Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:16 am
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia thanks night............. Good night. ** looks at your pet** he is so cute** Ha ha, Squeaks, in his angelic form. He's cute while he's sleeping and not getting in trouble. -_- *Squeaks suddenly perks up* Uh oh, woke him up. rolleyes four cats....the youngest one is always doing things to make us laugh....... just got up gotta go eat now.....see ya......... **smiles** all pets are cute when not getting into trouble......some are cute even when they are getting into trouble...... Lol, he's mostly just trouble. Cute is subjective. Lol Have any pets?
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:35 am
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia ** looks at your pet** he is so cute** Ha ha, Squeaks, in his angelic form. He's cute while he's sleeping and not getting in trouble. -_- *Squeaks suddenly perks up* Uh oh, woke him up. rolleyes four cats....the youngest one is always doing things to make us laugh.......
just got up gotta go eat now.....see ya.........**smiles** all pets are cute when not getting into trouble......some are cute even when they are getting into trouble...... Lol, he's mostly just trouble. Cute is subjective. Lol Have any pets? Oh yeah, all of those cats on your profile. sweatdrop Forgot about them already. I liek cats. :3
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:50 am
-smiles- Good morning Kay. Ooooh I just have to say..... that post looks so much better now that we are so close. xd I have to get to work. No play for me right now. Be good while I am gone. rofl
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:52 am
Ashi_Kisaki -smiles- Good morning Kay. Ooooh I just have to say..... that post looks so much better now that we are so close. xd I have to get to work. No play for me right now. Be good while I am gone. rofl Good morning. >.< You be good until I get back... In two days. emotion_facepalm Bye bye. D:
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:02 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia ** looks at your pet** he is so cute** Ha ha, Squeaks, in his angelic form. He's cute while he's sleeping and not getting in trouble. -_- *Squeaks suddenly perks up* Uh oh, woke him up. rolleyes four cats....the youngest one is always doing things to make us laugh.......
just got up gotta go eat now.....see ya.........**smiles** all pets are cute when not getting into trouble......some are cute even when they are getting into trouble...... Lol, he's mostly just trouble. Cute is subjective. Lol Have any pets? Oh yeah, all of those cats on your profile. sweatdrop Forgot about them already. I liek cats. :3 sorry about that......nerves still frazzled from last night.......but the situation has been reported and will be taken care of....... two are still with us....the two who aren't have been replaced with two rescued kitties....so we have four again......need to put their pics on profile......**smiles**
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:06 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia four cats....the youngest one is always doing things to make us laugh.......
just got up gotta go eat now.....see ya.........**smiles** all pets are cute when not getting into trouble......some are cute even when they are getting into trouble...... Lol, he's mostly just trouble. Cute is subjective. Lol Have any pets? Oh yeah, all of those cats on your profile. sweatdrop Forgot about them already. I liek cats. :3 sorry about that......nerves still frazzled from last night.......but the situation has been reported and will be taken care of....... two are still with us....the two who aren't have been replaced with two rescued kitties....so we have four again......need to put their pics on profile......**smiles** It's alright, you never have to worry about me. You do what you need to whenever and don't be sorry. @.@ D'aww... *goes and checks out the kitties again*
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:32 pm
Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai :::rolls her eyes laughin her a** off:::.. tough i dont have a lotta time right now.. so im tryin to be blunt... gotta get poolside soon...
Ive never really talked to him/her/it so i reallly dont know... ive been compared to one of my sisters and a couple others i know who can be just as dementedly sadistic and crude.. ect ect ect... hell does he/she/it behave anythin like me? I dunno... somehow I doubt it... a lot... lol...
mules.. yaddda yadda yadda... some people have way too many,.. mine is used in my RP for the RP and for the guild... nothin more nothin less... i never understood how some people can have a couple dozen accounts and be active on most of them... makes my real world head spin... She uses a similar... I'd call it 'tone', sometimes. But she's quite a bit toned down from you. From what I've seen anyway. We don't directly interact much. So you have a mule, but just the one? I don't really do the mule thing. @.@ I don't even like accessing Guild Mules, etc. thats what i was thinkin too... me i just dont give a damn.. im here to have fun and relax...make a few rp posts maybe grab a few tanks if the old laptop lets me and most of all raise a lil hell... :::giggles evilly:::... and yea im like that in RL too.. ask my mother.. she calls me her "spawn" and my daughter "spawn child or child of spawn"... i really dont know why... muahhahaaa....:::stops as she then giggles innocently:::
ive got the one for rp critters in my guild and that guilds mule... i dont know if my mom or sisters even remember the password to the my guilds one...lol... its old only used for the "brothers" to raise "hell" or "holy hell" in the guild when needed...but there are other guild mules I have access to but I dont like going on them unless the captains need me to or ask me to... my cousin even sent me his passwords when he lost his computer but i dont go on there unless he calls me and im on the phone with him- and thats only once in a blue moon I do that- we typically just catch up and talk so gaia gets forgotten...lol ...but if siblings do ask me to feed their fish or do DC for them while their away i dont mind... for a fe of their souls... muhahahaha... lmfao...
