Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:26 pm
KichiZula I believe you Iron. However, I will state you are mistaken. I read some of what you said toward the beginning. There are not "just demons", they are all evil. I can say this because I've met a few. One of which was good and kind, but very deceptive. She appeared to be good and would've killed me if some of my friend wouldn't have interferred. It's not possible for them to be good. Even the demons by way of spirit of nephillum, for they are corrupt in spirit. There are angels also. The not fallen ones; I've spoken with some of them. And I can also guarantee you that no being is of greater power than God. I can say that because God is the only keeping her from killing me now. She's not allowed to come near me, though she at times would haunt my thoughts still. And I can also say, though random, that bad things happen for good reasons. The faith I had in God when she came, only grew from the closeness to God I found when my mother died when I was ten years old. That thing was evil. She acted and appeared good and even child like at times, but that thing was a monster. Her name was Crystal. hey im half demon here! I take offence to thoses first 3 lines!!
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 9:18 pm
Iron_Felix No. Reality has its own course outside of fate. fate has what it wants, but reality cant always grant that. Thus, we have the eternal 'random' as I call it. There is fate, and the random. Both work to acheive control of reailty, but one cannot exist without the other. Like light and dark. Random would be coincidence, I do not believe in coincidence. Why would fate want something that cannot, in reality, occur? How would they work to control reality if they are not sentient? Most things have to be balanced by opposites to exist.
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:26 pm
I dont believe in coincidence either, but fate has to have something to balance it. I chose the turn of phrase 'random' because of its definition. random. To me, its the opposite of fate.
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:10 pm
Efstathios My beliefs regarding fate are complicated at best, contradictory at worst. What say you to the theory that for every choice, every possibility, an alternate universe is created, where something different happened? Thus, in essence, defeating fate. Fate would have no say at all, because whatever could happen, has happened in some reality. This has been mathematically proven (doesn't make it true). Don't worry, almost ALL of my beliefs contradict one another, but they all make sense. It depends on what you can apply it to, I guess. .............. I'm an enigma, haha... *sigh*
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:12 pm
I don't believe all demons are bad, and I don't believe all angels are good--hell, I don't believe even God himself is as good as people say he is. Or likewise, Satan is not as evil as most think.
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:23 pm
Lucifer is greatly misunderstood. He is not red with a tail, and doesnt carry a pitchfork. Take that hundreds of years of story telling. He looks just as normal as anybody. And above all, he is a business man. He will listen to any offer, as long as its legit. For your soul, he'll grant you anything.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:59 pm
The image of Lucifer as such actually comes from the pagan Stag God, with horns and cloven feet, the pitchfork is because of farmers. Who worshipped, aforementioned Stag God of the harvest.
The rest of what you said, I think people have figured out. Again, Constantine sorta had the business man look. And it's common knowledge he likes buying souls. One of my friends had the nickname Satan and pretended to go about stealing people's souls. Silly child, he was black and would run around screaming "White Power!" lol Yeah, I know weird people. *.*
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:09 pm
Constantine is one of the most accurate movies I have ever seen. Except for the image of hell. Dante got it the most accurate, although he forgot a few circles.
Hahaha, I had a friend do roughly the similar thing, but he was white as a ghost. He wouldnt have to wear a sheet, if you know what I mean. I know strange people aswell.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:25 pm
I rather liked Constantine. Funny, it struck me as accurate, though the Hell didn't make much sense cause it just looked hot and windy and there didn't seem to be anyone getting tortured. Then again, I had no way of knowing, really.
"God is a kid with an antfarm" Is currently my quote on my E-mails. I don't know why but the idea that he's there and just doesn't really give a s**t just struck a chord.
Strange friends, like Pain who went around stealing people's souls and keeping them in jars to be consumed. Well, we joked that she did, as far as I know Squirrel does still have a soul, despite the way he's become. And Wood who had to inform me that he was "up" The entire time he was playing paintball, because he was enjoying it so much.
Gawd, I love my friends. They're so silly.
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:47 pm
Samurai_KitsuneX KichiZula I believe you Iron. However, I will state you are mistaken. I read some of what you said toward the beginning. There are not "just demons", they are all evil. I can say this because I've met a few. One of which was good and kind, but very deceptive. She appeared to be good and would've killed me if some of my friend wouldn't have interferred. It's not possible for them to be good. Even the demons by way of spirit of nephillum, for they are corrupt in spirit. There are angels also. The not fallen ones; I've spoken with some of them. And I can also guarantee you that no being is of greater power than God. I can say that because God is the only keeping her from killing me now. She's not allowed to come near me, though she at times would haunt my thoughts still. And I can also say, though random, that bad things happen for good reasons. The faith I had in God when she came, only grew from the closeness to God I found when my mother died when I was ten years old. That thing was evil. She acted and appeared good and even child like at times, but that thing was a monster. Her name was Crystal. hey im half demon here! I take offence to thoses first 3 lines!! Quite honestly, I don't believe you are are half demon. I believe you might be possessed by one, but not literally half. I'm sorry you are offended. All I'm saying is what I went through. I was there. She wanted me dead. To me, that's pretty evil. I'm not the only one either. She wanted severel others dead too.
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:45 am
Iron_Felix Lucifer is greatly misunderstood. He is not red with a tail, and doesnt carry a pitchfork. Take that hundreds of years of story telling. He looks just as normal as anybody. And above all, he is a business man. He will listen to any offer, as long as its legit. For your soul, he'll grant you anything. well, anything in his reach (however big it is) or at least for a very limited time. I know this because it's just the way I'd do deals.
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:34 pm
I love ym friends aswell. They do such crazy things.
Demons are not all evil. Hands down its not true. I deal with demons on a daily basis. Some of them are quite nice actually. You were probably attacked by a new demon, a weak one itchy at the chance to prove itself. Such immaturity is shown only in the weakest of demons.
Lucifer's deals last for an eternity. The thing is, he'll twist your words. If you want immortality, he'll give it to you for your soul. But he;ll make that eternity a living hell.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:34 pm
What is the definition of a demon?
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:43 pm
The definiton of a demon... That depends. Demons to me are collegues. I consider them as I would consider someone of a different race, or skin color. Completely normal. Sure, the difference is there, but it doesnt matter. People give demons such a bad rap, but in reality, few experienced demons want to come to earth. They have it good in hell... As for a definition, I suggest a dictionary.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:36 pm
Main Entry: de·mon Listen to the pronunciation of demon Variant(s): or dae·mon Listen to the pronunciation of daemon ˈdē-mən Function: noun Etymology: Middle English demon, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin daemon evil spirit, from Latin, divinity, spirit, from Greek daimōn, probably from daiesthai to distribute — more at tide Date: 13th century
1 a: an evil spirit b: a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin
They are defined as evil. You said they weren't so I asked for an alternate definition. -shrug-