Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:07 pm
(Sup dude! Welcome to the medieval shenanigans!)
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:10 pm
"Anyone else's expectations crushed?" Jace said flatly as the twosome stepped out to meet them. He didn't care too much that the overzealous one was knocked back, he was more concerned that Dumbledore and Gimli were about to give them a quest. If it's anything about destroying the Deathly Hallows in the fires of Mt. Doom I'm outta here. Jace thought to himself.
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:59 pm
((I was sort of hoping someone would comment on the geezers...))
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:45 pm
Rodon was at a lose for words. The old ones were these guys?! They were nothing impressive. This offended Rodon deeply as he rolled up his sleeves and approached the old decrepit looking geezers. "And I suppose you're the old farts who summon us all here? You both had best speak now before I lose my already dwindling patience." Rodon scowled from under his hood. The rogue folded his arms and began tapping his foot, making a loud echo throughout the cave with each tap. The rogue anxiously waited for an answer from the two old men that he would rather hang from a balcony now.
(That do it? XD)
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:25 am
"Your dwindling patience!? What about ours!", the dwarf yells at Rodon, "You five took forever to get here and who knows what trouble the guy you need to kill has been up to!"
"I'm out of here...", the mage turns to leave, only to jump back as lightning somehow manages to strike in front of her. "Hey!"
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:08 pm
Raphaella went pale and backed up against Dov. "Kill? Oh, no no nonono. I'm not going to kill somebody. No way. Uh-uh. Go find someone else to do it. Not me. I don't practice that type of magic." The bear growled.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:14 pm
"Either you kill him or he kills us all.", Dumbles responds with a shrug.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:01 pm
Rodon scoffed at the dwarf's plight. "You two old relics must have forgotten who I am. I am a rogue. A thief, a professional..nay! Master of my craft. I am no hired killer. If you want someone to do your dirty work, then go hire someone from the Dark Brotherhood. I hear they love getting their blades wet with blood." The rogue then turned headed for the door as the mage was, but was stopped by a random bolt of lightning. Rodon was silent. It had finally happened. He was being given an ultimatum. After having the the tall wizard tell them that the situation was more serious than first expected, Rodon reluctantly conceded. "Alright wizard. Who is this person you speak of that needs be slayed? And if you say it's that damn dragon in the mountain to the south, I'm going walkout the door, regardless of your powers."
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:49 pm
"Oh yeah, that reminds me, I need to get my membership renewed." Jace said thoughtfully, then he was snapped out of his reverie when the rogue mentioned the Dragon to the South. "What's so bad about dragon slaying? Ever do that 'Fus Ro Da' thing? It is awesome." Jace said, wishing he had more words to play with, but that meant killing more dragons, which were a pain to find.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:01 pm
"... We seem to have picked a couple of loons...", Dumbles sighs after a moment, "Can't be helped now though..." He clears his throat and a large book appears and hover in front of him, "The Book of Prophecies declares that a mighty evil who had been sealed away long ago by four heroes has broken free. Now four more heroes must rise up and either kill this evil or everyone dies. Of course, the Book didn't say who the heroes were, so we decided to summon the four of you since you were easier to get a hold of."
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:45 pm
"Easier to get a hold of?" Raphaella blurted. "Are you serious? You call us just 'cause we're easy to get a hold of? I don't know about these guys, but I'm not a killer. I'm a healer, for gods' sake!"
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:30 pm
"Then why the hell did you shoot an arrow at my head?" Jace asked, slightly irate now.
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:03 am
Rodon couldn't help but turn and look and looked perplexed at the young warrior. Of the four of them, he seemed to be the most eccentric. "So you two queer old men called to us, only because we were available?" The rogue paced about shaking his head with his hands on his hips. "The two of you are quite lazy. Nevertheless. If the pay is good enough. I'll do it." Rodon gave a sleazy smirk as he looked up and stared directly into Dumbles eyes with an unnerving stare. "So old geezer. How much for the reluctant hit?"
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:21 am
"Your payment will be me not beating you with this book.", Dumbles responds to the rogue, sounding very serious about it.
"You being a healer is the point, lassie. Someone has to keep these three idiots alive.", Dwarvy informs Raphaella before answering Jace, "And we sent the letters in ways we knew would get your attention, though he was supposed to shoot it between your legs..."
The mage quietly sulks in a corner of the cave, not happy with being forced to stay. "If we agree then can we leave?", she asks grumpily.
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:09 pm
In his mind, Jace was ripping the midget apart with his bare hands while singing opera, not giving a good god damn what happened to his suit, in reality however, Jace was standing there with an unusually happy expression on his face as he contemplated the best way to kill the smaller one. "You know, you really should try using more conventional methods, otherwise a certain someone is liable to knock you the hell out and throw your sleeping body into the fires of Mt. Doom from whence it came." Jace said, eyes twitching in extreme hate.