lol.. ya know i wonder if I should start a tank sitting service... muahahhaa... :::laughs so hard her sides hurt::: all the nice lil souls that I could collect and put into cute lil jars on my shelves... lfmao.... I see, I see, I see. Lol There are some ghost souls loose in the Guild for people to find, at the moment! o: I think I got most of them though. I dunno if more have showed up. ::giggle evilly as she looks arround:::.. reallly now... hmmmm.... I wonder where they're floatin... All over, when I haven't cleared them up. @.@ Out in the forums too! (My notice aren't showing up because Gaia broke... Sorry. sweatdrop damn and me without the time needed to go lookin for them... :::she pouts::: damn i need a good weekend for colletin souls... :::giggles evilly:::
(oh I know that! I was waiting for my damned next glow to show and the notices vanished... so my a** said ******** it for the night.. i was already dead anyways so figured Id shut down b4 I feel asleep at my laptop...at least their back today..)
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:39 pm
MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai thats what i was thinkin too... me i just dont give a damn.. im here to have fun and relax...make a few rp posts maybe grab a few tanks if the old laptop lets me and most of all raise a lil hell... :::giggles evilly:::... and yea im like that in RL too.. ask my mother.. she calls me her "spawn" and my daughter "spawn child or child of spawn"... i really dont know why... muahhahaaa....:::stops as she then giggles innocently:::
ive got the one for rp critters in my guild and that guilds mule... i dont know if my mom or sisters even remember the password to the my guilds one...lol... its old only used for the "brothers" to raise "hell" or "holy hell" in the guild when needed...but there are other guild mules I have access to but I dont like going on them unless the captains need me to or ask me to... my cousin even sent me his passwords when he lost his computer but i dont go on there unless he calls me and im on the phone with him- and thats only once in a blue moon I do that- we typically just catch up and talk so gaia gets forgotten...lol ...but if siblings do ask me to feed their fish or do DC for them while their away i dont mind... for a fe of their souls... muhahahaha... lmfao...
lol.. ya know i wonder if I should start a tank sitting service... muahahhaa... :::laughs so hard her sides hurt::: all the nice lil souls that I could collect and put into cute lil jars on my shelves... lfmao.... I see, I see, I see. Lol There are some ghost souls loose in the Guild for people to find, at the moment! o: I think I got most of them though. I dunno if more have showed up. ::giggle evilly as she looks arround:::.. reallly now... hmmmm.... I wonder where they're floatin... All over, when I haven't cleared them up. @.@ Out in the forums too! (My notice aren't showing up because Gaia broke... Sorry. sweatdrop damn and me without the time needed to go lookin for them... :::she pouts::: damn i need a good weekend for colletin souls... :::giggles evilly:::
(oh I know that! I was waiting for my damned next glow to show and the notices vanished... so my a** said ******** it for the night.. i was already dead anyways so figured Id shut down b4 I feel asleep at my laptop...at least their back today..)Lol, me and Ashi are tearing that game up. It's called 'Haunted Temple' or something and it's in one of the Halloween Subforums. Yeah, bloody guy likes to mess things up. >.< Couldn't keep track of anything. D:
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:49 pm
Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai thats what i was thinkin too... me i just dont give a damn.. im here to have fun and relax...make a few rp posts maybe grab a few tanks if the old laptop lets me and most of all raise a lil hell... :::giggles evilly:::... and yea im like that in RL too.. ask my mother.. she calls me her "spawn" and my daughter "spawn child or child of spawn"... i really dont know why... muahhahaaa....:::stops as she then giggles innocently:::
ive got the one for rp critters in my guild and that guilds mule... i dont know if my mom or sisters even remember the password to the my guilds one...lol... its old only used for the "brothers" to raise "hell" or "holy hell" in the guild when needed...but there are other guild mules I have access to but I dont like going on them unless the captains need me to or ask me to... my cousin even sent me his passwords when he lost his computer but i dont go on there unless he calls me and im on the phone with him- and thats only once in a blue moon I do that- we typically just catch up and talk so gaia gets forgotten...lol ...but if siblings do ask me to feed their fish or do DC for them while their away i dont mind... for a fe of their souls... muhahahaha... lmfao...
