Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:30 pm
Darth Kokesmush Kay9214 Darth Kokesmush Kay9214 Darth Kokesmush You kick a**. Thank you in advance. I shall get right on it sir. emotion_yatta No problem. It's always good to get to Daddicus and tell him he made a bit of a mistake. emotion_awesome The Jedi will run this temple one day. emotion_dowant Lol The Jedi will fall to the Sith Order. I somehow doubt it. When the Jedi aren't chasing out the Sith, the Sith are chasing out the Sith. Lol The Jedi are a weak breed that will succumb to the truth of the lies and deceit of this world. We Sith are not subjected to the false calamities and lies that this world is, we see the truth and the realism of it all. /rant Not that a lot of the Order Jedi aren't lost in their own little world, the Sith are just in a different la la land of their own. xD Historically, the Jedi still wind up winning out, for the most part. .-.
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:50 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia that is not so good...... not so good...spoke to soon yesterday...woke up with one of my headaches...reg meds did not work so tried the next one doc gave me...nope that no wrked so had to take the cocktail one...i think it is finally working but i hate what it does to me....... I hate using any meds myself, but I'll take an Aleve or two if it gets to the point where I'm rolling around on the floor. >.< i can not take aleve causes nose bleeds and headache...and sadly thsoe don not work on my headaches....yes my headache is finally better but now i have to deal with the slows and the fuzzy headed feeling..... Doesn't usually work for me either, but that's what we've got, and sometimes it's better than nothing. sweatdrop yeah i understand that....it is so much better without the throbbing...it is bad when you can see the throbbing....may be it will turn out to be a good night after all.....i can only hope....listening a different yanni cd so relaxing too..helps sometimes with headaches if i can relax............ I hope you feel better. D: thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens....
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:58 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia i can not take aleve causes nose bleeds and headache...and sadly thsoe don not work on my headaches....yes my headache is finally better but now i have to deal with the slows and the fuzzy headed feeling..... Doesn't usually work for me either, but that's what we've got, and sometimes it's better than nothing. sweatdrop yeah i understand that....it is so much better without the throbbing...it is bad when you can see the throbbing....may be it will turn out to be a good night after all.....i can only hope....listening a different yanni cd so relaxing too..helps sometimes with headaches if i can relax............ I hope you feel better. D: thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens.... That, and when meds only work a quarter of the way and it feels like the pain is floating and shimmering around in your head. D:
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:25 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia i can not take aleve causes nose bleeds and headache...and sadly thsoe don not work on my headaches....yes my headache is finally better but now i have to deal with the slows and the fuzzy headed feeling..... Doesn't usually work for me either, but that's what we've got, and sometimes it's better than nothing. sweatdrop yeah i understand that....it is so much better without the throbbing...it is bad when you can see the throbbing....may be it will turn out to be a good night after all.....i can only hope....listening a different yanni cd so relaxing too..helps sometimes with headaches if i can relax............ I hope you feel better. D: thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens.... That, and when meds only work a quarter of the way and it feels like the pain is floating and shimmering around in your head. D: **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me..............
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:28 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia yeah i understand that....it is so much better without the throbbing...it is bad when you can see the throbbing....may be it will turn out to be a good night after all.....i can only hope....listening a different yanni cd so relaxing too..helps sometimes with headaches if i can relax............ I hope you feel better. D: thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens.... That, and when meds only work a quarter of the way and it feels like the pain is floating and shimmering around in your head. D: **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me.............. Oh dear. D:
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:34 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia yeah i understand that....it is so much better without the throbbing...it is bad when you can see the throbbing....may be it will turn out to be a good night after all.....i can only hope....listening a different yanni cd so relaxing too..helps sometimes with headaches if i can relax............ I hope you feel better. D: thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens.... That, and when meds only work a quarter of the way and it feels like the pain is floating and shimmering around in your head. D: **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me.............. Oh dear. D: **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:39 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens.... That, and when meds only work a quarter of the way and it feels like the pain is floating and shimmering around in your head. D: **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me.............. Oh dear. D: **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............ Oh geez. >.< Well, no one can accuse you of ever having an uneventful day, at least. >.<
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:52 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia thanks..i will as long as the headache does not come back full force.....i hate it when that happens.... That, and when meds only work a quarter of the way and it feels like the pain is floating and shimmering around in your head. D: **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me.............. Oh dear. D: **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............ Oh geez. >.< Well, no one can accuse you of ever having an uneventful day, at least. >.< **looks at you and laughs** I can count you to get me to laugh even in a bad situation....maybe I should have bailed or crashed the car.............
