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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:51 am
((Suoh moment there, Leth? XDD )) "No! I don't think so!" Her wings flipped upwards as if she were about to launch for the sky, but she didn't. She countered his nipping by trying to bit on his flapping braids.

As they trotted, Rikka would sometimes go into a canter, bucking as the cool wind nipped at her skin. Once at the top of the cliff, she peered down at the water moving off the falls. It was so fast up here, unlike the calmness of the one swimming in the pool below. Another amazing fact about this wonder.

"This is amazing." She said outloud, watching the orangymist fade to blue, then to purplishblack.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:56 am
((Most certainly. xd ))

He chuckled lightly, watching her peer down. He moved to her side and gave it a rather friendly nuzzle. "Yes, this whole place is amazing. Imagine jumping from this high up? Might go easier for you, of course." Could result in a broken neck, so let's not jump off!

He nudged her to face the sun, it was just dipping behin the horizen, making everything bathed in a light gold color. "I think I'm only able to name one thing more beauitiful than this.." He murmered, watching her from the corner of his eye. Wow, he needed some new lines.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:02 am
"If you had wings, you could jump from that high. And even possible higher!" Just think, this was a thrill? Try jumping off the side of a mountain. The wind in your face as you glided down the rocky slopes, almost touching the spiked ridges. What a rush.

"Really?" Her cyan gaze left the dipping sun to glance at the bay. "And what would that be?" She asked.

He didn't really need new lines. Well, not when talking to Rikka. She'd believe anything he would say. Other mares however...I highly doubt it.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:13 am
So he was certainly lucky to find such a pretty, yet.. slow mare, eh? "That would be you, m'dear!" He said it as though it was obvious, eyes widening. "Come now, you didn't know that?" He gave her a coy grin.

His short tail gave a flick, ears swiveling forward, to listen to her reaction.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:20 am
She could feel a blush rising into her cheeks, but good thing the blue covered it. "m..Me?" She stuttered, her heart beginning to beat faster. "Th--thats..." Aww, Rikka was lost for words! Too bad she didn't know about a stallion's charm, eh? Well, something told me after these next few days she would.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:30 am
He nickered lightly, nodding his head up and down. "It's true, that's what it is." He murmered, grinning more. He gently nuzzled her neck a little. "Hmm.. why don't we go lay somewhere to watch the stars?" He suggested, trying to get his plan to move into action.  


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:37 am
Why was she so gullibe? Believing everything this stallion she had met only a few days ago said. It was just sickening, especially him trying to take advantage of her like this! She melted as he nuzzled her. Was she feeling the same way as he was? Certainly not...well...maybe? Love at first sight in her eyes, but first mare to believe his act and have some fun and his. Perfect couple, no?

"Watch...stars...okay." She said in a dreamy manner, her body seemingly relaxed as they began to move toward the clearing with lush grass, night flowers, fireflies and of course, stars.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:40 am
Which was perfect, for Trep. Terrible for Rikka ;__; though. He whinnied lightly, leading her there and slowly lowering himself to the ground. They would watch the stars for a while, until Trep finally made the move on the lovely little wind soquili.

And then she might not see him for a very long time.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:45 am
--Ending Rp Sequence: Gone to Far? --
Rikka & Intrepid
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:46 pm
Already Taken? -__-
Trep meets Hania's mate! Let the flirting begin!


Trep found himself in the feilds that morning, he was bent over and munching on the grass. He was in a pleasent enough mood, Though a little sour now that he had to avoid many places. Especially the place he'd shown Rikka the other day, no way did he want to fun in to her. That is.. unless he wanted some more fun. But he was sure he could bag some other mare to provide him with a little entertainment.

His ears perked a little, he could hear the other approaching. His head came up and his dark eyes moved about, landing on the fox-colored mare. Well well, what do we have here? He nickered into the quiet day, a grin forming on his face.

She saw the stallion as she entered the field but stopped slowly so she wasn't close to him, her playful attitude could come across in the wrong type of way sometimes and she had Hania now. She munched on the grass she found in front of her, her ears flat on her head and her eyes watching the other curiously, her ears flicking slightly every now and then. She snorted as she nearly bit her tounge, she really should pay more attention to what she is doing!

The funny thing was, Trep had just met Hania the other day. And he took her short stop, and her keeping her distance, as the mare being shy. He smirked and moved forward, still chewing on grass.