lol.. ya know i wonder if I should start a tank sitting service... muahahhaa... :::laughs so hard her sides hurt::: all the nice lil souls that I could collect and put into cute lil jars on my shelves... lfmao.... I see, I see, I see. Lol There are some ghost souls loose in the Guild for people to find, at the moment! o: I think I got most of them though. I dunno if more have showed up. ::giggle evilly as she looks arround:::.. reallly now... hmmmm.... I wonder where they're floatin... All over, when I haven't cleared them up. @.@ Out in the forums too! (My notice aren't showing up because Gaia broke... Sorry. sweatdrop damn and me without the time needed to go lookin for them... :::she pouts::: damn i need a good weekend for colletin souls... :::giggles evilly:::
(oh I know that! I was waiting for my damned next glow to show and the notices vanished... so my a** said ******** it for the night.. i was already dead anyways so figured Id shut down b4 I feel asleep at my laptop...at least their back today..)Lol, me and Ashi are tearing that game up. It's called 'Haunted Temple' or something and it's in one of the Halloween Subforums. Yeah, bloody guy likes to mess things up. >.< Couldn't keep track of anything. D: damnnn shame I dont really like posting in the forums... i stuck to the guilds and auarium forum for a few years now... kinda avoid some of the drama bullshit... (i have an allergy to that sorta bullshit.. it makes my happy gland want to kill things)
Oooohhhhhhhh... messes things up.. ::;she giggles excitedly::: now that sounds interestin... hehehehehe....
thats why i went to bed... but i wanted a wee bit of quiet to be sadistic.. uhmm mean.. uhmmm relax and be nice..yeaaaaahhhh... ya know be me... :::giggles:::
kinda like the glitch where there's no choices for color, bolding or other coding... gotta type it all in manually... gag.. curses you gaia... :::grumbles as she flicks off glitches::: dillholes...
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:04 pm
MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai ::giggle evilly as she looks arround:::.. reallly now... hmmmm.... I wonder where they're floatin... All over, when I haven't cleared them up. @.@ Out in the forums too! (My notice aren't showing up because Gaia broke... Sorry. sweatdrop damn and me without the time needed to go lookin for them... :::she pouts::: damn i need a good weekend for colletin souls... :::giggles evilly:::
(oh I know that! I was waiting for my damned next glow to show and the notices vanished... so my a** said ******** it for the night.. i was already dead anyways so figured Id shut down b4 I feel asleep at my laptop...at least their back today..)Lol, me and Ashi are tearing that game up. It's called 'Haunted Temple' or something and it's in one of the Halloween Subforums. Yeah, bloody guy likes to mess things up. >.< Couldn't keep track of anything. D: damnnn shame I dont really like posting in the forums... i stuck to the guilds and auarium forum for a few years now... kinda avoid some of the drama bullshit... (i have an allergy to that sorta bullshit.. it makes my happy gland want to kill things)
Oooohhhhhhhh... messes things up.. ::;she giggles excitedly::: now that sounds interestin... hehehehehe....
thats why i went to bed... but i wanted a wee bit of quiet to be sadistic.. uhmm mean.. uhmmm relax and be nice..yeaaaaahhhh... ya know be me... :::giggles:::
kinda like the glitch where there's no choices for color, bolding or other coding... gotta type it all in manually... gag.. curses you gaia... :::grumbles as she flicks off glitches::: dillholes...I meant its in one of out subforums here. *Bloody Gaia Yep, same issue, profile comments and Guilds, everything missing.
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:13 pm
Bye everyone! Gone for two days!
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:16 pm
Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai ::giggle evilly as she looks arround:::.. reallly now... hmmmm.... I wonder where they're floatin... All over, when I haven't cleared them up. @.@ Out in the forums too! (My notice aren't showing up because Gaia broke... Sorry. sweatdrop damn and me without the time needed to go lookin for them... :::she pouts::: damn i need a good weekend for colletin souls... :::giggles evilly:::
(oh I know that! I was waiting for my damned next glow to show and the notices vanished... so my a** said ******** it for the night.. i was already dead anyways so figured Id shut down b4 I feel asleep at my laptop...at least their back today..)Lol, me and Ashi are tearing that game up. It's called 'Haunted Temple' or something and it's in one of the Halloween Subforums. Yeah, bloody guy likes to mess things up. >.< Couldn't keep track of anything. D: damnnn shame I dont really like posting in the forums... i stuck to the guilds and auarium forum for a few years now... kinda avoid some of the drama bullshit... (i have an allergy to that sorta bullshit.. it makes my happy gland want to kill things)
Oooohhhhhhhh... messes things up.. ::;she giggles excitedly::: now that sounds interestin... hehehehehe....
