Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:09 am
hello, i am Bass gurlie heart i was invited by living ink
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:23 am
Well Hi! I have been invated by Living Ink
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:58 am
Umm hello everyone, Im new to this guild so not really sure what happens in here. Or why I was invited ^-^
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:16 am
Hey All!! I'm new! Love adding new friends so add me if you wanna! Hope this guild is awesome! Still looking lol! Peace n Love n Light! mrgreen
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:22 am
My name is Zysx Drajestic. I am 22 and living in Australia. My real name is... [ENTER REAL NAME HERE]
I joined this guild a while back, but... I left. Then I got invited back. So here I am.
I am a leader not a follower. I make a great friend and Get along well with others.
Wow look at that, It looks like a personal add...... Ohwell Thats my Rant.
Hi everyone!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:54 am
HELLO EVERYONE!! I'm Ciatrine and I'm invited by Living Ink to join...I was actually shocked when I saw the invite...and later on overwhelmed. I'm glad to be here.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:21 am
LadyLoriel that's me, I don't remember who invited me, but I'm glad to be here.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:24 am
Hello, I am the Czarina. Although D is just fine as well. I dont remember who invited me. Anyway its a pleasure to be here~!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:42 am
Many thanks for the invite here, and many apologies for my delay in posting my greetings. I'm still going through mod training here on Gaia, so I do tend to get distracted easily by "naughty" threads/posts in the public forum areas (muaaa haa ha)!
I'm not going to post my real name, though you can either call me Tng... or my other nickname Krynne. I'm actually much older than some people think, though I feel at times about half that age (unless I've not had my morning coffee; then I'm twice that age smile ).
I'm a female in RL... though my avatar is male. I have teenaged children who play on Gaia as well (they got me hooked). Oh dear... I think I just revealed roughly how old I am. Hopefully this doesn't scare you off (grin)!
I have a wide variety of interests, such as anime, PC/Online games, music, hobbies and pastimes, even books and movies. For now I'll post that my main distractions from the real world are: AD&D (any version), Neverwinter Nights, The Sims, and, of course, Gaia! Feel free to chat and find out more. smile
Sadly I don't get online too often (real life does take precidence), but when I do I'm usually lurking about the forums, making sure people are behaving themselves. It is my fond hope to eventually earn my green name!!
One other note of interest... I'm legally blind. I use magnifiers and special software to make the screen's texts/images large enough for me to see. Sadly this means a lot of the faster paced games people tend to play are not playable by me... I simply can't focus on things going by that quickly to play properly. So games I enjoy deal with the usual (and, to some people, boring) turn based or slower paced methods.
Anyhoo... thanks again for the invite, and I hope I can join in on some of the RPG areas here. Hmmmm... any of them AD&D related?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:48 am
Hullo there! Living Ink invited me. As for what you guys can call me, I don't care. You could call me Nayoko, Nayoko Matsudaira, or even Matsudaira. Like I said before, I don't care. Just as long as it's not rude.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:05 pm
Hi there, I'm Marcus Sirius, and I was invited here by Living Ink.
About myself, well, I'm a nerdy guy in his early twenties who prefers writing to his actual job razz
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:24 pm
I'm Gabriel, 17, (New here). I was invite here by Living Ink and was enticed by the mention of the scifi/fantasy forums. I love scifi/fantasy books (Like Ender's Game) And i even write a bit of it myself (Though its only out of boredom) So~ Hello.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:40 pm
Living Ink invited me as well, and also enticed me with sci-fi lure.. xD; Probably saw me as a moderator in Aimin' To Misbehave... dunno.
Anyway, yeah. My name's Chaka, I'm graduating from high school in six days, and I plan to major in English in college. I love writing and I love reading and I love... well, I could go on and on if I really wanted to. I tend to ramble a lot. ^^;
So yeah. It's nice to be here!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:17 pm
Hello! Engineer-of-doom invited me!^^
Um, well this Guild looks lovely.
About me: I like to read a lot, draw, I love musical songs (like Broadway), Not many mainstream things, (But I Like Naruto). Actually, almost everything I like isn't mainstream...
I'm empathetic, religious, and optimistic. I also tend to side with the villain of almost everything. My obsession is Genso Suikoden's Yuber... look at my profile. If you want to know more about me, I guess you could PM me.
O~o So... Thanks for the invite!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:47 pm
heart heart Hello everyone! My name is Suna! I'm a new member! Nice to meet you all! heart heart