first number. Now, for the final number, choose a number between 0 and 100 to bring your starship back to port side. Add this final number to your total. If you end up with a total of 50 at the end of all your computations, you win! Be sure to send me a message so I can give you your reward! 77 stating coarse~ - 84 =-7 unfortuantely, won't be stablelising any ship recently!
6fred6 generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:45 am
6fred6 generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:46 am
6fred6 generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:47 am
Cannot correct this bad start
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:51 am
Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin The object of this exercise is to maintain stability through your hyperspace journey. You'll start out your journey by picking a random number between 0 and 100. This will give you your starting course. If you get a 50 on your first try, great, you're off to a great start! However, this is still a training exercise and you're going to have to pick another random number between 0 and 100. This second number is how much your ship has listed to the starboard side. Subtract your second number from your first number. Now, for the final number, choose a number between 0 and 100 to bring your starship back to port side. Add this final number to your total. If you end up with a total of 50 at the end of all your computations, you win! Be sure to send me a message so I can give you your reward! 77 stating coarse~ - 84 =-7 unfortuantely, won't be stablelising any ship recently! If your next number is 57, you would straighten your course, and hit 50.
Axton Evajea Vice Captain
Queentintin generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:51 am
Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin The object of this exercise is to maintain stability through your hyperspace journey. You'll start out your journey by picking a random number between 0 and 100. This will give you your starting course. If you get a 50 on your first try, great, you're off to a great start! However, this is still a training exercise and you're going to have to pick another random number between 0 and 100. This second number is how much your ship has listed to the starboard side. Subtract your second number from your first number. Now, for the final number, choose a number between 0 and 100 to bring your starship back to port side. Add this final number to your total. If you end up with a total of 50 at the end of all your computations, you win! Be sure to send me a message so I can give you your reward! 77 stating coarse~ - 84 =-7 unfortuantely, won't be stablelising any ship recently! If your next number is 57, you would straighten your course, and hit 50.yep , ok tries =)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:52 am
Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin The object of this exercise is to maintain stability through your hyperspace journey. You'll start out your journey by picking a random number between 0 and 100. This will give you your starting course. If you get a 50 on your first try, great, you're off to a great start! However, this is still a training exercise and you're going to have to pick another random number between 0 and 100. This second number is how much your ship has listed to the starboard side. Subtract your second number from your first number. Now, for the final number, choose a number between 0 and 100 to bring your starship back to port side. Add this final number to your total. If you end up with a total of 50 at the end of all your computations, you win! Be sure to send me a message so I can give you your reward! 77 stating coarse~ - 84 =-7 unfortuantely, won't be stablelising any ship recently! If your next number is 57, you would straighten your course, and hit 50.yep , ok tries =) lol back to 1 now! lol
Queentintin generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 5:01 am
Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin Queentintin The object of this exercise is to maintain stability through your hyperspace journey. You'll start out your journey by picking a random number between 0 and 100. This will give you your starting course. If you get a 50 on your first try, great, you're off to a great start! However, this is still a training exercise and you're going to have to pick another random number between 0 and 100. This second number is how much your ship has listed to the starboard side. Subtract your second number from your first number. Now, for the final number, choose a number between 0 and 100 to bring your starship back to port side. Add this final number to your total. If you end up with a total of 50 at the end of all your computations, you win! Be sure to send me a message so I can give you your reward! 77 stating coarse~ - 84 =-7 unfortuantely, won't be stablelising any ship recently! If your next number is 57, you would straighten your course, and hit 50.yep , ok tries =) lol back to 1 now! lol for fun sees if she can get going again! lol
ozkur generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 5:30 am
I'm going to get this whee
ozkur generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 5:31 am
ozkur generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 5:32 am
Awww, been too long
Edit: only made it to 12 "hold on"
6fred6 generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 10:21 am
6fred6 generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 10:22 am
Slightly off to the left.
6fred6 generated a random number between
0 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 10:23 am