Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:02 am
NOCTVRNVS Well you know, just more misanthropic nonsense in my opinion. The same could be said of ANY species really, not humans alone. I mean if gorillas had the intelligence and capability to, say, genetically engineer new food products, would they do so cautiously and with regard for possible negatives occurring in their own or in other species? Hell no, they wouldn't, because as we can typically see from animals they aren't too concerned about other species. When it comes to things animals CAN do, they do them for personal gain, they are not carefully-considered decisions acted upon in the best interest of animal-kind. Ironically it is our animalistic influences that make some humans stupid while "in herds", if you ask me. You go to the mall, a bunch of goofy kids are waiting around by the front door, what are they doing? Likely scratching themselves in the nether-regions, jumping about and making screechy noises akin to those of a chimp in the wild, all while no doubt attempting to attract a mate. Not pointing any wiggers though. fingers*** sorry I wasn't saying it was only humans. In fact, you're accentuating my point pretty well. I hear a lot of talk about how humans are somehow "better" than the other animals. Everything in my experience says we just have bigger brains. If you want to talk in terms of numbers or diversity or success, it's insects that are the truly "superior" ones.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:09 am
Efstathios NOCTVRNVS Well you know, just more misanthropic nonsense in my opinion. The same could be said of ANY species really, not humans alone. I mean if gorillas had the intelligence and capability to, say, genetically engineer new food products, would they do so cautiously and with regard for possible negatives occurring in their own or in other species? Hell no, they wouldn't, because as we can typically see from animals they aren't too concerned about other species. When it comes to things animals CAN do, they do them for personal gain, they are not carefully-considered decisions acted upon in the best interest of animal-kind. Aren't humans supposedly higher than other organisms? Also Aren't humans supposed to be taking care of the planet and all attendant organisms? Well yes, that's true. However in this thread people are putting humans BELOW animals which is just not right. I'm not arguing that humans are always "human" but I don't agree that we are just another animal.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:33 pm
NOCTVRNVS Don't talk too loud, there's abortionists here who feel it's okay to kill someone to prevent someone else's life from being at risk before it actually is, that includes YOU! Pardon me as I go tremble with laughter fear.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:57 pm
Zan Bakiryu NOCTVRNVS Well you know, just more misanthropic nonsense in my opinion. The same could be said of ANY species really, not humans alone. I mean if gorillas had the intelligence and capability to, say, genetically engineer new food products, would they do so cautiously and with regard for possible negatives occurring in their own or in other species? Hell no, they wouldn't, because as we can typically see from animals they aren't too concerned about other species. When it comes to things animals CAN do, they do them for personal gain, they are not carefully-considered decisions acted upon in the best interest of animal-kind. Ironically it is our animalistic influences that make some humans stupid while "in herds", if you ask me. You go to the mall, a bunch of goofy kids are waiting around by the front door, what are they doing? Likely scratching themselves in the nether-regions, jumping about and making screechy noises akin to those of a chimp in the wild, all while no doubt attempting to attract a mate. Not pointing any wiggers though. fingers*** sorry I wasn't saying it was only humans. In fact, you're accentuating my point pretty well. I hear a lot of talk about how humans are somehow "better" than the other animals. Everything in my experience says we just have bigger brains. If you want to talk in terms of numbers or diversity or success, it's insects that are the truly "superior" ones. Well I don't think numbers or diversity is a definite plus... I see what you're saying, and although my point may have supported your own pretty nicely, that wasn't where I was going. I was trying to say that humans get most of their NEGATIVE attributes from animalistic influences. I don't see a real argument that humans are not a race superior to any animal in just about every aspect (other than resurrection like some species of insect, but then again even with resurrection they still don't live very long so we have them beat in lifespan anyway). I mean there's no known animal that man has not killed, or outsmarted, or outlived. What we lack in physical ability we make up for in mentality. While wiggers may be constantly ruining the civilized establishments of man, there will always be those who uphold humans above all else in their own right.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:10 am
Gimonavid NOCTVRNVS Don't talk too loud, there's abortionists here who feel it's okay to kill someone to prevent someone else's life from being at risk before it actually is, that includes YOU! Pardon me as I go tremble with laughter fear. Well first off, you are indeed pardoned Second, that was so aimed at you missy Third, just for future reference you needn't ask for pardon to tremble in fear (or laughter rather, given your situation); although it is appropriate to offer a polite exoneration in circumstances under which such behaviour may be considered awkward to your company or host (Always looking out for you darling) And finally, the ole strike-out is SO outdated my little pancake, please do excuse my shrewdness but I always thought it was retarded pretentious lame ostentatious gay
