Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:49 pm
granted, but they are replaced with step sisters. (thoose are worse man)
I wish it was easier to learn a second language.
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:52 pm
Granted but you learned latin which isn't going to help you at all.
I wish I had my own home...
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:56 pm
granted, but the bills and dept's you earn, cause it to be taken away from you.
I wish I could dance.
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:08 pm
granted but no one wants to dance with a weirdo
I wish I knew Bill Gates.
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:53 pm
granted. Doesn't get you anything.
I wish that the world exploded!
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:01 pm
granted but now there's no gaia
I wish I could win something...anything.
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:36 pm
*ding ding* One exucutioner I wish that Serj Tankain wasn't discriminated against for being a solo artist during System of a Down's hiatus.
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:48 pm
Granted but now everyone wishes he had
I wish I could listen to Lost by Avenged Sevenfold 24/7
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:22 pm
Granted, but my older brother comes out of no where and dropkicks you because you're an Avenged Sevenfold fan and he hates that. (Sorry...Also, cool name. Norse mytholgoy references ftw!)
I wish my little brother would stop using my Youtube account.
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:30 pm
granted but you account gets permanently banned. (thanks)
i wish i was cool yet still an individual.
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:32 pm
Granted. But now no one wants to be your friend.
I wish people would stop making fun of my username
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:35 pm
granted but now they make fun of you as a person.
I wish i had my avi's hat in real life.
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:37 pm
granted, but it gets stolen from your ex
I wish their was no sickness in the world
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:37 pm
Granted, but everyone goes into poverty (:O you do?)
I wish Shawn of the Dead was funnier