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[FIREKIN META] The Abandoned Temple (Nergui - See p4!) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:37 am
Character: Lirda
Location: Edges - near the fight, sneaking away to the structures

Lirda was deeply impressed that Mahiri, Tirnak and Tesak managed to get the upper paw in the ambush so easily. She was even ready to join them, hoping they could end this intrusion and gloat over some freshly defeated foes.. but half a step out of the shadows and she spotted the group headed their way.

Cursing under her breath, she stumbled back into the darkness, hoping she hadn't been spotted and tried not to panic. Why were there so many intruders? They were outnumbered! And not just this foolish little ambush team that had come out here. She kept on cursing under her breath before turning around and hurrying away towards the structures.

This is what they got, kidnapping so many neighbours. Aibu had been right to leave when she did, Lirda should have seen this coming, they all should have. There weren't enough of them left to pull stunts like this now! A hoard, ha!

Feel free to spot, attack or follow Lirda.


Character: Ljena
Location: Structures

Still clinging to her father, Ljena was staring at the group around them and trying to figure out what to do next. From the moment she had been pulled away from her home, she had been trying to mastermind some kind of escape and now their rescuers were here and she just didn't know what happened next. She had seen them coming, known it was the right time to sneak away when it came.. but that was it. Finally, she looked back up to her dad, nodding seriously.

"Yes," she said, "We were being watched, but they're distracted tonight so I could sneak away. I think they know you're here, but there are more of you than them.. come this way!"

If two lions and two hyenas had gone away.. she'd be lucky if they hadn't realized she had disappeared too, but they wouldn't be able to do anything about it without leaving their other hostages. She hurried back along the path she had appeared from, and started leading the way through the structures. If she heard the commotion back at the center, she was ignoring it in favour of leading help back to her companions.

The commotion is pretty obvious now, characters at the structures can choose not to follow Ljena.. but she was already confident this group of six outnumbered the Nergui, you left more than six behind for whatever is going on.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:39 pm
"I think I'll be fine to fly."

Brillo said this mostly to herself, but was trying to comfort the others just as much. Her wing flexed absently as she considered flight. Now was as good a time as any to begin trying? "Ha ha, please let me fall." She rolled her eyes at her knight in shining armor.. joking aside she knew he would catch her even at the risk of falling.

The commotion ruffled her feathers and she rose into the air with a strong flap of her wings. The pressure, sensation, and sheer freedom of flight pulsing adrenaline through her sore, stiff body. Her bright eyes flew from the lions below her to those being attacked. In her days with the Stormborn she didn't have a memory of seeing these creatures, but she knew them by the name hyena. Their bodies looked odd against the lions canvasing the area and she matched the squawk from her equally loud partner.

Raia found her eyes raising, then falling from Brillo and to Mstiri. Before she knew what was going on the world warped into slow motion and she watched as Tawi did something he had never done before.. he placed himself between her and harms way. "Brillo, sit tight!" The lioness bellowed above as she pulled herself into what she knew to be a prowling stance. Never trained to be a fighter or protector left her helpless in attacks, but she knew how to hunt. The skills could be transposed.

"Tawi, move!" Her eyes narrowed and she was suddenly brought back to real time. "We need to help them!" She shouted nearly at the top of her lungs. The ferocity of her yell was matched with a threatening roar. If they didn't move to help the others she wasn't sure that it would be a failing on their part. As she witnessed the sheer size difference between opponents it was possible that additional limbs might simply be a hindrance. "Or at least prepare yourself for another ambush!" Her eyes moved from the targets to surrounding areas.

"Brillo, keep an eye out from above. Do you see anyone else?"

The bird, for her part, stayed afloat. Her wings moved with the grace she had been familiar with since starting to fly. The winds blew below her feathers and she trembled at the powerful feeling the whole action gave her. "Got it, Mstiri.. are you coming?" Her partner in crime was a necessity. Surely this charade of being able to fly so soon would fail..


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:49 pm
[Tawi's jumping in to help Ud]

Mstiri watched as Brillo stretched her wings out, and take to the air. He stayed still on Tawi's back, ready to launch himself up to catch her should he see her tiring.

Tawi, move!

