Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:06 pm
a.shadow.from.the.dark I'll take on someone.... I'll be blue Ganon Battle type: Stock Stock #: 4 lives Stock match time limit: 8min Items: Off damage ratio: 1.0 Stage: FD, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Dream Land 64, Fountain of Dreams, or Pkmn stadium I'll join lets do yoshi's story
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:07 pm
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:15 pm
Okay here are the results 1st - yoshimitsu Shimazu 2nd - a.shadow.from.the.dark 3rd - Yumi Kazuma
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:18 am
Yumi Kazuma Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma The winner is yoshimitsu Shimazu so...what happens? Ummm. bassicaly Level 9 computers fight and you wager money on who is going to win if you want tooh....so it is JUST computers....hmm....than i don't know/// confused
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:42 pm
Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma The winner is yoshimitsu Shimazu so...what happens? Ummm. bassicaly Level 9 computers fight and you wager money on who is going to win if you want tooh....so it is JUST computers....hmm....than i don't know/// confused Yeah I know... I just played a comp to see if it was any good, there was no contest... the AI never tried to spike! What kind of Ganon doesn't spike?
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:43 pm
a.shadow.from.the.dark Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma The winner is yoshimitsu Shimazu so...what happens? Ummm. bassicaly Level 9 computers fight and you wager money on who is going to win if you want tooh....so it is JUST computers....hmm....than i don't know/// confused Yeah I know... I just played a comp to see if it was any good, there was no contest... the AI never tried to spike! What kind of Ganon doesn't spike? what is "spike" can't remember confused long time since last played sweatdrop
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:30 pm
Cyber-STIX a.shadow.from.the.dark Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma The winner is yoshimitsu Shimazu so...what happens? Ummm. bassicaly Level 9 computers fight and you wager money on who is going to win if you want tooh....so it is JUST computers....hmm....than i don't know/// confused Yeah I know... I just played a comp to see if it was any good, there was no contest... the AI never tried to spike! What kind of Ganon doesn't spike? what is "spike" can't remember confused long time since last played sweatdrop for ganon, it's either his down-air, or wizards foot in air... a spike is when you send the opponent straight down before they recover (usually unstoppable when executed right)
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:44 am
Ive only played super smash bros melee. If hes on there I want to be Falco and I will play anyone. wager 50g
Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:52 pm
a.shadow.from.the.dark Cyber-STIX a.shadow.from.the.dark Cyber-STIX Yumi Kazuma Ummm. bassicaly Level 9 computers fight and you wager money on who is going to win if you want to oh....so it is JUST computers....hmm....than i don't know/// confused Yeah I know... I just played a comp to see if it was any good, there was no contest... the AI never tried to spike! What kind of Ganon doesn't spike? what is "spike" can't remember confused long time since last played sweatdrop for ganon, it's either his down-air, or wizards foot in air... a spike is when you send the opponent straight down before they recover (usually unstoppable when executed right) i go bezerk with him throwing fists and legs....lol...i dont really have a plan with him...
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:13 am
AWWW i forgot about this place! i need to be in the next one!!!!!! call me if there's one and im i lala land and ill get on!
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:19 am
i just realized that there have been three girls who have come. where's my sissy? KIKU?? where'd she be?
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:22 am
yoshimitsu Shimazu ooh ooh i want to be ganon dorf doof
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:24 pm
Chiba Yumi yoshimitsu Shimazu ooh ooh i want to be ganon dorf doofDoof haha lol
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:06 pm
okay, WHY do i keep missing her? ill take on anyone who wants to fight i san set it up on my Wii just tell me how you want the fight