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[META] The Hlare's Call (Feb-Mar 2017) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 [>] [»|]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:41 pm
"Oh, is that so?" The whole thing took a turn that Iloziya hadn't entirely expected - most of the lionesses he had come across weren't necessarily shy, but certainly weren't so loose with their tongue it was interesting to say the least. "Are you sure you're prepared to handle a Stormborn lion all by yourself?" He taunted with a grin. This was getting to be a little much in public, not for him, but he figured a few of the Bahari would be a touch unsettled with how openly flirtatious one of their own was being.

"Let's move towards the beach, have you tried looking there?" The dark lion suggested, trying to contain the situation. "Roots won't get our healers far, they are going to need plenty of other ingredients for them to even begin to scratch the surface of what must be done." Ziya had pulled that whole statement out of his a** - the hangover was beginning to kick in pretty hard and he winced slightly when a glare of the sun burned into his eyes.

This was a strange version of hell Here, have a pretty girl, but while you have her you must succumb to constant pain. He snarled a small amount to himself and continued to usher her along. "Keep an eye out for some other roots this way." He suggested in a half assed manner.



The chuckle warmed Kluna her typically stern face broke to allow for a smile, something that usually was only granted to Dione - a lioness whom she was beginning to consider more a Priestess than the apprentice the lioness had begun out as. This was something the high priestess had been thinking on for a while, but this was not the occasion to bring up such matters - on a personal day perhaps.

"I believe you might be right, gathering on our own is likely a good idea. Anything we gather can be considered the minimum of what we have and anything else would simply be a bonus." She remarked to herself. "That was we don't over assume that we have so much when the chances are only a little may be produced." Deep down she argued with herself, these Bahari healers had their wits about them and she had even tried to contest with herself that they could be treated much like any other priestess - though after her encounter with Zephyr she felt a touch off. Dione was managing the whole thing just as well anyhow.

"Where shall we begin?" Kluna offered to Dione the question of the hour. Where could one begin when everyone had begun everywhere.


Blasaz gave a warm smile to the lion passing them by, while Krisis couldn't seem to meet eye contact. "You ought to be a little warmer Kris." Her mother scolded her lightly, a small shake of her head backed up her words.

"I'm not sure what went on between you two, but it can't worth spending all of this time being negative considering we are on vacation." She stated plainly, Krisis nodded in return not meeting her eyes with her mother either.

She was stubborn.

Epine de Rose

Page One
Krisis 1, Blasaz 1

Page Three
Blasaz 1, Krisis 1, Kluna 1, Iloziya 3

Page Four
Blasaz 1, Krisis 1, Kluna, 1, Iloziya 1

Krisis 3
Blasaz 3
Kluna 2
Iloziya 4
AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-10)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:45 pm
Mysses Greenie

"Is that so hard to believe?" She jested with a wink and a light laugh as she walked alongside him searching for items they would need. "Oh, I think I can handle you just fine." She wasn't sure where all this boldness was coming from but she was rolling with it.

"I'm sure we should be able to find quite a few things on the shores." Though hopefully more than just roots, she was getting tired of finding just roots. "Have you seen the sea before today?" She asked him curiously.

"A starfish!" She was pleased to find something other than roots/root balls. She picked it up and added it to her growing collection of items. "What do you think of the pride so far?"

Total 26  



Winter Wolf

Epine de Rose rolled 1 10-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-10)

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:44 am
"Where they've been completely ignoring the whole time," Dione stated smoothly.

With a confidence that only came from being comfortable in the company of both her mentor and friend, the lioness soon strode off in the opposite direction to the rest of the ruckus. She knew where the majority of the herbs were, she had already discussed it several times with the Hlare. The Hlare had spotted a rather good source of them in one particular region. Quite simply they had described it as a jackpot, and while she hadn't visited it yet she was certainly going to take advantage of it now.

"One of the Hlare noticed a few days ago that there seemed to be a spot that had ample amounts of what we needed, they just had their paws full at the time," she continued as she walked. "Plenty of herbs, more than enough of the right minerals, it all seemed to be around a particular set of rock pools," she paused and glanced over her shoulder towards Kluna with a smirk. "I figured we'd make a point of showing that we're actually good at what we do rather than panting after a few loose lionesses," she pointed out.

Ah yes, she had seen them.

