Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:08 pm
LordBurningPhoenix Well, now i understand a bit more about the YCQ invaders. Thanks for all the support. ^.^ And Thanks Lenelee for the Orindae. It helps me out so much. I had to do a double take because i didn't see a gen after the name. And organization is a big deal. i still have to get my self organized a bit better. I just keep improving my organization as time goes by. I am now going to reorganized the first post a bit....maybe. LordBurningPhoenix Its a bit of psychology. By breaking something into smaller pieces, it makes it seem more manageable. Your taking your focus off of the big picture and putting it on a small portion of it. No problem for the explanation and the Orindae. ^_~ Yes, it's a first gen. blaugh I'm not really questing at the moment so I'm trying to help where I can. I'm really OCD about my thread so my first post is super organize and everything. I agree about questing in smaller bits so that you don't get discouraged and feel you are accomplishing something. I'll admit to being much further on with my item collection then I ever expected. I have my hubby to thank for that. He always insists on getting me gift cards. I still don't know why really since I never ask. I guess he just likes seeing me all excited about getting items. heart My main quest is for all EI's *at least 1 first gen of each* and MC's. Although I decided to do 2008-on for the MC's due their prices. I may go back and get the ones from '07. randomgirl768 they would make a killing if the resold some old mcs YCQ Invader Lenelee... I would most definitely get in on it if they ever did do something like that. ...your midnight assasin
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:51 pm
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:11 pm
Yah, everyone has their preferences in what they want. You want the firs gens, while im happy with just getting one of them. It will be a great accomplishment if i can get a hold of one of each of them. And your complaining about it being cold, and it hasn't even hit 32 yet? i love the temp at 30-55 degrees. its the perfect temperature. ^.^ You guys are warm compared to here. how can you guys stand it being that wam?(but of course you would ask the same of me and the cold.)
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:27 pm
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:56 pm
YCQ Invader Lenelee... This weather here is killing me! It's cold and damp...yet no snow. Almost always overcast/rainy. crying I miss Michigan weather. I'd so love for a vacation to warmer climates right about now. ...your midnight assasin
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:14 pm
hmm. Michigan, a great place for vacations in the winter. Then for a summer vacation, you go to either alaska, or antarctica. lol At least, thats just me. I cant stand the minnesota summers. temps between 80 and 100.(i think we hit 100, but im not sure.) it is way too warm. id be happy with 70 in the summer. and once again we are on weather. lol i wonder how long we will talk about it. If it continues, we will have to turn my quest thread into the weather thread for whynot. lol
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:19 pm
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:52 pm
Well, have you seen the minnesotans, some wear shorts and t-shirts when it is 40 degrees. (My brother being one of them. I would, but i dont own any shorts.) then there are the crazy ones that participate in the "Polar Plunge". It involves people going out to a local lake in the middle of the winter. DRiving out to the middle of the lake, cutting a huge hole in the ice, and people jumping in to see who is tougher(Please note, these people are only wearing swim trunks. lol). its a unique contest for the northern states. lol.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:55 pm
It's Evie!
YAY! Hehe! So I'm an Invader now? Wootness!
Yeah, I take any gen. I can get. I just got a Nano 4th gen! Yay! and I have 240k towards my demonic once the item sells. Hehe!
It was cold today. 20's I think
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:02 pm
randomgirl768 they would make a killing if the resold some old mcs What they'd do is they'd destroy every rule about donation items that they've ever had. Older donation items can't be re-released (with the exception of the very elusive Angelic halo at conventions) And then they would have a lot of members quit because of the drop in price on their older donation items.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:54 pm
They give out angelic halos at conventions? too bad they never have any near the central states. lol
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:58 pm
LordBurningPhoenix They give out angelic halos at conventions? too bad they never have any near the central states. lol The odds were very low though. Something like spinning a wheel and getting the right spin, plus it would have only been the first person to spin correctly. Might only happen on the month annaversary of the Angelic Halo's release at the convention closest to the release day. (something like the 23rd)
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:47 pm
Wow....but still, to have the chance would be incredible.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:25 am
well they do give out mcs in contests and to the mischief makers. i heard they gave out dark halos out at the conventions
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:21 am
randomgirl768 well they do give out mcs in contests and to the mischief makers. i heard they gave out dark halos out at the conventions They do give out some MC items, tektek does that as well, but for the most part it's a no go for that. Not much incentive to go to the convention try once and fail. the last guy who won the Angelic Halo didn't even have an account.