He swallowed. "C'mon love, not going to speak to me?" He said, in a very friendly manner, his tail swishing. His nostrils flared, Hanai's scent was easily mixed in with her own. Ah, this was interesting.

She looked up at him and smiled, "Can a lady not eat in peace now then?" She chuckled and swished her tail behind her. She raised her head up so it was just about level with his before looking him over. He was a fine Stallion, that was for sure though he was interesting. She wasn't interested in him though, she had Hania. He might still flirt with others without her knowledge but that was what he was like, as long as it was only flirting.


He grinned, chuckling with her. "Ah, not if i'm about, i'm afraid." He teased, leaning down and taking another mouthful of grass. "And might that pretty face of yours have a name?" He asked, in a coy manner.


She saw something in him she had in Hania, the flirting. She smiled at him and chuckled, "I am Mahiri!" She didn't ask his name, she expected him to say it in some way or another. She flicked her tail again and nickered before tilting her head slightly, this was a strange boy, that was for sure.

Intrepid grinned, "Yes, Mahiri is a very pretty name and matches your face wonderfully." He commented, shifting a bit and glancing slowly to the sky.

"You can call my Intrepid, if it pleases you. Or Handsome, i'm not picky." He teased, winking at her.

She chuckled, she wouldn't give in to flirting back. "Interpid it is then. A mouthful but it will do." She lowered her head o tear up some more grass and munch on it, "I am sorry to disapoint you but I have a mate, Hania, he may be a flirt but.. I can't.." She wasn't too sure on what she ended up saying but she was sure it sounded right. Hania wouldn't cheat on her and she wouldn't on him and that included flirting right?

He snorted. "Suit yourself. And not a mouthful, some are just lazy." He chided lightly, though it was still a joking tone. He raised both brows. Disappointed? Hardly! "You mistake my intentions, pretty Mahiri. It is not my fault I like to tell a mare how beautiful she looks, es-- wait, Hania? Ah an alright stallion, if there ever was one. I met him the other day. He is a very lucky boy, that he is." He chuckled lightly, tail swishing and watching her intently.

She chuckled, "Yes he is rather sweet, annoyingly he is to all girls and is much a flirt, somewhat like you I guess. I am flattered really, you are a fine Stallion yourself." She chuckled and then walked a little over to him and nipped him playfully on the shoulder before trotting away a little and lowering her head to eat some more grass.

Trep laughed "Ah, you are mistaken. He is unlike me, even if we have simular mannerisms. Even the way we go about our mannerisms is probably different." He stated. "For a second thing.. if he is tied to such a pretty mate he should not be flirting at all." But it was okay to flirt with mated mares if you were a free stallion? >_>

"And thank you, I'll admit to it." He smirked, and at the n** he bent down and nipped at her back.

She chuckled and turned to n** at him again, ok she was flirting, she didn't mean to it was just part of her playful nature to do so and well... She was only playing right? This wasn't flirting? No, it was playing, like she did with everyone else, she couldn't worry about not playing, Hania had said he lvoed her because of how she was and this is how she was, right she could play, all settled. She nickered at him and trotted past him once more this time flicking her tail in his face.

To be Continued...


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:47 pm
A Lost Quest: Introduction


The waterfalls, it was a truly magnificent sight! Really it was...but without him there it was just bland. The birds that once amazed her had seemed just boring, no longer fascinating the blue mare. Time had droned on, each passing day bringing the snowbird soquili a little more down, waiting for the one she had thought loved her to return.

Intrepid had left the snowbird alone that one morning after he had shown her this land. She was hoping he'd be back soon; maybe he just went to go gather food for them to share as a morning breakfast meal? But that wasn't it. For days Rikka waited, yearning for the caribou stallion to make his appearance once more. To nuzzle her the way he had that one night!

Oh, it all was bliss in her eyes, but the snow wind didn't know about a stallion's charm. His flirty attitude, his pet names, anything really he did was an a giant red button to anyother mare, except this one. Rikka wasn't the brightest bulb in the box...?

It didn't matter though. She still hoped that one day Trep would return to her! He'd return, and they could be happy once more. But somehow that day was never to come.


As the days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, the belly of Rikka gradually grew. She thought she was just overeating the luscious grass in the sweet fields near the waterfall wonder. She thought nothing of it. Nothing along the fact that she would be carrying foals of /him/.


She soon became to heavy to life off the ground at all. This eventually caused her to cut down on her meals, not realizing that it was horrible for the young kin still cuddle safely in her womb.