To say she hadn't noticed some of the younger lionesses positively gagging for a piece of the Viking males would have been a lie. She'd seen them all, and quite frankly she considered it pitiful, the lack of respect towards their own customs was truly staggering...but it wasn't for her to educate them, merely to judge them. What happened to those little harlots would be a burden for their King to bare.


Meanwhile, as Solomon cast his glance back over his shoulder as he took note of Blasaz's smile and gave a nod. It was a clear indication that if the lionesses wanted to join both he and Tomorbaatar them they would most assuredly be welcome. Granted, he wasn't aware that he was in the presence of a Nergui and said pride absolutely abhorred deities, but this was the Bahari and such mythical beings were common place. On this occasion the grey lion was going to have to suck it up and accept that he might be in the company of the very thing he would have loved nothing more than to gut!

"You're welcome to join us if you like," he said at last and chuckled. "But don't expect us to be very successful, I am not the world's greatest gardener," he added and shook his head. "Frankly I'm the world's worst, but I know where some of the other stuff is so...we've got that going for us!" he finished and continued on his way...

Mysses Greenie

"Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Yuki?" Huo asked as the white cub bounded back in to view. Suffice it to say that Ume had temporarily been dismissed from the conversation by the fiery cub, though a faint 'thank you!' could be heard from Shui as he turned to observe Yukio as well. Now that his brother mentioned it, what was Yukio talking about?

Both afforded each other a quick glance, failing to notice that their war paint resembled the manner in which they were often imprisoned by the Bumani they had now decided was rather worthy of their respect. Solomon had gained some fans in the last few weeks to say the least. They had originally set out to help, to explore, to understand... and they had stumbled upon something better. They had stumbled upon a genius who knew how to catch and counter them at every turn. Granted that didn't mean they had given up in attempting to beat him but for now he had their affections.

"Yexah, whatchu on about?" Shui gazed down at his paint rather proudly and frowned. "This is our war paint!" he pointed out.

"TEAM SUUUUUUUUUUUUUURF!" Huo howled and leapt on to his hindlegs, giving a little roar and beating his paws against his chest. If he hadn't gotten laughter before, his enthusiasm certainly gained some now, and it only surfed to gain more when his brother soon joined in.

"Woooooooooooo, Oonz oonz oonz!" Shui declared and struck his own pose.

"Where have you been?" they challenged her in unison and raised their own little eyebrows. "Cause we've been looking for you!"


"You know..." Tethys still hadn't gotten up from where he had dramatically fallen, instead he was watching Ziya wander off with one of the Bahari lionesses. He knew that type of body language, and he also hadn't expected it from one of this particular pride. "I have a feeling I should apologise in advance for anything that might happen between my men and -"

"If the lionesses or lions of this pride see fit to spread their legs and forget their place then that is their concern, not yours," Ram interjected before the Captain could finish. It was said with such force that Tethys could do nothing more than stare at the king in astonishment. To say that his expression was thunderous would have been an over exaggeration, but he certainly seemed to have resigned himself to the fact that some of the lionesses lacked the discipline and restraint that was expected of them.

"Ouch," Tethys replied finally, it was perhaps the only thing that he could say in the given circumstances.

"I have very limited capabilities when it comes to protecting them from the traditional families in this pride; their children will be bastards and they will be treated as such to a degree," Ram shook his head slowly. "But the children will not be punished, I will ensure they remain safe; the lionesses however will remain tarred, I will not protect them from their own stupidity," he shrugged his shoulders. "They know the ways of this pride and what is expected of them."

"And if they refuse to follow them?"

"Then I show them the door."

It was a rather ominous statement, and one that gave Tethys enough pause to realise that while the Bahari were a generally peaceful pride, there was more to their leader than met the eye. Tethys could appreciate a diplomatic ruler when he saw one, but he liked them far more than they didn't just firefight and attempt to placate the masses. Evidently this particular king had a very specific view and a very specific way of dealing with those who disregarded their way of life...

"I'm still going to apologise though," Tethys said finally and offered a wry smile.

"Consider yourself forgiven in advance then," Ram replied dismissively.

Ram: 4 | Tethys: 4 | Huo: 3 | Shui: 3 | Dione: 3 | Solomon: 3
Kimaria generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 4!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:15 am
Xochi gave Tethys' a mock-guilt face over her shoulder as he called out to her and then hurried to catch up with the twins, a tangle of herbs slung across her shoulders.

"Quick, quick!" she urged the brothers, "we need to find more roots and things. If we beat Captain then that'd be something to talk about!"

"Captain?" Dagr asked, mildly curious now.

