Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:06 pm
Ꮋ𐌄𐌗 Katriana Violet I'm not a simple Jinx, I'm much worse.Hex fired a bolt of purple energy at the building she'd just run up to push her out of the tiger's path. She grabbed a street light as she was about to pass it and flipped over it so she was crouching on top of it. "Well, well," she smirked. "The kitty cat's back. And he's learned a new trick." I'm a HEX. Watch your back.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:07 pm
Kuzan shifted into his human formed and blocked the phantom with a black ice spear. "You two are still alive...." He said as the black ice began to freeze the phantoms sword. kuzan glared at hex. "I should have killed you when i tried to freeze you all those years ago...." He growled as the air became cold and heavy. "I've learned more then a few tricks...." He said as he raised his hand as it turned to snow and flew at Hex.
(is the sword freezeable?)
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:36 pm
((Yeah, though it likely won't stay that way)) “If you know the enemy and know yourself, Then you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, For every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”The archer fires at Kuzans back, the berserker leaps away as it's sword begins to freeze before swinging the blade at his legs. "Why are you even here?", Morrigan growls as she darts towards Kuzan with her own sword ready to strike. “If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, You will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:44 pm
Ꮋ𐌄𐌗 Katriana Violet I'm not a simple Jinx, I'm much worse.Hex grinned. "You weren't strong enough then, and you ain't strong enough now, ice boy," she said, starting to spin. She spun faster and faster, at the same time summoning up some of her bad luck energy so the snow Kuzan had sent at her got caught up in the whirlwind she created and mixed with the energy. When she stopped spinning, the snow flew back at Kuzan. Combined with the bad luck energy, it would knock him back against the wall and pin him there. I'm a HEX. Watch your back.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:05 pm
Kuzan dodged the sword and blasted the bad snow with his snow. "I'm here for my own business." He said simply as he leapt back form the snow and spun his spear waiting for morrgian to close in.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:11 pm
Ꮋ𐌄𐌗 Katriana Violet I'm not a simple Jinx, I'm much worse.While Kuzan was occupied with facing Morrigan, Hex grabbed the lid of a trash can and tilted it over the fire hydrant she'd opened, redirecting the torrent at Feng. "You look thirsty. How about a drink?" she sneered. I'm a HEX. Watch your back.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:19 pm
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, Then you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, For every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”The archer vanishes, the risk of hitting it's creator too great as she gets closer to Kuzan. She does keep a little bit of distance, however, though the berserker keeps slashing away as she begins to circle around him. “If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, You will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:24 pm
feng was blasted with water and fell to the ground. "Damn it..." He said as he drew his sword and blocked the water with it before rolling to the side. "Water won't stop me!" He said as his red hair began to glow bright red as if relighting
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:28 pm
((You can't block that much water flowing at that much force with a sword, dude.)) Ꮋ𐌄𐌗 Katriana Violet I'm not a simple Jinx, I'm much worse.Hex snickered. "But it sure as hell got you down to my level, hothead," she said. "Let's see how much you can stand up to before you break." She sent a series of quick blasts of purple bad luck energy at him, pausing only half a second between each one. I'm a HEX. Watch your back.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:28 pm
('Cause I got nothing to do~ >.< )
Skye was having a nice bubble bath at home when the lights went out. "Ugh, what now?" she asked out loud in obvious annoyance before clapping her hands twice, making the back up generator start up. Once the power was back up she turned the monitor on the wall on and checked what the cause was. League reports said it was a power outage due to a meta and was curious to find out more, mostly to watch though. She had no intention of leaving her nice hot bath at the moment unless she had to.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:41 pm
Archer Vonna King-Jones Give me a target. No matter how small or how far, I'll hit it...Archer crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not leaving just yet. Look, Will," she said, "we're part of a team now, so if you misjudge something in a battle, it's up to your teammates to get you out of it. That includes making sure you're all right when you get hurt, whether from a mistake of your own or not. How's your arm?" Give me someone to protect. I'll give my life to keep them safe.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:47 pm
The difference between the good guys and the bad guys (Where is oracle currently located at?) "If you want to lecture me get in line I am sure Brink is going to as well" William said as he sat there he was obviously depressed about what had happened. He had a good plan but he just didn't take in a variable being himself as a part of it. He had injured his dad and himself in the process and got nothing out of it other then he was to rash at what he did. "All of you can do something that's makes you a hero all I have are portals. At best I am sidekick material" he said as he shook his head still feeling down about the whole thing and wishing he hadn't joined in the first place.
Is whether they use a human shield or make themselves one.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:56 pm
((Oracle is part of the Watchtower. I think I wrote it in one of my earlier posts that the original Oracle, Barbara Gordon, had been replaced by a computer program of her own creation after she retired.)) Archer Vonna King-Jones Give me a target. No matter how small or how far, I'll hit it...Archer pulled up a chair and straddled it backwards. "I wasn't going to lecture you, Will. I'm just doing what I know's right, okay? And at least you have a power. I'm the only person in this group without a power of any sort. I'm just an archer. And portals are useful. We're all sidekicks at the moment. I hate to admit it, but it's true. Believe me, once your dad gets in some training with you--training where you don't hurt yourself--you'll be hero material. And I wasn't being condescending when I asked about your shoulder. You dislocated it, right? How's it feeling?" Give me someone to protect. I'll give my life to keep them safe.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:06 pm
The difference between the good guys and the bad guys (Good that is gonna make things alot more fun.) As oracle was doing it's thing a single computer within the watch tower's screen changed to green screen with a single white line going across it. After a few moment's several more began to flip the same way as the computer system was being hacked by an untraceable and seemingly nonexistent source. After several minutes of the screen being like this they changed back to what they were before as the main monitor in the Watchtower changed to the same thing. "Remember remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot..." a voice played over the loudspeaker in the watch tower and was played thru each league members communicator before again going silent. After a moment everything went back to normal as if nothing had ever happened.
Exhaling slowly Dead shook his head. "You don't have to worry about the same thing. Your father wasn't someone you just found out about last year and met for the first time when you came to try to join the League" Dead said simply. "There's no way I can live up to him I don't have much in the way of strength and aside from my portal's I am likely only cut out for doing stealth missions on the team" he sighed a bit wishing he could atleast fire a weapon or something. "And it still hurts like hell" he said adding on as he looked back to her.
Is whether they use a human shield or make themselves one.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:29 pm
Archer Vonna King-Jones Give me a target. No matter how small or how far, I'll hit it...Archer shook her head. "You're right. I didn't just find out about my father. I never met my father." She got up from the chair where she'd been sitting and went to a small freezer in the corner of the room. She took out a box and pulled a thin ice pack from it. The pack had a sticky strip on one side so it would stay on human skin without having to be held there. She rolled up Deadzone's sleeve and stuck the ice pack on it. "That ought to keep any swelling down and numb the pain. Look, don't worry about strength and stuff like that. Brink can easily teach you to use any other assets you might have to your advantage, and besides, I'm pretty sure most of the missions they're going to send us on are gonna be stealth missions. Our uniforms even have a stealth mode, see?" she said, tapping the insignia on her belt. All the white and gold on her costume, including her mask, turned to black, and the red turned five shades darker than it had been. Give me someone to protect. I'll give my life to keep them safe.