That didn't last long. Her meals continued after a few days, this time in more rations. Her stomach grew bigger and bigger, until finally she thought it would burst! That was when the time would come...

Intrepid was gone, and he was probably miles from the beautiful land.

And now...

...now it was time for Rikka to leave.

--- = Where other rps can be thrown into, before Rikka is noticably preggors
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:33 pm
You Did It!
Wambli & Rikka


Afternoon once more found its way across the forest, and Wambli whickered to herself as she trotted down the pathway that lead to the meadow clearing. She had spent the morning with her Talker, entertaining Anpo with her antics as she had tried to help with the fishing the Sioux woman had been doing. Unfortunatly Anpo hadn't understood the instructions Wambli had so clearly given her, and the Sioux had been so surprised by the fish that Wambli had herded her way that she had ended up in the river instead of catching them in the net.

There it is! she said to herself, as she broke into a slow gallop and spread her black and grey wings as she left the confines of the trees. Leaping and bucking as she ran, she reveled in the freedom.

Unseen by Wambli, Wi Ile Anpo watched her from the forest. She knew it was just a matter of time before her young friend found her flight and while she wanted to be able to share in that joy it was also a day she feared. "What will happen," she thought,"when she discovers the sky and realizes that she is no longer bound to those of us on the earth?"

The snow soquili moved quietly through the clearing, still searching for the one she hadn't seen in days now. Intrepid had just upped and left her at the waterfall, which saddened the wind soquili. She thought he was special, and in her heart he still was! Even though he was void to be seen.

The cyan gaze peeked up, hearing the sounds of hoofbeats across the land. She thought it was that one bay stallion, but the slight flutter of wings told her otherwise. Scanning the area, she spotted the black and gold wind mare flying on the ground.


The sun felt good on her wings, and the young mare whinnied her joy as she let the warmth sink into her muscles. As she crested a small rise, she gave a great leap and spread her wings to their fullest, gliding down the incline with her legs tucked up beneath her. This was as close to flying as she had yet achieved and she raced back up the hill to do it again as soon as she touched down.

As she reached the top of the hill again, she saw another soquili, a beautiful blue and white mare she had not met yet. Her neigh of welcome was stilled in her throat though, as she saw that this mare, unliks all the other soquili she had met so far, had wings just like her own.

What was she doing? As the mare stood at the top of the hill, Rikka had managed to find out why she was there. The black wind was gliding! A brief smile crossed her maw as she walked out, whickering out to her.

"Why are you running up the hill...?" Rikka asked outloud. "Why not fly?" The snowbird questioned.

If the sight of the wings had starled Wambli, the mare's calmly asked question had shocked her even further.

"Fly? Like the eagle and the hawk and the dove? You mean you can...I can...fly?" Her words trailed off into silence. It was almost o much for her to comprehend. She had dreamed of this, hoped for this...but had never truely dared to hope that she would really one day be able to one day join the sky in anything more than her dreams.

"Of course fly! I can, and I am sure you can as well," She grinned, opening her wings and fluttering them slightly. "All it takes is a little practice." Rikka nodded, the feathered limbs returning to their regular posistion. Pausing for a moment, as if she were about to speak, she blinked. "...Do you not know how to fly?" The snowbird asked the other wind.

Ducking her head a little in shame, Wambli shook it, her mane falling over her neack and her forelock covering her eyes.
"I've never met another soquili with wings before. I knew I could glide, and I watched my brother birds in flight and longed to join them...but didn't know if my wings would carry me with them." She sighed, her breath flattening the grass at her feet. Lifting her head suddenly she faced the blue and white mare squarely.
"Could you...would you teach me? Please?"

From her hidden viewpost, Anpo watched the meeting in silence. As soon as she saw the other wind soquili appear, she knew that this would be the day that her young charge would find the sky.

Teach...her? Rikka had never taught anyone before (She wasn't to bright to do so..) But if this one wanted to be taught, the snowbird would happily oblige to it. "Teach you? Sure, I mean...I think I can?" She offered, grinnnig towards the young mare.

"It looks like from what I've seen you have mastered the art of gliding." She grinned. "Now what ou can do, is go up on the hill," She started a brisk trot up th ehill, waiting for Wambli. "Then instead of keeping your wings out, flap them like your brother birds!" Rikka giggled as she mimicked the moves the black mare had just done, gliding down the hill until she began to flap, raising her sucessfully off the ground.