His brother trudged ahead, clearly on the trail of more herbs.

"That's right. He leads the warband I am in. This is the second time we've been out of the pridal lands together so I need to try and prove myself. He helped me a lot, you see, so I owe him big time."

"Warband? What's that?"

"Well...we're a group of lions led by one. We go out as a group to hunt out treasures or trouble," she laughed, "but mostly treasures. It's a good life." And it was true. Xochipepe could not have been happier.

"Sounds...interesting," the red and black lion considered her life compared to his. He liked to think himself a guard but he had no real training other than what he had scrapped together himself. He hungered for glory. For action. For stories to tell his kids someday. Occasionally he thought he had been born in the wrong pride - until a certain lioness had come along and tamed his wandering eye.

"It's more than interesting," Xochi declared, "oh, I think your brother wants our help."

Kari was trying desperately to flag them down and, quickly, the three of them regrouped. "Help me get this," the green-maned twin said, pointing down at the roots curling up around the rocks. I tried to tug with my teeth but laden down like this is making it hard."

Dagr opened his mouth to accept--only to have Xochi interject.

Her energy, seemingly, was boundless.

"I've got it!" she pulled at them gently with her teeth, trying not to ruin them and get a scolding. And, when they came out of the ground in one piece, she lifted her head and beamed at the brothers.

"Nicely done!" Kari complimented.

"Meh," Dagr said.


The Nergui scout circled around now, continuing turning stones over with his paws in an attempt to look interested in the goings on. The group was mixed. Some looked battle-hardened, others not so much. And, as he listened in,it seemed that some of the lions were drastically different in personality.

Herbs, he knew, could be used in healing, and with the amount the lions were trying to collect, he wondered if they were preparing for some disaster or - perhaps - to heal some sick pride members who were being kept elsewhere.

Or some sort of ritual?

Curiouser and curiouser...


Fuzzy Kitten

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:27 am

Liviyathan looked back at the rainbow maned male and smiled a careful smile. "No I grew up between prides, I was a rogue most of my life. This place, "She paused and let out a happy sigh "This place made me stay. It's been a little, difficult, to get used to being around so many other lions, to be a part of a pride, but, I'm trying." She wrinkled her nose in a smile and stepped up on to the rocks.

"If nothing else, you can see a lot of nice little crabs and some beautiful little fish down here, it is probably the best place to find starfish."
AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-10)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:09 pm
Syrius Lionwing

He gave a small nod of his head. So she wasn't from the pride, at least she had made herself at home somewhere. This place was truly wonderful, at least he thought so. He had returned here time and time again after all. So it didn't seem to far fetched that she had come from elsewhere.

"At least you can say you've seen a great deal of the world outside of the pride." He smiled as he looked into some of the pools to see what were in them. As he moved around to get a better look he found another herb root and collected it up. "What's your favorite part of the pride?"

Total so far 40.  



Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:53 pm

The sea marked lioness looked deeply thoughtful at his question. She could honestly only give one answer. "The sea, it pulled me here and it kept me here long enough to get used to the idea of being in a pride. I'm not, really very social." She laughed tightly a line forming across her lips. "I am trying to be a more active member of the pride though. Which is why I came down to help the Hlare. They do a very good job of protecting the pride from illnesses." She spent a moment looking down in to the tide pools fishing around for a little crab which she played with for a moment.

"I'v never seen you before so are you a rogue or are you with the, uhm, storm..guys?" She tilted her head curiously. "I can definately say, I have seen some strange and wonderful parts of the world but the Bahari is my home."
Annchen generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 1!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:27 pm
User Image
Skaraa had spent a ridiculous amount of time deciding what team to join. Some of the Stormborn seemed very gleeful about being given an opportunity to beat their captain. On one paw... He liked his pride, so perhaps he should defend its honour, so to speak. Orr... Maybe join the foreign Captain just to mix things up... He sighed. Step one would be to find some of the items needed at any rate. The dark colored male decided to start looking first, and decide what team to join if he happened to find anything.

((First roll: found nothing. Apparently managed to side with Ram. Team surf it is XD))  


Sparkly Bibliophile

Pollack generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 1!


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:56 pm
Yukio raised an eyebrow at their question. What was she talking about? How could they not notice what was literally dripping off of them!? Before she could even open her mouth to explain her inquiry further the boys answered her question.

Warpaint...? Ohmygosh they all had the same idea! Though it seemed that their version wasn't going to last much longer at this rate....