It was Raia's voice that caused him to move forward. We need to help them! He was by no means a fighter. He was a pretty terrible guard if put up against others. But Raia had said that they needed to help. In his mind, the whirlwind of what the dark lioness said, went. Without even acknowledging, Tawi rushed forward towards the lion attacking his Firekin partner. He pounced towards him, hoping to get the element of surprise from behind. Any other words his mate had said after that fell on deaf ears. Adrenaline had overtaken him.

Mstiri nodded at Brillo's question. "That idiot better not get himself killed." He murmured, taking to the sky after the female raven, keeping an eye out for others.

Ctrl F Greenie


PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:24 pm
The sounds increased and his stomach sunk quickly. Commotion was perhaps one way to describe it.. a sound that disrupted the normal tick of the caves they decided to look into. Even with the excitement of discovering the feathers he couldn't shake that gut feeling telling him that something was going on, that something bad was happening while they hid out here.

"I'm going to check it out..." He spoke to the small group within the cavern. They had equally heard what had been going on and he wouldn't be surprised if others kept searching. Why send more than one individual?

Instantly he regretted wasting even a moments time.

The commotion was more than just a little spat between those who had come along. Something he had expected with so many personalities gathered.. even with a common goal. No, the commotion was caused by a couple of hyenas pitting themselves against the lions that had travelled from the desert. In the moment their pride name escaped him and he couldn't think of much more else, but to look at where Nyx was..


He shouted, stupidly, at the lioness that had bolted towards the brawl. Her delicate frame moved so gracefully, he had never seen her like this. Momentarily he grew distracted by her movements and simply stared, not realizing that shouting her name could cause more harm than good. A distraction in the battlefield was never a good thing. Not that Titere'dido had any experience of that under his belt, he did offer rogue experience. A fight here and there was nothing akin to the one put on display before him - fortunately it began to appear that the hyenas realized they might be outnumbered. Relief washed over him.

For the time being he didn't bolt towards the scene, instead he stayed near the outcropping to help them should they need it. They did find those feathers afterall.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:38 pm
Location: Caves; heading towards the Center now.

The younger voice that spoke up had Har looking up, and he frowned at those words. Ah, one of the survivors then? Well, perhaps he shouldn't hold onto the feathers.... or rather, maybe this was a better find than he'd thought. Hopefully he could return them to her.

Before he could say anything though, the sounds of fighting finally reached them, and he snapped his gaze back in the direction it was coming from. He took off after the other lion, brushing past as they called out to a lioness and continuing towards the fighting. With a growl, he sped up in the hopes of adding to their number. First, deal with these miscreants, then they could question them on what they knew.

Ctrl F Greenie
Laaate, rofl. xD I'm pretty sure he's left, but I figured I'd quote so you knew Har had noticed.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:56 am
Ud seemed to be safe, he had the support of another and while Nuriel was inclined to chastise himself for being so slow, now really wasn't the time. Instead, he took to observing his surroundings again (though this time at speed) and noticed that those flickering 'shadows' were back again. Granted he had no way of telling that these weren't the []same as the ones he'd glimpsed before, but rather than allow 'them' to creep ever closer it was more beneficial to investigate them more closely.

Thus, the not very subtly coloured lion moved towards Lirda - he was quiet, most assuredly graceful on the sands, but that didn't necessarily mean that the lioness was blind.

He was still young and in certain respects, still clumsy in regards to his approach towards certain encounters. He could hunt well enough, but when it came to stealth he left much to be desired... Suffice to say that this was something that smaller Firekin were better at. Nevertheless he had a purpose, and it would show in his body language as he moved closer to the darker lioness.

Would he spook her or would she see him long before that?

He wasn't against a chase, he'd pin and secure anything he saw as a threat if needed... Regardless of who or what they were.


Epine de Rose


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:17 am
Ud bared his teeth as he tried to dodge or parry the blows coming his way, completely on the defensive for the moment as the small lion used his element of surprise to his advantage. Claws raked over his shoulders and legs and one even caught his face, striking the bridge of his nose, but nothing did too much damage. He could hear the others in the area calling out the attack and it wasn't a moment later than another lion was by his side with more closing in quick. Using the distraction of the....Mwezi? Ud nearly paused for a moment in surprise, expecting one of his Firekin brethren to aid him. Instead a very blue lion was drawing the attention of the attacker and for a second Ud wondered if they were wrong about the religious lions. They had to have some courage to just pounce on a lion like that.