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:42 pm
NOCTVRNVS Efstathios NOCTVRNVS Well you know, just more misanthropic nonsense in my opinion. The same could be said of ANY species really, not humans alone. I mean if gorillas had the intelligence and capability to, say, genetically engineer new food products, would they do so cautiously and with regard for possible negatives occurring in their own or in other species? Hell no, they wouldn't, because as we can typically see from animals they aren't too concerned about other species. When it comes to things animals CAN do, they do them for personal gain, they are not carefully-considered decisions acted upon in the best interest of animal-kind. Aren't humans supposedly higher than other organisms? Also Aren't humans supposed to be taking care of the planet and all attendant organisms? Well yes, that's true. However in this thread people are putting humans BELOW animals which is just not right. I'm not arguing that humans are always "human" but I don't agree that we are just another animal. How cleverly you evade my point my dear! I was saying if we put ourselves below other organism obviously we should help them, but if we put ourselves above them we should take care of them. We are either their siblings or their stewards, either way our success is interdependant. Either way we suck very bad at our job.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:53 pm
Efstathios Either way we suck very bad at our job. lmao
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:02 pm
NOCTVRNVS Gimonavid NOCTVRNVS Don't talk too loud, there's abortionists here who feel it's okay to kill someone to prevent someone else's life from being at risk before it actually is, that includes YOU! Pardon me as I go tremble with laughter fear. Well first off, you are indeed pardoned Second, that was so aimed at you missy Third, just for future reference you needn't ask for pardon to tremble in fear (or laughter rather, given your situation); although it is appropriate to offer a polite exoneration in circumstances under which such behaviour may be considered awkward to your company or host (Always looking out for you darling) And finally, the ole strike-out is SO outdated my little pancake, please do excuse my shrewdness but I always thought it was retarded pretentious lame ostentatious gay Don't call me darling. I don't care if you're looking out for me or not, just don't do it. It disturbs me more than you could know.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:04 pm
Ah mooshi mooshi domo domo. New guy here on forum (lol previous posts)
Defining humans? eh? I Know stuff about that stuff..
A human is a miracle animal of nature though they don't think themselves as animals, because their cursed with sapience. Humans are very hostile towards..pretty much everything like: other animals, their enviorment, other humans, and anything else they can grab ahold of. Humans are an animal that cannot unify in peace as they're brains simply do not work that way. As long as humans have the survival skill of "imagination" they will always find new ways, ideas, and reasons to hate each other. Humans through the sheer fact that they have such a drive to live and survive that they would destroy the very world they live on come together and build what they call humanity. Which is in fact just a big meeting of humans. Humans are stubborn in the way they think as the thinking is the power and ultimate weapon the humans only have, so they try and get to change the minds of other humans through shouting at them and calling them names. when in reality the other human is infact no diffrent from the human next to that human and is just as stubborn.
We are all humans. We are beautifull and horrible animals at the same time. Humanity in reality is just the "avatar" of the collective minds of millions of us working together. We have only ourselves to blame for what happens, but damn it whatever does happen well it'll be pretty damn awesome.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:31 pm
I think, whether humans are true evil beings (which i don't believe because i don't believe in the concept of good and evil) or not, it doesn't matter...because we ARE human.
I study sociology or the behaviors of human beings: what causes them to do what they do, what makes them think the way they do, etc. From birth, there are not single line patterns, but rather certain factors and histories that make up a person. In essence, the creation of society would be the cause of these variables, but we created society...There's a hard line to cross in order to simply say humans are evil, but the constructs that we have created to protect ourselves has also created new ways to destroy us.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:02 pm
I also have a very low opinion of humanity, but I still have to disagree with a lot of what you said (although, I tend to disagree with anything that is said too concretely). Humans really aren't all that different from animals. We're not the only creatures that are cruel; lions often trap and bat around young gazelle (when food is otherwise plentiful) before killing them. It is true that we use weapons because we are a very weak species in and of ourselves, but many animals might as well be said to use weapons. They sharpen their horns or eat certain things to make sure that their venom is in working order. The man o' war allows incredibly toxic individually living tentacles to attach to its body in a symbiotic relationship. Some animals actually use tools. We are not even the only creatures that enslave other creatures. Some species of ants actually force the ants of another colony to work for them after they conquer that colony. As for our seeking "unnatural" ways to postpone death, that can be chalked up to the instinct of self-preservation, which every living thing seems to have.