thats why i went to bed... but i wanted a wee bit of quiet to be sadistic.. uhmm mean.. uhmmm relax and be nice..yeaaaaahhhh... ya know be me... :::giggles:::
kinda like the glitch where there's no choices for color, bolding or other coding... gotta type it all in manually... gag.. curses you gaia... :::grumbles as she flicks off glitches::: dillholes...I meant its in one of out subforums here. *Bloody Gaia Yep, same issue, profile comments and Guilds, everything missing. Ohhhh... opps... sorry... misunderstood ya... naa ill leave you guys to your fun.. wouldnt wanna spill the halloweenish blood on the fun... :::giggles evilly:::...you guys might slip and fall... lol...
and here i was thinkin we were gonna be painting the roses with blood... damn... :::she pouts::: spoils all my holiday fun... damn....
oh yea... i need my notices... lol... tryin to do some "work" here too and ya know how that is without notices... like tryin to be a telemarketer without a phone... lol
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:17 pm
MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai damn and me without the time needed to go lookin for them... :::she pouts::: damn i need a good weekend for colletin souls... :::giggles evilly:::
(oh I know that! I was waiting for my damned next glow to show and the notices vanished... so my a** said ******** it for the night.. i was already dead anyways so figured Id shut down b4 I feel asleep at my laptop...at least their back today..) Lol, me and Ashi are tearing that game up. It's called 'Haunted Temple' or something and it's in one of the Halloween Subforums. Yeah, bloody guy likes to mess things up. >.< Couldn't keep track of anything. D: damnnn shame I dont really like posting in the forums... i stuck to the guilds and auarium forum for a few years now... kinda avoid some of the drama bullshit... (i have an allergy to that sorta bullshit.. it makes my happy gland want to kill things)
Oooohhhhhhhh... messes things up.. ::;she giggles excitedly::: now that sounds interestin... hehehehehe....
thats why i went to bed... but i wanted a wee bit of quiet to be sadistic.. uhmm mean.. uhmmm relax and be nice..yeaaaaahhhh... ya know be me... :::giggles:::
kinda like the glitch where there's no choices for color, bolding or other coding... gotta type it all in manually... gag.. curses you gaia... :::grumbles as she flicks off glitches::: dillholes...I meant its in one of out subforums here. *Bloody Gaia Yep, same issue, profile comments and Guilds, everything missing. Ohhhh... opps... sorry... misunderstood ya... naa ill leave you guys to your fun.. wouldnt wanna spill the halloweenish blood on the fun... :::giggles evilly:::...you guys might slip and fall... lol...
and here i was thinkin we were gonna be painting the roses with blood... damn... :::she pouts::: spoils all my holiday fun... damn....
oh yea... i need my notices... lol... tryin to do some "work" here too and ya know how that is without notices... like tryin to be a telemarketer without a phone... lolIndeed. @.@ Gotta run! See ya in a few days!
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:17 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia four cats....the youngest one is always doing things to make us laugh.......
just got up gotta go eat now.....see ya.........**smiles** all pets are cute when not getting into trouble......some are cute even when they are getting into trouble...... Lol, he's mostly just trouble. Cute is subjective. Lol Have any pets? Oh yeah, all of those cats on your profile. sweatdrop Forgot about them already. I liek cats. :3 sorry about that......nerves still frazzled from last night.......but the situation has been reported and will be taken care of....... two are still with us....the two who aren't have been replaced with two rescued kitties....so we have four again......need to put their pics on profile......**smiles** It's alright, you never have to worry about me. You do what you need to whenever and don't be sorry. @.@ D'aww... *goes and checks out the kitties again* yeah we have four spoiled kitties.....it is hard not to spoil them.....or is they have us trained.....
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:18 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Oh yeah, all of those cats on your profile. sweatdrop Forgot about them already. I liek cats. :3 sorry about that......nerves still frazzled from last night.......but the situation has been reported and will be taken care of....... two are still with us....the two who aren't have been replaced with two rescued kitties....so we have four again......need to put their pics on profile......**smiles** It's alright, you never have to worry about me. You do what you need to whenever and don't be sorry. @.@ D'aww... *goes and checks out the kitties again* yeah we have four spoiled kitties.....it is hard not to spoil them.....or is they have us trained..... Ha ha, I see. xD Well, I gotta run for a couple of days. See ya later!