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Reply 11: The Intelligent Cogitation: For the Master Debaters
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  should all die
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  poll whoring greedy lifeform
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:03 pm

We say that human is more evolved? How can you say that when beast never lie, there's a thought and now you decide.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:20 pm

Well, blowing stuff up does not solve anything contrary to popular belief.

But some humans mean well.

And some are heartless monsters.

You just have to pick and choose.


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:37 pm

We say that human is more evolved? How can you say that when beast never lie, there's a thought and now you decide.

Have you considered that beasts CAN'T lie? We are more evolved in that we possess both the ability to lie and the ability to choose wether to do so or not. That the beasts can't lie means they deserve about as much credit for not lying as a brain dead quadriplegic for not punching somebody who was insulting them in their presence. We possessing the ability to lie and the ability to choose wether to or not can therefore take credit for our every truth told. We have to CHOOSE to do things, it's a conscious effort on our part every time we make choices.

Also, I think in the movie Armageddon they solved quite a large (literally) problem by blowing something up. razz

(Bleh, I'm getting to the point with this topic I wish it would just go away and die in some corner some place once and for all.)
Edit: *points to post below* Well I'm glad somebody gets it at least in all this mess finally.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:37 pm

Beasts have a purely perceptual consciousness. Men, on the other hand, have a conceptual consciousness. This means that beasts simply react in the one way they can to a given stimuli, whereas man may react in any way he chooses, though some choices are more difficult than others.

The beast adapts to its environment, the man adapts his environment to himself. Man creates value, beasts merely kill and loot to gain their value, even insects are essentially non-productive when the human meaning is applied.

To say that humans are evil is absurd; each and every man has the choice to be good or evil, rational or irrational. If you deny choice, then you must also deny that a man is responsible for his own actions.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:29 am

Humans...A creature whom have evolved into something that gained free will, a conciousness, and the ability to think and learn. This is where their way of survival and others began to differ. Man grew a bit smarter yet they were left without much fur, or claws/teeth to defend themself. This is where they began to use tools to survive.
Thus sparked the curiosity or the humans, who began to wonder about things. Unsatisfied with living a simple life...the sought out to know more and more. With this knowledge they gained new ways to defend themselves against the very Nature that created them. When a certain item was obtained when others did not have it, they began to barter. Tools for other tools, food for labor, ect... Finally they wanted to obtain more...the unatainable seemed more desirable and Human Nature began to grow more definite.
It seemed that there was a more basic instinct every human contains within them. And depending how the human was, showed how strong it was. Contantly trying to make themself happy but they never realized that they could never be completely happy for too long. And throughout the ages they grew smarter...gained new ways to survive but against each other. And the power of Human Nature grew...This is the darkness in everyone's heart and it will never grow out as long as more than one man lives.
Even as I type this my own Human Nature shows, my dislike for the imperfect. There are the few who know how to make the world better and yet we do nothing to try to change it. We let the evil of Humans continue. This is because Humans don't like to change, but yet...change is the only way we grow....
PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:54 am

"Humans are animals, sometimes better, but more often worse than those on four legs. They can call things monsters when they dont even know what it means to be a monster. To them a monster is anything they don't understand. They give it horrific labels and treat it as a threat, Rejecting, Exterminating, Slaughtering it into oblivion. Monsters are simply their way of hiding their own ignorance. And they even do it to their own species, Stigmatizing and resenting those born with an undesirably color of skin. The only qualitites humans posess are Ferocity, cunning, relentlesness and cowardice." This was quoted in a manga i most respect. And i feel the need to put it out there and learn everyones opinions on Humankind in general.

I feel very strongly towards humans, although i am one i have an endless hate to humanity. Humans are pathetic fools. The only thing that allows them to survive on this planet is their concious and ability to learn. They have scourged this planet for far too long and nothing can stop them but their own ignorance. They find away to dominate everything they possibly can, tyrants among all tyrants. They make weapons to mask their own weakness, and fight petty squabbles that lead to the death of millions, for no reason whatsoever. They "tame" all animals to their benefit. If a human kills an animal then its ok, they are just doing it for food. But if an animal kills a human then the animal is killed, even though it is killing someone just to survive in this world that humans have turned into a living hell. Animals act based on instinct and they are killed for it, where as humans are praised. If a human really wanted to hunt fairly they would have to use their bare hands like everything else, but then they would definitely fail and they cant allow that.

Without knowledge there is no way humans could survive. The same concept goes for disease. nature creates diseases and sickness as a way to control the population of humans, but humans being human have to find a way to stop the sickness, Consuming the earths resources in the process. And each time a new disease is cured another appears as the earth desperately tries to stop humans from destroying it. So at the moment the earth is fighting a losing battle against the humans that so arrogantly live on it. Humans would aslo kill each other just to survive, they backstab, betray and deny all others before themselves. even those called reighteous are Monsters when it comes down to it. Humans have no will to do anything that they want to, they will sit and complain then just ignore the fact of the matter. They greedily consume the earths natural resources and pay no heed to the planet that so generously allows them to live on it. They engineer ways to kill millions of people just so they can live another day free from threat of death.

Humans also repopulate faster than anything else. It seems the only thing important to them is to flood the planet with as much of themselves as possible so they can create more famine and disaster. They have right and wrong ways to kill each other. if someone murders someone out of hate or revenge then they themselves are killed. if someone kills another under the right of law then its ok. IT makes no difference, killing is killing and people shouldnt be praised for killing someone to protect another. then when someone dies this way its looked upon as a tragedy. well as Marilyn Manson says "The death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is just a statistic." further proving my point that humans care for nothing but themselves. In the end humans are just a virus, a sickening plauge cast upon the earth, humans are even their own natural disaster.

In nature, the rule always goes "survival of the fittest" well in human nature it goes "survival of the shittest" and because of this its obvious why humans are on top. Everyday Humans find more and more ways to weasel their way to the top and it cant last much longer. oneday they will either have to all die or kill themselves along with the planet. In my eyes any one person who can overcome all human nature and kill themselves is a god among men. these people can overcome the human drive to live and massacre, making them no longer human but somehting better. Humans look down upon suicide when instead it should be praised for ridding the earth of one more human and overcoming the dispicable human instinct. I know all to well that i am human and i resent it. but one day if we are lucky humans will fade form this planet and it can return to its long lost harmony.

Let me know what you think ablout humans and wether or not you agree or disagree with my view. everyones outlook is helpful and opinions are welcome.

LMAO, Marilyn Manson?? Nice try!

I'm sick of this misanthropic nonsense, maybe if anime is telling you that humanity is a failure that should tell you to STOP WATCHING ANIME.

We were put here as superior to ALL OTHER FORMS OF LIFE on Earth. To say that can be regarded as "failure" is naive and unbased in reality. Name another life-form that is as powerful as a human -- you would have to find something that can communicate thought effortlessly among its own species, as I am doing now; it would have to be able to create and master a musical instrument, a language, and a sword; build a city, a world; and build technology so advanced it could destroy it all, and more, in minutes.


Neon Proxy

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:48 pm


LMAO, Marilyn Manson?? Nice try!

I'm sick of this misanthropic nonsense, maybe if anime is telling you that humanity is a failure that should tell you to STOP WATCHING ANIME.

We were put here as superior to ALL OTHER FORMS OF LIFE on Earth. To say that can be regarded as "failure" is naive and unbased in reality. Name another life-form that is as powerful as a human -- you would have to find something that can communicate thought effortlessly among its own species, as I am doing now; it would have to be able to create and master a musical instrument, a language, and a sword; build a city, a world; and build technology so advanced it could destroy it all, and more, in minutes.

I think we have all about gotten over the fact that I thought it was Marilyn Manson...someone else already showed me my mistakes on that one and I would correct it but since I am lazy and no longer can access that account welll... you see where I'm going. Here if it makes you happy I changed it kinda.

I believe humans are greedy, ignorant abominations that cannot co-exist with any shaoe or form of life on this planet. Although humans began as a species on this planet, we have grown and grown to the point where we have advanced to a level of exotic invaders. The land we were so graciously given to us by the mother earth is now being destroyed over petty arguments and differences. Humans bring death, famine and plague wherever they go and regardless of their intentions. Humans greedily consume earths resources, abuse it and over-use it for personal gain. People have a certain level of conciousness that makes them aware of their situation but gives them no power to take control of it. People must create weapons becasue they are far to meek and feeble without them, they must create government because without it they are mere "animals". Humans claim that they are above animals, a higher species meant to protect the earth, when in reality they are far below animals. Humans dont even serve a purpose. Even the tiniest of organisms on this planet serve a purpose to a point. But what have humans got??? global warming? Destruction of rainforests, thousands of miles of landscapes, and pollution? Deaths of thousands of species that have done nothing but try to exist? No, all humans have done is create a temporary cacoon of violence and false realities in which they can immerse themselves while the planet slowly crumbles beneath them. As it crumbles wars are fought, wars about simple things like oil and money. MONEY the root of all destruction. Overall this thin piece of inky paper serves no purpose, it has no statistical value whatsoever, until given to a human. To a human money represents what they own, can own. With this piece of papaer they can buy and destroy land, waste natural resources, kill others, and the list goes on. thousands upon thousands starve each day, just because they do not have a piece of paper that magically grants them acess to all of these things necessary for living. an average of 40,000children die of starvation each day, all becasue people cannot live without "legal tender" granted to them through the strange system called government. Children, another taboo of the human species. Even as the baby booms have died down and it seems that the baby population is slowly decreasing...it isnt. as the death rate of infants increases and the birth rate decreases, the population is still going up. How? you might ask, well the answer is quite simple. Sex. yes sex. Although the amount of babies born decreases every day, the simple human urge of sex comes in. Most humans being greedy lifeforms indulge themselves in it. Every day more people are having sex and increasing the population, so even China, which has the lowest birth rate in the world, contiues to grow at 10,000,000 people a year. For some reason people seem to think that the only way to immortalize themselves, make sure they are never forgotten, is to bring another suffering life into this world. So ask yourself, with so much thousands of people dying each day, how can you possible justify the bringing another life into the world without thinking of the results? Moving on now to death. Diseases, sickness, plague, it all comes from somewehre and all has a purpose, to control and regulate the population. at some point certain diseases will kick in and maintain stasis over a species or area, but in mankinds case we hardly have that issue. With mans natural concious and ability to learn, we can overcome disease. each day wasting more and more of the earths resources just to save another human and extend the wretched life of our race. while as we create cures for diseases that aile us we also create diseases for everything esle. We create gases, biochemicals, nuclear particles that kill and destroy everything. We pollute the air everyday with our cars, trash, everything we do has a negative consequence because at this point humans are so far gone we cant even do good for this planet anymore...no matter how hard we try. Nuclear war wont end the human, extraterrestial threats wont, the only thing that can stop human is awareness that we lack. Even if 99.9% of all humans on earth were to be killed, there would still be over 65,000 people left on the planet. thats quite a large number for such small creatures. Even that number is enough to still harm the planet. Everyday species go extinct, humans are responsible in every way shape and form. No one seems to care about these species, we all just go on living, if its even just to call it that anymore, and continue to kill animals. Lets take a look at something real quick. A human kills an animal, shoots it dead-well thats fine we are just doing it for food and teh better of our species. An animal attacks a human out of basic instinct and for food so it can SURVIVE. It gets shot and killed because somewhere in the twisted reasoning of the human brain the word hypocracy seems to ring freely. It's not right for animals to act on instinct, but humans can just do as they please. Another thing, murder. Someone is robbing a bank, they need money for food becasue in this society we revolve around paper. Sacrificing the very existence of any life form for something as superfluous and transitory as money is an outrageous crime against Nature.The robbers are shot and killed, the policeman that did it are "heroes for some reason. Somehow ending a life of another is correct becasue it is politically "Just". I don't see how that can ever make sense. At last we near the end, people ask, "well dont humans do some good for the enviroment?" take a look what do you think. Melting glaciers, pollution, millions of extinct species, fading o-zone, the list just goes on and on, in no way whatsoever have human been a benefit to this planet since they have existed on it. No some ask "well arent animals just like us, they dont do anything for the economy?" well truth is most do. Animals, mammals, plants, everything fits in somewhere and serves some purpose for life to keep going, Humans unfortunately dont fit in this circle.

The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
An established and balanced ecosystem functions in a dynamic symbiosis. All species interact with each other in three possible ways: mutualistic, communalistic, or parasitic. A mutualistic relationship helps both organisms. A communalistic relationship neither helps nor harms the interacting organisms. A parasitic relationship helps one and harms the other.
Are we a part of Nature in the same way a timber company is a part of the forest? Or the same way a farmer is part of the farm? We could be part of nature the same way, say, an otter is: eating sea urchins and being eaten by sharks.
We were once like the otter, part of the ecosystem. Then we developed agriculture, and have become parasitic, depending on exploitation of Nature for our survival, but giving nothing back.
The fossil record shows that each time Homo sapiens entered a continent, a spasm of extinctions followed. Exotic invaders typically disrupt ecosystems, and we are no exception.

I hope I didn't mess the crap out of that one. >_O
PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:52 pm

Neon Proxy

LMAO, Marilyn Manson?? Nice try!

I'm sick of this misanthropic nonsense, maybe if anime is telling you that humanity is a failure that should tell you to STOP WATCHING ANIME.

We were put here as superior to ALL OTHER FORMS OF LIFE on Earth. To say that can be regarded as "failure" is naive and unbased in reality. Name another life-form that is as powerful as a human -- you would have to find something that can communicate thought effortlessly among its own species, as I am doing now; it would have to be able to create and master a musical instrument, a language, and a sword; build a city, a world; and build technology so advanced it could destroy it all, and more, in minutes.

I think we have all about gotten over the fact that I thought it was Marilyn Manson...someone else already showed me my mistakes on that one and I would correct it but since I am lazy and no longer can access that account welll... you see where I'm going. Here if it makes you happy I changed it kinda.

I believe humans are greedy, ignorant abominations that cannot co-exist with any shaoe or form of life on this planet. Although humans began as a species on this planet, we have grown and grown to the point where we have advanced to a level of exotic invaders. The land we were so graciously given to us by the mother earth is now being destroyed over petty arguments and differences. Humans bring death, famine and plague wherever they go and regardless of their intentions. Humans greedily consume earths resources, abuse it and over-use it for personal gain. People have a certain level of conciousness that makes them aware of their situation but gives them no power to take control of it. People must create weapons becasue they are far to meek and feeble without them, they must create government because without it they are mere "animals". Humans claim that they are above animals, a higher species meant to protect the earth, when in reality they are far below animals. Humans dont even serve a purpose. Even the tiniest of organisms on this planet serve a purpose to a point. But what have humans got??? global warming? Destruction of rainforests, thousands of miles of landscapes, and pollution? Deaths of thousands of species that have done nothing but try to exist? No, all humans have done is create a temporary cacoon of violence and false realities in which they can immerse themselves while the planet slowly crumbles beneath them. As it crumbles wars are fought, wars about simple things like oil and money. MONEY the root of all destruction. Overall this thin piece of inky paper serves no purpose, it has no statistical value whatsoever, until given to a human. To a human money represents what they own, can own. With this piece of papaer they can buy and destroy land, waste natural resources, kill others, and the list goes on. thousands upon thousands starve each day, just because they do not have a piece of paper that magically grants them acess to all of these things necessary for living. an average of 40,000children die of starvation each day, all becasue people cannot live without "legal tender" granted to them through the strange system called government. Children, another taboo of the human species. Even as the baby booms have died down and it seems that the baby population is slowly decreasing...it isnt. as the death rate of infants increases and the birth rate decreases, the population is still going up. How? you might ask, well the answer is quite simple. Sex. yes sex. Although the amount of babies born decreases every day, the simple human urge of sex comes in. Most humans being greedy lifeforms indulge themselves in it. Every day more people are having sex and increasing the population, so even China, which has the lowest birth rate in the world, contiues to grow at 10,000,000 people a year. For some reason people seem to think that the only way to immortalize themselves, make sure they are never forgotten, is to bring another suffering life into this world. So ask yourself, with so much thousands of people dying each day, how can you possible justify the bringing another life into the world without thinking of the results? Moving on now to death. Diseases, sickness, plague, it all comes from somewehre and all has a purpose, to control and regulate the population. at some point certain diseases will kick in and maintain stasis over a species or area, but in mankinds case we hardly have that issue. With mans natural concious and ability to learn, we can overcome disease. each day wasting more and more of the earths resources just to save another human and extend the wretched life of our race. while as we create cures for diseases that aile us we also create diseases for everything esle. We create gases, biochemicals, nuclear particles that kill and destroy everything. We pollute the air everyday with our cars, trash, everything we do has a negative consequence because at this point humans are so far gone we cant even do good for this planet anymore...no matter how hard we try. Nuclear war wont end the human, extraterrestial threats wont, the only thing that can stop human is awareness that we lack. Even if 99.9% of all humans on earth were to be killed, there would still be over 65,000 people left on the planet. thats quite a large number for such small creatures. Even that number is enough to still harm the planet. Everyday species go extinct, humans are responsible in every way shape and form. No one seems to care about these species, we all just go on living, if its even just to call it that anymore, and continue to kill animals. Lets take a look at something real quick. A human kills an animal, shoots it dead-well thats fine we are just doing it for food and teh better of our species. An animal attacks a human out of basic instinct and for food so it can SURVIVE. It gets shot and killed because somewhere in the twisted reasoning of the human brain the word hypocracy seems to ring freely. It's not right for animals to act on instinct, but humans can just do as they please. Another thing, murder. Someone is robbing a bank, they need money for food becasue in this society we revolve around paper. Sacrificing the very existence of any life form for something as superfluous and transitory as money is an outrageous crime against Nature.The robbers are shot and killed, the policeman that did it are "heroes for some reason. Somehow ending a life of another is correct becasue it is politically "Just". I don't see how that can ever make sense. At last we near the end, people ask, "well dont humans do some good for the enviroment?" take a look what do you think. Melting glaciers, pollution, millions of extinct species, fading o-zone, the list just goes on and on, in no way whatsoever have human been a benefit to this planet since they have existed on it. No some ask "well arent animals just like us, they dont do anything for the economy?" well truth is most do. Animals, mammals, plants, everything fits in somewhere and serves some purpose for life to keep going, Humans unfortunately dont fit in this circle.

The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
An established and balanced ecosystem functions in a dynamic symbiosis. All species interact with each other in three possible ways: mutualistic, communalistic, or parasitic. A mutualistic relationship helps both organisms. A communalistic relationship neither helps nor harms the interacting organisms. A parasitic relationship helps one and harms the other.
Are we a part of Nature in the same way a timber company is a part of the forest? Or the same way a farmer is part of the farm? We could be part of nature the same way, say, an otter is: eating sea urchins and being eaten by sharks.
We were once like the otter, part of the ecosystem. Then we developed agriculture, and have become parasitic, depending on exploitation of Nature for our survival, but giving nothing back.
The fossil record shows that each time Homo sapiens entered a continent, a spasm of extinctions followed. Exotic invaders typically disrupt ecosystems, and we are no exception.

I hope I didn't mess the crap out of that one. >_O

Nice long-winded and relatively nonsensical essay...

I laughed at the Manson thing because I didn't read any of the responses.

Anyway, I'm just going to pick out the parts of your speech I found particularly funny or illogical. Kay, here goes.

-You said that humans bring "death, famine and plague" wherever they go. Well in case you haven't noticed, so do animals. Where do you think salmonella, the "bird flu", "foot and mouth disease" come from? Gee, apparently they find that even AIDS came from animals. You later even say that humans have the ability to "avoid disease" or something to that effect, so which is it? Animals also kill without conscience, because hey, they don't have one and it's necessary for them to preserve themselves. Wait, animals kill relentlessly for their OWN benefit? That kind of takes the wind out of your claims about humans!

-We're "exotic invaders"? What exactly are we invading? Animals? LOL! I wouldn't call bears, dogs and hippos "invaders" but if you say so...

-Your argument is that people make weapons because we are feeble without them? We establish a code to be unanimalistic? What exactly is your point? Bears have claws because they are feeble without them, sharks have teeth because without them they are nothing but a big friendly fish. What a rhetorical argument. Of course we build weapons, so would ANY animal if it could (remember that scene in Space Oddessy?)
And the "government" point is DETRIMENTAL to your argument; yes, we establish government to lift ourselves up ABOVE the instinct-driven, primitive life of an animal society. That's exactly right, that's one way we are superior to any other life-form on Earth. I'm not getting your point at all.

-You claim that humans "don't serve a purpose" but then later say that animals are "just trying to live" or whatever. So in other words, neither do they. And if you had any grasp of religion, you'd understand that we DO serve a purpose, but then again you'd also understand the answer to each of your questions here.

-Money? How is that relevant at ALL? I don't think you get the concept of money. Before a note of legal tender, the dollar bill, it was whatever else was important (called "bartering"). For instance if I had a lot of potatoes, and potatoes were "in" at the time, I could trade them to farmer Jebediah who had a lot of raddishes, which I love. Since he loves potatoes, but doesn't grow them, then that's a good trade! I bet if you look at it that way it doesn't seem so "evil". All that's changed is that, hey, I can grow potatoes, but I mean really, how many people WANT potatoes? If someone has a wagon that I really like (it's a new roadster model) but they grow potatoes sad then they don't want any of mine. So how am I EVER going to get that damn wagon? I guess I'll have to build one. Anyway, so now we have a thing called MONEY. smile Instead of using POTATOES and RADDISHES as currency, we can sell our potatoes and get something worthless in exchange -- money. But see the thing IS, everyone wants this money, and because everyone wants the money, then it doesn't make so much of a difference whether you grow POTATOES or RADDISHES, because you're still going to have something that EVERYONE wants. Now you can buy that fruit-cart!! See, money's not all that bad. In fact it's a lot less primitive than fruit-peddling.

Blah blah blah, Ethiopian children are starving, 'cause they don't have money, blah blah... well guess what? When we came to the shores of America, WE DIDN'T HAVE MONEY EITHER smile but we are something called a "developed" society, 'cause we're full of smart capable white folks, who managed to get their s**t together and make a little of this money so we could have something called a "society". And, you guessed it -- Ethiopia could do this too! Maybe they oughta start out simpler... like trading POTATOES for RADDISHES! Hell, for that matter, they could avoid starvation just as easily. O, wait, Ethiopians can't grow potatoes or raddishes? Well what CAN they do? Well there you go, there's the REAL reason they're starving. Not because of money. Because they don't do anything to MAKE money. Better start knittin', Tyrone!

-Well gee, Martha, animals have sex too. You know what they say about Mexicans... they multiply LIKE RABBITS. I'll bet you more rabbits are born every year than Chinese kids. And hey -- they don't kill every other female baby! Just kidding, they might. Even rabbits can't resist that hearty Hassenpfeffer, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... scrump-diddly-umptious

-It's the fault of humans whenever species go extinct? LOL!! O man, that must be what happened to the dinosaurs, DAMN HUMANS!!!

-Once again not making any sense; you said killing an animal is okay because we eat it to survive and whatnot but it is hypocritical to kill an animal in our own defence. LOL... what is a better option then, not doing anything? A deer runs away in its defense when being shot at, plenty of bears and other predators kill people all the time in THEIR defence, what is your point? So let's see, basically it was; people kill animals either a) to survive by eating the animal, or b) to survive because they're being attacked. Animals kill people or other animals either a) to survive by eating the animal, or b) to survive because they're being attacked. Hmm, what's this? They're both exactly the same? Go figure... where's the hypocracy again? And who said it wasn't right for an animal to act on instinct? Of course it is for they have nothing else. Just because a man DEFENDS himself against an animal doesn't indicate that he thinks the animal is WRONG -- he's just a superior being with superior firepower.

-Robbery is the fault of money? Right, so I suppose there wasn't thievery before standard legal tender existed then. Wait, yes there was, but it sucked back then; we only got to steal either POTATOES or RADDISHES. Or chicken. And, you don't understand how killing someone can be just? I don't understand your moral code, then. Damn hippies. Let me explain it to you: First and foremost, a cop doesn't kill someone for robbing a bank. I'm not sure who told you that lie. Second, these people are not heroes for killing someone. They are heroes for killing someone who murdered one or more people, and I'm guessing when THEY did it, it was a lot more cruel than a double-tap to the face with hollow-point nine-millimeter parabellum rounds fired at a muzzle velocity of nine-hundred feet-per-second.

-Hmm, I wasn't aware planting crops was bad for the environment. I guess you're right, we should have just given up at the beginning and NOT EATEN. Also, if you didn't notice, forestry companies function much like most any animal -- they cut down trees and plant twice as many, just as a beaver cuts down a tree and in the process two may be planted by the fallen seeds. And pretty far-fetched for you to conclude that no human, ever, has done things beneficial to the environment. Now that I think of it, I bet you're not one of them. OMG, you're using a computer, how bad for the environment!! You ate a corn-cob, you are killing the o-zone! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!111


Neon Proxy

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:16 pm

And -so- we watch the }sun{ come up from the edge of the |_deep_| green *sea*

All I have to say to you is this...
1. I know my argument is extremely flawed and pointless...I am aware of this fact and aslo aware of the fact that I typed it at 3:30 in the morning and was to lazy to ever make new arguments so I just copy and paste it.
2. I am not going to change it because theres really no point, I've already made 2 extremely long irrelevant posts, apparently I must have bad grammar or something...Or maybe I should just go to bed...mmmmmm bed.
3. I might post an argument to your response...maybe tomorrow...and thats a big maybe.

'And' she listens like -her- head's on fire like she wants to believe in `me`
PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:02 am

Big maybe, sounds good, I love 'em big!

Naw, I don't care, it's 4AM here and I'm Chatterboxed out.



PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:45 am

Humans are the one true abomination of life. Before humans ruled the planet, animals and nature existed in balance, if something died, it was because it was ment to die, not because someone felt it's death was needed. Animals didn't need technology or fancy sheltering, or faster movement, they lived with the land, not against it. Humans destroyed the land, animals borrowed the land, then gave back to it.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:33 pm

Oh good grief. You act like intelligence is a burden.

Der Freischuetz


PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:38 am

Intelligence can't be a burden for an animal that doesn't truly have it, if humans were as intelligent as they say we are, life would be very much different from how it is.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:09 am

humans are greedy power-hungry beings. they decieve their own kind for personal gain and call it politics, they execute innocent criminals and allow rich criminals to go free and call it justice. There are plenty of ways that are likely to kill off all humans, but almost all of them are caused by humans. thus, in a sense, even mankind knows that it shouldnt exist.

I fully agree. Every "sin" that exists in this world has been caused by us. humanity is greedy, stupid, egotistical and evil. But if we hadn't "created" evil, then we wouldn't fully appreciate or understand the power of good that does happen in the world.



Girl-Crazy Noob

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:18 pm

Alright, my turn.

I don't think humans should be completely exterminated, though I do think a massive reduction in numbers couldn't be anything but beneficial. I honestly believe their should be an IQ test for people to be allowed to reproduce (Which would probably cause a population deficit within 100 years or so, but we don't have that long). If everyone on the planet ate a meat-centered diet the planet would be exhausted in 16 years, if everyone ate a plant-centered diet, it would take 230 years, either way we have to do something to renew the planet rather than use it up as fast as possible.

I don't not think that people are better or more worthy of life than any other living thing, we are less beneficial to the planet than some types of fungus. However, what NOCTRVNVS was trying to get at earlier was, I think, that humans are supposed to be stewards. We are supposed to be taking care of the planet.
Clearly we aren't doing that, but with the help of enough liberal activists and a democratic president in America next term (Or at least one that isn't in bed with the oil companies). It may be possible to develop and enforce plans to lesson humanity's impact on the world. America and China are the world's largest polluters, and they are also both overpopulated.

Humans have been responsible for a 1000% increase in the rate of extinction of various animals, but we are trying to stop. We now have the Endangered Species Act and organizations such as Defenders of WildLife and PETA which are concerned with animal welfare.

If enough people in the world got more involved in conservationism and some forms of activism soon enough, it might be possible to reverse some of the damage we have caused. And yes, I have sources for everything I've said, please don't make me look them up, but if I have to, I will.

I also don't plan on having kids, there's waaay too many orphans for me to make parasites of my own, I'll just buy someone else's. cheese_whine
11: The Intelligent Cogitation: For the Master Debaters

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