Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:28 pm
Hi there. I was just invited, so I strolled on in.
Call me Randi. It's my name, dammit. xd I'm 20, and love video games, anime, manga, and of course, a good pillow fight. Note my obsession with great and wonderful stuffishnish, not to be confused just with the great and wonderful galacto-crap that everyone else likes. xD
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:32 pm
i just got that random pm and said why not u peoples can call me natnat
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:32 pm
[Ran-Chan] Hi there. I was just invited, so I strolled on in. Call me Randi. It's my name, dammit. xd I'm 20, and love video games, anime, manga, and of course, a good pillow fight. Note my obsession with great and wonderful stuffishnish, not to be confused just with the great and wonderful galacto-crap that everyone else likes. xD *Throws a pillow at you* Welcome to the guild! Hope you like it here! Hm, a pillowfight thread inside the guild would be a lot of fun...! At any rate, nice to meet you! biggrin
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:33 pm
StupidPlayBoyBunny i just got that random pm and said why not u peoples can call me natnat It's nice to meet you and I'm glad you joined. I thought your username was funny. blaugh Welcome to the guild! biggrin
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:35 pm
zentlair StupidPlayBoyBunny i just got that random pm and said why not u peoples can call me natnat It's nice to meet you and I'm glad you joined. I thought your username was funny. blaugh Welcome to the guild! biggrin thanx
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:37 pm
'ello everyone. I got a random invite to this guild and I was like, "Eh why not?" xd This place looks nice so I'll do my best to be active. So yes... about me. I'm a fourteen year old girl, I live in New Hamphsire, the most boring state in the US mad I now spend the vast majority of my time on gaia... eek
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:38 pm
Hello. My name is of little significance. I was invited out of sheer randomosity. I am too lazy to read the first post, so I don't know what to write here. *stares at the posts before his*
I like anime, computers, video games, etc.
On gaia, I spend my time divided between the forums, usually Q&A, GD, or WTG. I mod a guild dedicated to raising the prices on the market, so everyone hates me. We're at war with L.A.I.D. the guild, even though I must say the captain is a very nice person whom I was honored to meet. I can guarantee I'm not a bad person, despite that I make money on gaia at the expense of newbies.
On the side, I'm currently running a little shop in the chatterbox that makes ASCII avatars and pictures. You can visit it if you want. I probably won't run it for more than a month or so.
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:42 pm
~Magic Trevor~ Hello. My name is of little significance. I was invited out of sheer randomosity. I am too lazy to read the first post, so I don't know what to write here. *stares at the posts before his* I like anime, computers, video games, etc. On gaia, I spend my time divided between the forums, usually Q&A, GD, or WTG. I mod a guild dedicated to raising the prices on the market, so everyone hates me. We're at war with L.A.I.D. the guild, even though I must say the captain is a very nice person whom I was honored to meet. I can guarantee I'm not a bad person, despite that I make money on gaia at the expense of newbies. On the side, I'm currently running a little shop in the chatterbox that makes ASCII avatars and pictures. You can visit it if you want. I probably won't run it for more than a month or so.
MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi MochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochiMochi
After all of what you just said, all I have to say is... what a cute puppy!! And a pain in the bleeeeeeeep posterior! surprised
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:43 pm
Oh Estrogen! 'ello everyone. I got a random invite to this guild and I was like, "Eh why not?" xd This place looks nice so I'll do my best to be active. So yes... about me. I'm a fourteen year old girl, I live in New Hamphsire, the most boring state in the US mad I now spend the vast majority of my time on gaia... eek Welcome to the guild! biggrin I thought Alaska was the most boringest place in the US...? Regardless, we're glad you joined, and we hope you have fun! biggrin
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:55 pm
-waves- I'm lendolin, I just got the invite today.
Um, I'm a practicing Wiccan (not one of those teenagers who says they are just to be rebellious),bi and in a long-term relationship. I'm an opinionated person I guess and...yeah. I guess that's it. Oh yeah, and I'm 17.
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:56 pm
zentlair After all of what you just said, all I have to say is... what a cute puppy!! And a pain in the bleeeeeeeep posterior! surprised Moi? Teh puppy? Teh newbies? May I have your attention please? Will the real antecedant please stand up, please stand up, please stand up.
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:05 pm
Lendolin -waves- I'm lendolin, I just got the invite today.
Um, I'm a practicing Wiccan (not one of those teenagers who says they are just to be rebellious),bi and in a long-term relationship. I'm an opinionated person I guess and...yeah. I guess that's it. Oh yeah, and I'm 17. Well, it's nice to meet you. I really like your avvie, by the way. blaugh Hope you enjoy the guild! biggrin
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:10 pm
zentlair Oh Estrogen! 'ello everyone. I got a random invite to this guild and I was like, "Eh why not?" xd This place looks nice so I'll do my best to be active. So yes... about me. I'm a fourteen year old girl, I live in New Hamphsire, the most boring state in the US mad I now spend the vast majority of my time on gaia... eek Welcome to the guild! biggrin I thought Alaska was the most boringest place in the US...? Regardless, we're glad you joined, and we hope you have fun! biggrin But Alaska has pretty scenery... I guess. Well... New Hampshire comes close x.x And thanks for the welcome biggrin
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:11 pm
Oh Estrogen! zentlair Oh Estrogen! 'ello everyone. I got a random invite to this guild and I was like, "Eh why not?" xd This place looks nice so I'll do my best to be active. So yes... about me. I'm a fourteen year old girl, I live in New Hamphsire, the most boring state in the US mad I now spend the vast majority of my time on gaia... eek Welcome to the guild! biggrin I thought Alaska was the most boringest place in the US...? Regardless, we're glad you joined, and we hope you have fun! biggrin But Alaska has pretty scenery... I guess. Well... New Hampshire comes close x.x And thanks for the welcome biggrin I always try to make sure everyone gets at least one welcome. whee
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:41 pm
Hi I got a random pm to join the guild, the name is Fire.