Wambli quickly followed the other mare and watched, astonished as she began to glide and then FLEW a few legnths bfore settling to the ground. Closing her eyes, she tried to remember exactly what she had seen her do. With a neigh of excitement she sprang into a gallop, then gave a great leap unfurling her wings at the height of it. Sh began her glide and thenmoved her wings upwards, then cupped them and flapped - feeling the muscles she has built while still earth bound move in new ways. The air moved beneath her and she saw the ground move away. She repeated the rhythm and again she moved up and forward, feeling the muscles and tendons adjusting and her balance shifting to his newness...this FREEDOM!

She reached the new mare, and used her old gliding skills to land, a little wobbly from the excitement, a few paces away.
"Thank you,,' she said breathless with the thrill "I am Wambli, and I am ever in your debt, for showing me this, though I think I have some practicing yet to do!"

A wide smile approached Rikka's muzzle. "Thats it," She murmured to herself quietly as the wings spreaded and took flight. She got it! "YAY!" Rikka whinnied, prancing over to Wambli to congradulate her. "That was great, Wambli was it?" The snowbird clarified. "Don't worry, practice makes perfect. I am Rikka," She introduced herself with a curt nod.


Moonlight Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:04 pm
Have you seen him...?
Rikka & Settia

For Skylar~

The snow had fully melted. The only remnants were the slushes of ice that stuck deep in the ground, where sun could not reach it. The blue mare watched amused as a few black ants made their journey over the frozen tundra. She snorted, blowing out through her nose as her ears perked forward, listening to the sounds around her.

She wanted to go flying, but something delayed her. She was too heavy to lift with the now flembsy wings, probably a cause of overeatting. She was knew to this whole 'pregnant' thing.

Settia walked along through the forest and looked at the patches of melted snow. Spring was coming and soon there would also be new foals. The thought of all those little ones running around made a smile spread across her face. It also made her think of her mate Dyami. And as always a blush appread on her cheeks when the thought of him came to her mind. She shook her head and noticed a blue mare watching the ground in amusement. "Hello." she said gently as she approached the mare. She noted that the other mares tummy was bulging a bit and assumed that she was expecting little ones soon.


Rikka heard the sound of the approaching hooves, and pinned her ears back, then forward. Her head tilted, spotting the red mare coming closer to her. "Oh, Hello!" She chirped happily, glad to see someone else! Staying in the land where the water fell over the cliff all alone was pretty boring. And being grounded made her movement on the land slower than what she had anticipated. "I'm Rikka! And you are...?" She asked curiously at the other mare.


"My name is Settia. It is nice to meet you, Rikka." she greeted the other mare with a warm smile. She had never seen another soquili such as this one before. Her coat and wings were magnificant. "How long have to been around here?" she asked curious as to if the mare was new around here or not.

"Thats a pretty name," Rikka said, bobbing her head slightly as she dug a light blue hoof into the ground. "Around here...?" She questioned, ears swiveling as she remembered how long it had been since she last been in this valley. "I've been away from here, this place, for quite a while now. Been staying in the beautiful land where the water falls from the high cliffsides." She told her.

"Though, I am a foreigner from this land as well, as I usually dwell in the mountain caves to the north. However, I believe I have eating to much in my waterfall stay, seeing as I can no longer pick myself up with my wings," She chuckled, nervously. "You haven't seen a bayish stallion with white markings known as Intrepid, recently? Have you?" She asked, her cyan gaze sparking with hope. Poor Rikka, all used up.

"I have never been to the moutain caves in the north nor to the water falls." she replied happily. Her tail flicked back and forth as she talked with the mare. "I mainly stay around in the forest and meadow. My bonded lives by the river and so I spend a lot of time there too." She thought for a moment about the description of the stallion that Rikka had given her. "Intrepid? Hmm...Oh yes! I remember him now! I meet him a few days ago in the meadow. We had a race but I lost." she said smiling remembering how fun the race to the river had been. "I am sorry but I don't know where he is now." the red mare said sadly to the other. She wanted to try and help her but didn't know where he was.

"Your bonded...? You mean a two legger?" The snowbird had never had the sense to find one of the twoleggers. No, instead she remained a free bondless sould, flying through the skies as if she owned the world.

A bright smile crossed her maw, "Really?!" She gasped, suprised someone actually saw him. However, her mood dampened greatly. That was a few days ago...she wouldn't be able to find him quickly now. She missed her chance. Well, at least he was faring good then. "No worries," Rikka sighed. "I'm sure I'll find him one day," Her mood brightend just then.