Now that there was someone at his side, Ud fell upon the outnumber male with a bone-quaking roar. Claws and teeth and sheer mass all worked with him as he attacked, careful not to injure his companion in the process. Oh, this lion would pay dearly for catching him off guard.




Jens could hear the commotion, loud roars, hyena cackles, and the sounds of battle echoing through the structure they were in. He spared a moment to glance the way they had come, but he knew he wasn't a fighter by any means. He'd get in the way back there and he wasn't going to let Ljena get caught again. As she led the way back the way she had come from, Jens was quick to fall into step behind her. There were others to find and save, after all! He was sure those that remained behind could take care of the attackers.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:06 pm
Character: Lirda
Location: Structures, being followed

Lirda was certain she was being followed, had no doubt in her mind that she would be spotted by a group that big and chased, and it was a mental battle not to drop all pretense of sneaking and bolt. The one thing she refused to do was look back. That left her no chance of spotting Nuriel following, and being significantly smaller than most of the lions around, she wouldn't be hard to catch up to.. so she just kept moving. She could hear him, or she thought she could.. or she thought maybe she was imagining it because she was so sure she was in danger.

She focused on one thing: Don't get caught.

Get back to Nuri and the others, warn them.

Mahiri, Tesak and Tirnak were on their own. Maybe it would be better if she took this opportunity to flee before finding out just how much trouble this was going to be for those hiding out in the Temple.. but it didn't cross her mind. Not yet.

Nuriel can choose to catch her or follow her. Others from the center can follow him.

Bigger update to come after a chance for Nuriel to decide!

Epine de Rose


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:56 am
Location: Structures, following Lirda.

He wasn't a subtle creature in the slightest, even on the sands, so even he had to arch a brow as he slipped after the lioness. Had she truly not seen him? If she hadn't then either he was in the wrong job or she was deaf. Alternatively she was playing dumb, but his young mind wasn't quite as strategic as that (yet) and it would take some time for him to learn how to piece this puzzle together. Alas, as it stood, curiosity got the better of him in the form of a warped sense of duty... If she was going somewhere then he needed to find out where.

Regardless of whether she was deaf or oblivious, she was heading somewhere and it was at a very measured pace. With her unspoken intentions seemingly clear the white lion saw no other option than to follow her until she ended up where she intended to be. After all, if she was slipping away to summon additional help that could potentially turn the tide of battle. If there was one advantage he did have, he could run over the sands exceedingly quickly, thus if she did end up in the company of others then it would be his turn to high tail it out of there.

...Or at least this was his plan anyway.

Youth had a way of clouding the bigger picture and he could very well have been walking into a trap. Nevertheless as it stood the young Firekin was resolved to follow the lioness until such times as he could get to the bottom of some of the 'mystery'. He wasn't too proud to call for help when it was needed, just too naive to realise he probably shouldn't have been wandering off alone in an unknown region.

Oh well, live and learn, right?

(If you need to bring him to harm that's fine btw, just in case you needed that permission for anything!)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:46 pm
Character: Lirda, Ljena
Location: Structures, Nergui Camp

Lirda picked up the pace as she became more and more certain that she was being followed, she followed a well worn path through the town and it wasn't very long before she stumbled upon Ljena and the lions she was leading into the temple.

Ljena and Lirda both stumbled to a stop and their eyes met before the dark lioness finally looked behind her, confirmed she was being followed and then bolted. Ljena recognized her, of course, and without hesitating took off after her. If Lirda got to the camp with too much time, they could scatter. Onwa might not go anywhere fast but they could lose Matumaini!

"We have to hurry!" Ljena cried.

It wasn't far to the temple where the Nergui were camped, Lirda reached it only a moment ahead of Ljena, the Mwezi and Firekin.. and there wasn't enough time for those hiding there to muster a response. When the groups arrived, they were faced with two additional strangers, Nuri & Kmorr .. and close by were Onwa and Matuamini.

The Firekin had found the camp of the remnants of the Nergui and the Mwezi'Johari had found their missing lions.

Lirda placed herself behind the two older lions, wide-eyed as their camp was invaded by a larger group than she had imagined even at the scene of the ambush. She'd definitely made the wrong choice, coming back here.. she should have run into the desert. She shouldn't have stayed when she came here and found the Nergui disbanded.. instead she got tangled up in some stupid kidnapping plot and she was sure she was being kept partly in the dark for, even if only because she didn't speak the language..

"There's more of them," she said to Nuri and Kmorr, "Mahiri and the hyenas are in over their heads.."

If they weren't dead, they were certainly overpowered by now.

OOC Note: Suggested actions right not would be to cut off any possible escape routes (so you can question the Nergui) and check on Onwa & Matumaini. I'm sorry there's not much to respond to right now, the next major post will be an explanation of what happened to the Nergui. More open-ended discussions of what to do with them can come after that. I also suggest more Firekin say they followed Nuriel and meet up with the other group to get to the camp.

For the people dealing with the ambush, I'll remind Drani & mouse to reply.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:23 pm
Location: Taking up a 'blockade' type stance so no one can escape in their direction. They could try tho XD

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A lot of things seemed to happen all at once, Ud had help and seemed to be fairing alright but movement cause Nkon to give Pyrallis a nudge of the shoulder. "There is something going on over there I think." Pyrallis followed his gaze and gave a nod of his head, it would seem that something else was going on so the two of them followed after those that seemed to be stalking someone. They were far enough behind that they only heard the commotions of surprise? Something was definitely going on.

Pyrallis darted forward quickly towards one of the farther sides that seemed to enter into the same place and Nkon followed suit. When they arrived on scene there were some familiar faces, and some that were not so familiar. Planting themselves firmly where they were to prevent anyone from escaping from this direction the two large males made their stand, so to speak.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:10 pm
Things were not going well. Tesak obediently retreated as he could, but the lions were big and they seemed to want his blood. Speaking of blood...it was his tie to his sister but right know the hyena was far more concerned for his own skin and SKULL than hers. Timing his movements as best as he could, Tesak made his escape from the fray.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 7:48 pm
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Everything had felt too late, too slow, too dangerous....though she was a trained soldier, she was not seasoned, and she knew she had the lower paw when being ambushed. Claws and fangs had swirled around, though somehow she wasn't too heavily damaged by the time she realized that reinforcements were arriving. One hyena had peeled off faster than the other, and as she struggled to ease her breathing and gauge her wounds as her olive eyes shot around to Ud, she realized that most of the fighting had appeared to ease off.

Ud wasn't alone. But she couldn't believe that it was these Mwezi, these non-trained Firekin that seemed to be throwing themselves into the fray. Huolongmai didn't know if it was sheer timing or luck, but the tide of battle was changing. She watched as the second remaining hyena retreated, the swaying tail and bobbing skull almost taunting her of her perceived failure. At least she was alive. Alive.

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Horae had been too far away to help when the ambush occurred, though she followed the bulk of the group rushing forward to attempt to help. The sand was so odd underneath her feet that she had to let herself slow down a bit before she pulled something. It was hard to gain traction in such a soft and slippery surface, and she was about ready to take her anger out on this s**t than stupid hyenas that she was too slow to catch up with.

Frustrated, but glad that it seemed like things may be shifting in their favor (with the assistance of a Mwezi lion, thank you very much), her attention was drawn to that large Firekin male that she had already forgotten the name of (Nuriel) who was clearly chasing after something. She decided it woudl be best to follow after him, to find the source of the wrongness that their little band was dealing with.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:50 am
Location: Heading in the direction of the Structures.

As he got close, it become apparent that their attackers were outnumbered and quickly losing the fight, especially when one of the hyenas tried to make a break for it. Har slowed his step, watched the encounter for a moment longer before turning his gaze to where a majority of the group was heading.

His eyes narrowed and, after a quick glance to make sure the lions here had it covered, he turned and started making his way towards the structures. He'd wanted to avoid coming here if he could, but if it all seemed to centralize here... then he had to come and help. Perhaps he'd even run into the owner of these feathers.




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:38 am
The two males were really uncertain of what else to do aside from placing themselves where they currently were. The large, black, firekin kept his eyes moving as he paced back and forth in the place he had currently put himself on the outskirts of the structure.

Nkon took a seat, keeping a careful watch on the outside as well as the inside of the structure, who knew if anyone else might decide to just show up.  
[IC] Rogue Lands

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