Still she let out a giggle at their prideful display before tossing herself feet first into the fray of their antics. "TEAM SURF! OOOOOOOOOHH HA HA!" Lowering herself onto her front paws she gave her best attempt at a fierce snarl. Which, honestly looked more like she was trying to sneeze. A great fearsome warrior she clearly was not. She could get an A for effort though!

Letting out a tiny 'oh!' she righted herself back up, imminently working on slipping herself out of her travel satchel. "We had the same idea! I had to go back home to grab some things so that's why you couldn't find me. Prepare yourselves for I present yooooou!" Flipping off the lids she revealed the colorful paints hidden inside the pots. "Warpaint! I got blue for team Surf and red for team Cap!" Beaming with pride she looked expectedly towards her friends to see if they approved of her idea or not.

AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-10)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:45 pm
He listened as she spoke and he smiled. The sea was nice, he had to give it that. It made the air tangy almost, the way it smelled was intoxicating.

Watching her as she played in one of the pools and he smiled. "I've been here a handful of times, usually with my mother. I'm familiar with a few of the Kizingo'zaa members and of course Pili. She was just a cub when I last saw her so it's been a while since I've been this way." He was surprised he hadn't seen her before but by her comments she wasn't the most social.

"Oh look, another starfish." He said scooping it up from one of the pools.

Total 46 (i'm fairly sure this is right)

Syrius Lionwing



Winter Wolf

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:23 pm
"Sure, sure." He said, losing to the pain a small amount as they walked. Each step of his paw seemed to weigh a million pounds. "You seem to be very sure of yourself." Iloziya ground his teeth a little and then relaxed his jaw, that seemed to do the trick in relieving some of the pressure he was feeling. With some of that pain gone he managed to smile a small amount. "Have you ever met anyone besides the members of this pride?" He offered, trying to find some reasons as to why she was so uniquely putting herself out there.

All the while it seemed they were headed directly for the beaches. "Great." He muttered in a slightly harsher tone than he had anticipated. "No, I hadn't see the sea before now I suppose. Just wasn't in my code to be seeing this much water." He was speaking plainly now, not interested in pushing further for any more flirtations, the push back was only so appealing with his mind constricted.

In fact, when she declared her sighting of a starfish he groaned, the volume just a little to much for him - what was this punishment? "I think you're loud." He said and allowed a silence before speaking again. "Well populated, curious and salty." He smiled awkwardly, it was clear that perhaps he hadn't paid all to much attention to properly answer her question, no kudos to him today.



"My, my.. you're living up to being the conversationalist between us." She smiled almost warmly at this statement. "I think I'll keep you around." The high priestess made a small crack at Dione. To say that coming here hadn't lightened her mood would have been a lie, though most wouldn't think that given her lightened mood was still rough around the edges.

Kluna was quick to accompany Dione as she took the lead on this. "That was awfully nice of the Hlare, though I'm sure they'll be happy once we are on our way out of their lands." She stated dryly as she spied the surprising actions of a couple Bahari whom were determined to throw themselves at some of the Viking males - wasn't she told this pride had morals when it came to that sort of thing? Disgust was clearly written on her face.

"Getting away from the little displays here would be ideal." She said out loud to her friend, who she figured would have the same thoughts regarding the females. Above all else she'd not go against her own prides rules, for the most part, so to see what she was seeing was unbelievable in her mind.

Though she hadn't approached any of the females, she wouldn't avoid the situation should it come up. Her abrasive tendencies would switch back on as quickly as they had faded and she'd let them know what she thought. For now she was happy to be given an out, a way of freedom.


"Well, he seems friendly enough and I've had about enough of your childish behavior this past moment. You're a young adult now and you ought to start behaving like one." Blasaz, the disciplinary was all over this situation like a lion upon a meal. She had found it hard when the girls were younger, but as a young adult she entirely expected more from her daughter - the behavior she was showing was undeniably silly. "What, no!" Krisis narrowed her eyes at her mother, but was met with the back of her head. It was to late, her mother had set her sight on meeting the white male, spending time with him even - and who was the other guy?

"Fine." She stated, clearly disgusted with this choice, but yet she followed. In her memory the male did end up helping her out, cleaning her up and showing her some respect as an individual even when she had lost her own little battle. With that in mid she could spare some more of her own time to be around him once again. Fate had it's own idea sometimes.