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:54 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me.............. Oh dear. D: **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............ Oh geez. >.< Well, no one can accuse you of ever having an uneventful day, at least. >.< **looks at you and laughs** I can count you to get me to laugh even in a bad situation....maybe I should have bailed or crashed the car............. Yay! Kay helps! blaugh
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:58 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **looks around then at you** I don't like the looks of the place..........he has a tight grip on me.............. Oh dear. D: **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............ Oh geez. >.< Well, no one can accuse you of ever having an uneventful day, at least. >.< **looks at you and laughs** I can count you to get me to laugh even in a bad situation....maybe I should have bailed or crashed the car............. Yay! Kay helps! blaugh **looks at you and smiles** yes.......
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:06 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............ Oh geez. >.< Well, no one can accuse you of ever having an uneventful day, at least. >.< **looks at you and laughs** I can count you to get me to laugh even in a bad situation....maybe I should have bailed or crashed the car............. Yay! Kay helps! blaugh **looks at you and smiles** yes....... I'm glad. ^__^ Stay safe out there. I can't help with that from here, though. @.@
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:06 pm
Kay9214 tokyofirelizard Your concern means a lot, Kay. Thanks biggrin cat_3nodding Now I've already stayed up far to late. XD I wanna be rested enough for tomorrow. If I can I'll get on here, but I don't think I'll be in much a mood for it. sweatdrop Thanks for suddenly being a wreck, Kay. eek This really does scare me. You better be okay. D: Bye bye. Stay safe. Get well soon. Or else. mad ;~; I am completely fine. : ) And I don't want you to be a wreck! sweatdrop
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:08 pm
Kay9214 tokyofirelizard Your concern means a lot, Kay. Thanks biggrin cat_3nodding Now I've already stayed up far to late. XD I wanna be rested enough for tomorrow. If I can I'll get on here, but I don't think I'll be in much a mood for it. sweatdrop Thanks for suddenly being a wreck, Kay. eek This really does scare me. You better be okay. D: Bye bye. Stay safe. Get well soon. Or else. mad ;~; I am completely fine. : ) And I don't want you to be a wreck! sweatdrop
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:08 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **starts pacing** we have stopped and I don't know where we are...he has my arm...I don't know where he is going to tell me to go.....this is not a very friendly place.....I am in trouble............ Oh geez. >.< Well, no one can accuse you of ever having an uneventful day, at least. >.< **looks at you and laughs** I can count you to get me to laugh even in a bad situation....maybe I should have bailed or crashed the car............. Yay! Kay helps! blaugh **looks at you and smiles** yes....... I'm glad. ^__^ Stay safe out there. I can't help with that from here, though. @.@ **smiles** will do my best......hey talking with you helps me think.......
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:09 pm
tokyofirelizard Kay9214 tokyofirelizard Your concern means a lot, Kay. Thanks biggrin cat_3nodding Now I've already stayed up far to late. XD I wanna be rested enough for tomorrow. If I can I'll get on here, but I don't think I'll be in much a mood for it. sweatdrop Thanks for suddenly being a wreck, Kay. eek This really does scare me. You better be okay. D: Bye bye. Stay safe. Get well soon. Or else. mad ;~; I am completely fine. : ) And I don't want you to be a wreck! sweatdrop Yay, Terry! ^___________^ That's kinda what you thanked me for though. LOL I'm glad you're okay! D: Did everything go well? D: How long are you going to take recovering? D: