Yamikasake's Room Mate Eradication Service
We ensure you that anyone who...
Takes your car and gets you a $100 ticket
Gives your idiot neighbor your internet service
Drinks all the orange juice and leaves the carton in the refrigerator
Eats half of your cookies
Eats a huge chunk of your friends birthday cake
Wrecks your bike
Give me a call at
We ensure you that anyone who...
Takes your car and gets you a $100 ticket
Gives your idiot neighbor your internet service
Drinks all the orange juice and leaves the carton in the refrigerator
Eats half of your cookies
Eats a huge chunk of your friends birthday cake
Wrecks your bike
Give me a call at
Yamikasake's Room Mate Eradication Service is not liable for any lawsuits or charges pressed on you. If this does happen, please call your doctor.