The pair of goddesses didn't take long to approach the males and upon arrival Blasaz handled the formalities. "I'm Blasaz and here is my daughter Krisis." Meanwhile Krisis was determined not to meet the eyes of the white male and in doing so spent some time looking at the other male.

Epine de Rose


Page One
Krisis 1, Blasaz 1

Page Three
Blasaz 1, Krisis 1, Kluna 1, Iloziya 3

Page Four
Blasaz 2, Krisis 2, Kluna, 2, Iloziya 2

Krisis 4
Blasaz 4
Kluna 3
Iloziya 5
Pollack generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 6!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:26 pm

The large and burly male had been searching from some time now, finding little to no results. Everything he had found turned out to be completely useless to the Hlares. The beach and the areas accompanying it had already been thoroughly picked clean by those who had a larger head start than him.

Still, he couldn't give up so easily! It would be shameful to come back empty handed, with children being able to say they found more than what a grown man could. As relaxed as the male was known to be even that situation would bring a sting to his pride.

A dark, strangely marked coat much like his own caught his eyes. Judging by the fact that this male was without any of the requested items it seems they both got a late start! Well, two heads were better than one, no? Perhaps he would be interested in an alliance. Well....unless they had chosen different teams of course.

Sliding himself down a sand dune he came face-to-face with the other male. Raising a paw he gave a friendly wave matched with his classic warm grin. "Oi! Good mornin', mate! What's up this fine day? Any luck with the hunt?"

Feel free to have him ignore or brush of Kaluwa! Figured he might want a friend to interact with.

Total points earned for team surf: 16
Total posts for Ume: 4 I Yukio: 3 I Kaluwa: 2


Fashionable Mage

AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-10)



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:42 pm
Mysses Greenie

She could pick up he seemed a little irritated or at least hungover. Looking around she wondered if she could find any fermented fruit. She knew there were a few members of the pride that liked to stash them around, she figured he was hungover. "I've met quite a few outsiders before your prides visit." She said looking at him.

"I think you're hungover." She said giving him a look when he said she was loud, especially since her words hadn't been that loud. "I think you need some hair of the dog." She said finally locating a cache of fermented juices. "Do you want some or not?" She said looking at him. "If not then you'll have to just deal." She said with a smirk on her face.

"I do have to agree, it is a great deal of water, but it has it's perks. Especially with us being alliances with the Kizi." She said looking at him. On top of locating the fruit it would seem she had also stumbled across quite the collection of items for the Hlare to have.

Total 56: Haha, apparently the jackpot would be the fruit in this lmao.  
Syrius Lionwing generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 10!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:32 am

"Its a beautiful place. I just, found it hard to leave so I stayed." She chuckles a little, it sounded like such a lack lustre reason, even in her head, but it was the reason. The fact that there was a pride here was just, convenient, but she was getting used to the pride and she was trying, very hard to put herself out there. This after all was the second large event she had attended.

"Ah, its so beautiful, its a shame they are needed for this, the little things come in so many different colours. Its lovely when they are all massed together." She gave a little shrug. "Do you think we have found enough?" She tilted her head curiously her magenta eyes looking carefully at the gray male with his rainbow mane.


((Just putting Nuzhah back in again if anyone wants someone to interact with.))

Nuzhah had gotten herself sidetracked. Oops. Following the monkeys through the trees had lead her nearly all the way out of the Bahari lands before she realised she had done it. She'd turned on her heel and headed back towards the beach.

Now she was blinking owlishly trying to see, it was shadowy beneath the canopy and the bright shine of the pale beach blinded her. With a few blinks, the chocolate female bounded back on to the beach,s he would go and search at the waters edge for other things. She had certainly found enough roots while rummaging around in the jungle.

Syrius Lionwing

AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-10)



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:47 am
"It truly is breathtaking." He said looking around at the areas of the pride he could see with one glance. "I was with my mother so I didn't really have a say in the matter." He laughed wondering what the odds were that he'd run into her now. Perhaps fate was guiding them?

He wasn't even sure if he believed in such things but he was thankful that he was fortunate enough to meet her this time. It couldn't have come at a better time either, with him now being prideless and all.

"I think we've found a fairly decent amount of items to haul back to the Hlare." Even though he was collecting for the other team as it was. He didn't think it mattered who turned what in as long as you kept count? He gave a shrug. "Do you want to turn this bunch in a look for some more?" He offered, if not they could always just go do something.

He wanted to get to know her more.

Syrius Lionwing
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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