"When you and your bonded get a chance, you should head up to the waterfalls. A magnificant place, truley it is.

"I will have to bring her there some day soon. I am sure she would love it since she likes living by the river." Settia replied smiling but she was smiling half heartedly at seeing the blue mares dampened spirit. "I am sorry that I couldn't help you that much with finding Intrepid. I wish I could do more to help." she said hoping to maybe cheer the other up in some way. She just could bare seeing her so sad.


"No worries, Settia. I'm sure I'll find him one day again," She said, nodding her head. "But...if you could do me a favor. If you ever see him again, tell him I'm looking for him? Could you do that for me?" She asked with a pleading tone in her voice. The snowbird just couldn't get the fact through her head that a stallion was nothing but a stallion in this season.

To change the subject now, "You said your bonded lives by a river?" She grinned. "Thats great. Water is so much fun to play in!" She chirped, prancing around (quite slowly I must say so,). "It's just like playing in snow, just not as mushy."

Settia nodded to the snow mare. "I will be sure to tell him you are looking for him." she sad and smiled softly. "Water and snow are fun to play in! I actaully met my bonded by the river. I guess maybe thats why I love to walk along it's banks so much!" she commented and gave a chuckle. It was nie talking to the mare and not having any stallions around. They were always acting so mocho and being competitive.

Yeah, Rikka enjoyed talking to this mare as well.. But alas, she liked talking to any soquili, for she was rather pleasant to everyone even if they were hostile towards her. She grinned, "Care to go for a brief swim, then?" The snow mare asked. She was glad that Settia liked to play in the water as well.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:26 pm
A long, laborous night for new life


Months had flown by since Rikka had last seen Intrepid. She had heard news of him, but the sight of the caribou stallion remained voidless as she continued her search, night and day, through snow and sun. Her wings proved useless, for she was to heavy to lift off the ground.

Her appetite had increased greatly, which she guessed was the reason for her excessive weight gaining. The snowbird tried to urge herself to stop eatting, maybe a day's worth without food rations would suffice, or bring her weight down even the slightest, but the small kicks in her stomach caused her to eat more and more.

Little did she know those small kicks were actually small foals, wanting their mother to eat, so they as well could get food into their small bellies.

While venturing from the waterfall lands, Rikka had met a few other soquilis, all seeming to be mares (how strange.) There was Wambli, the winged mare who had learned to fly that very day, and the poinsettia mare known as Settia. Both Rikka could consider as friends, for we all know she wasn't one for enemies.

That was too bad. Enemies is what Rikka should get use to having, maybe something like this would never happen again? Befriend everyone, get left alone. Enemize everyone, get left alone. However, the perfect mix of both was just what this soquili needed.

Now, how to make enemies? The thought of being angry at someone just didn't suit this one, no not at all.

Rikka sighed, grazing on a patch of fresh grass. Oh how she missed the mountains, and oh how she wished these incessant KICKS WOULD GO AWAY! The snowbird groaned, tossing her head back to n** at her stomach, which another kick seemed to hit.

She cried out. Her stomach had never acted that way before...She groaned again, another intense kick hitting her side, almost plopping her over. What was going on? Where was Intrepid? Where was anyone?

Rikka whinnied, trotting through the pain as she made her way into huddled cave near the outskirts of the forest. She just...wanted to lay down. To get some rest, and be safe. The outside world wasn't safe anymore. No...not to her.

The mare found a nice soft spot on the ground, sniffing at it and pawing it until it was to her liking. That was odd, she usually just plopped down to rest. But soemthing told her she was going to be in this spot for a while.

And indeed she was...

For that was just the beginning of a long, laborous night filled with high pitched whinnies, and frantic neighs as new life was brought into this world.


But where had these two come from? Rikka blinked as her children were safely huddled in their own little baskets which she had found placed there as she entered. Strange, those baskets were.

Sighing, she nuzzled her baskets closers to her, still lying on the ground from labor.

What if...What if they were his? Was a thought Rikka came up with. Just now she was realizing life, and the true nature of a stallion.

Curling her head around the brownish basket, she drifted to sleep, letting the blue feather wings to drift over the two contained children.


Moonlight Hunter


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:11 am
Walks on the Beach
Trep is depressed. Fated meeting leads to big decision?

Months. Months he'd been avoiding her, and still finding no luck with any other mare. Perhaps they were all a bit smarter than Rikka? He snorted lightly as he moved up the sandy area, ears swiveling slightly. He listened to the calm sound of the water washing up onto the shore, the sea-bird's (that seemed to always be near where water and land met) cries, and even the noise of the light breeze that would pass by every now and then.