You're right, humans are destroying the planet and being generally moronic in many large-scale, long-term ways. I doubt that we can help it, though. If any animal has an advantage over the things which threaten it, it uses that advantage without hesitation. Hopefully our knowledge will reach the level required to undo the damage it has done over millenia, before that damage reaches the point of no return, after which the earth (or at the very least, humanity) would be doomed. The potential of increasing and applying knowledge is nearly limitless, and once we become advanced enough (and wise enough), we will actually be able to heal the world as well as live comfortable within it.
The only thing that separates us from the rest of the animals of the world is our intelligence. All intelligence does is allow us to do all the things that the rest of the animal kingdom do, but more effectively. Humans are just the animal that happened to become the vessel for the true source of the world's plight: a large degree of intelligence.
I pretty much agree with most of what you said about suicide, though.
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:19 pm
stare Humans are the only creatures on this planet capable of a higher thinking. why would you wanna kill that off? I would agree that the current state of humanity is vulgar at best. But we aren't the only generation to exist or will ever exist on this planet. A few people may realize the problems with society now. But the entire population needs to recognize the problems first before anything can be done about them. That takes time. look how long it took for racism to be deemed unacceptable.
It wouldn't be such a big problem If it wasn't for the greedy corporations and corrupt governments. They don't want to lose their power and money, so whenever someone actually does something to help change the situation, they throw the situation into chaos. If someone recognizes the problem, the question will be what caused it. They don't want to be exposed.
Everyone is just out to gain something for themselves. No one cares about positively contributing to society or care how their actions affect the world around them. This wasn't an issue 2 or 3 generations ago. So why is it now? Simply because it's a way of thinking that's being promoted by popular culture. If you look at the majority of the problems humanity has at this point in history. They are mostly all caused by a promoted social behavior pattern. The family Unit used to be a fundamental need. So children can be molded by people who are looking in their best interests. People often underestimate the importance of this. When I say molded, you have to realize that children have no understanding of the world around them. They have no real opinion or understanding of right and wrong. These are things they don't learn through words, but through observing the actions of the people around them. And watching how people interact with each other. these fundamental understandings they can carry throughout their lives. They often determine what the child believes and how they live their lives. To them it makes perfect sense, regardless of it's seen as wrong by some. If you look at the statistics the majority of children in the western world come from broken homes. it's very difficult to raise your children if both you and your spouse have to get full time jobs just to put food on the table. So in the end society teaches them what you wanted to but didn't get the opportunity. And you won't know what they've been taught, as the majority of it isn't in actual words. That's why they call it the nanny country. All built around the Idea that if you can mold the children, you can shape them to be perfectly compliant little citizens who will accept any moral changes or changes in fundamental social thinking without question. Who would be more than happy to live their lives and let things fall apart around their ears. As long as a piece of the rubble doesn't hit them, why should they care?
The problems go deeper than ":people are simply ignorant"
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:24 pm
*bows* you are my hero for writing this lol. I completely agree.
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:43 am
HeartCrossed_Left2Die *bows* you are my hero for writing this lol. I completely agree. blaugh y ay I'm a hero! now give me gold. lol jk
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:42 am
Well I think humans are Franziska von Karma Foolish fool(s) who foolishly dream(s) of foolish dreams. Humans dreamed of making things easier. Now, making their lives easier made it harder to preserve this fragile Earth to save the later generations. True, the people didn't know the consequences because they were blinded by sloth! Most humans do not know [(and do not care of) of course, based on my observation] the status of their planet. They're a bunch of fools which do not want to die but attempts to kill themselves slowly. Oh, yeah. Please don't use small texts. Specially novel-like posts. It makes it frustrating to read. I didn't even read the first post.