He could sometimes feel some of the spray of the waters at the beach if he walked close enough to where the water met sand. And he could smell the salt, it tickled at his nostrils. He whinned lightly into the air, dark eyes somewhat troubled.

Maybe he should try and find her? His tail swished. No, that would never do. She would hate him. But what if the pretty little thing had already went back to the mountains? He stopped his walk, head turning so he could gaze off in the distance, trying to catch sight of the beautiful mountains.

Rowanoak's wandered off from the den for a little, desperate to get some fresh air and something to eat and drink. The baskets should be alright, at least for the brief period of time that she intends to be gone.

It feels delightfully good to stretch her legs again, and she gallops headlessly through the fields for awhile, just wanting to run. Being cooped up just doesn't suit her personality...the last few days have been a slow torture.

But now she's out and about, and she flits joyously in and out of the waves as she moves along the beach, the sea spray lapping against her belly and curling about her limbs. She feels ridiculously giddy, like a little filly again. Really, you're too old for this nonsense, she chides herself, then giggles anyway.

She comes to a sudden halt, however, at the sound of a whinny nearby. Not Pallaton...that's not his. Her ears slick back and she moves away from the water, head lowered suspiciously as she reluctantly returns an answering nicker. Who was out there?

Intrepid's ears swiveled to the answering nicker, he hadn't really thought anyone else was about. He turned his body, eyes seeking out the one who would provide him with some company, if only for a little bit.

His gaze fell on a rather pretty mare, though he'd never met an ugly mare yet. But his heart just wasn't in trying to seduce her right now. Mate or not, which he wasn't aware that it actually was mate in this case. "Lo there." He murmered in a lazy manner, hoof pawing at the ground idly. Strange, he didn't feel much like company right now.

Maybe I ate some bad greenary. He thought to himself, hoping that was the case. "m'Intrepid." He introduced himself after a pause, figuring he should go ahead and get that over with.

She comes face to face with a rather depressed-looking stallion, and blinks. Well, he wasn't an entire herd, so that was a relief...and he looked fairly wild, not human-tamed.

"Rowanoak," She offers freely. She's only had a few occurances in which she felt it was necessary to give a fake name, and this isn't one of them. One brow raises, however. Always quick on the uptake with feelings, except perhaps where her own are concerned, she eyes him up curiously. "You look like you've just lost your best pal. What's up, kid?"

Rowa-what? Trep was having a bit of trouble even thinking repeating that back so many times in conversation. So he'd just shorten it. "Ah, quite.." He fumbled for a word. "Charmed to meet you, Rowa."

At her next words a guarded look seemed to pass over his face, and he went a little stiff. Not nessicarily his best pal, not even a well known pal. And kid? He raised a brow slowly. Perhaps it was just her way of speaking. "Ah, just a little.. distressed over a choice i made is all. Are you enjoying the beach?" He asked, his voice laced with that easily spotted, fake cheer. He was easily trying to change the subject.

"Pleasure, I'm sure," She says, somewhat impatiently. She's never really had time for the finer nuances of conversation, and she wants to get them over with now.

It's clear that he doesn't want to talk about it, so she merely shrugs it off. It's not her problem, anyway. "Yeah. I haven't been out here in awhile, been cooped up inside too long. It feels good to get out into the open air again." She quietly looks out over the water, ears perked, before turning back to face him again. "You?"

"I've been traveling for days, but this was my first chance to set hoof upon the beach. It is nice, I like the feel this place gives me." He murmered, he was sure it would be much nicer if he was in more of his usual spirit.

His short tail flicked and his gaze moved away from her, going toward the water. "May I ask why you were cooped up?" Horses were ment to be out in the open, not stuck inside. Whever inside might be. He took in another long breath of air, trying to will his thoughs of the lovely blue, winged mare to leave him.

"Mm. It's very peaceful," She says, absent-mindedly turning her attention to the horizon again. "But wild, and kind of sad, too, don't you think?" It doesn't seem as if she really expects an answer to the question, for she looks moderately lost in thought until his next question brings her back to him.

She rolls her shoulders back into a helpless shrug. "I just had two foals." Her muzzle turns upward into a wry smile. "Can't really leave them for too long of a time, they'd wander off, and poor Palla is still trying to get over the fact that he's a father, I'm thinking."

[To Be Continued...

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