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Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:37 am
<_< I'm sorreh she can't help herself.

"Temper, temper," Asyria lifted her paw and waved one toe from side to side as the larger lion sneered. She wasn't a small lioness by any measure, but the Firekin were most certainly a mighty species in terms of height. That being said, their tall stature didn't necessarily mean they were automatically capable of besting her, it all depended on the manner in which they chose to fight. At the moment, this particular lion seemed to be full of bluster - all hot air, but if he was truly this hot headed in battle then she could simply dance around him.

"You may say that you do not take on just anyone, but I have been watching these lands for a very long time," she pursed her lips and briefly glanced over her shoulder, casting a glance at her home that lay some distance away. "And this is the first time that I can recall you letting quite so many in," she narrowed her eyes and stepped closer, though she maintained a respectable distance from him.

She had no problems with squaring off against anyone, the Corporal would be no exception.

"So whether you care to admit it or not, your circumstances have changed slightly," she paused and glanced towards the Corporal's son, then back towards the disgruntled lion. "Accepting foreign blood en mass, typically indicates that you are more open to accepting 'just anyone'," she shook her head and lowered her paw.

"However, if you wish to dance and this is regarded as one of your traditions," she gave a small nod. "Then we shall dance; unofficially of course, so as not to insult your Regent." She finished, acknowledging Heti's concerns.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:27 pm

Bri'ehn was not sure that she wanted to use her energy practising...or even waste her efforts on a male who seemed so sure of himself. He thought she did not stand a chance to win because she was female? Her frown furrowed and the tip of her tail twitched with irritation.

Still, words were not quick to come to her and if the regent hadn't overheard their conversation and interrupted, it was likely she would have stayed in sullen silence in hopes that he'd find somewhere else to go. To think that her innocent question had turned into...into this.

Still, she had not expected the male to retort so rudely to the regent. She was just a rogue, but the dark female outranked them by miles. Her bright eyes widened and still she said nothing--nothing until - that was - he put the question to her again.

"A female," she replied hotly, "is not just a pretty face."

She stood then, as if to leave, but hesitated a moment. It seemed that the golden one was taking a break for now. Perhaps it was time she move in to duel a Firekin.

"If there are no takers, I will prove myself next." She tried her best to ignore the cocky male, her fur prickling at their close proximity.


Shaak smiled and reclined, "if they are not forthcoming, how will we be marvelled at their tales of the unknown lands?"

She raised her voice just a little, "come. Some of you must have interesting stories, to tell."


"That does not mean we're being any less picky," the corporal snapped, taking a step forwards and shoving his son aside.

Heti, with another soft sigh, complied. It seemed, at least, that this female was not intimidated by Azar. She was probably more capable at standing up to him than he was.

"Let the regent be insulted if she has nothing better to do!" The red lion continued on his tirade, "we won't fight here and this won't be unofficial. You need teaching respect if you are to have any chance of joining us and there's no one here more worthy of doing that than me."

Heti opened his mouth to protest but gave it up as a lost cause.

"I'll give you one last chance to change your mind and turn back, otherwise I'll see you at the sparring grounds."

Syrius Lionwing
hahaha, this should be fun XD


Epine de Rose
This is hilarious. She knows how to work him perfectly. We must have a follow up RP for them XD If you like we can finish this 'part' of the RP on your next post and leave the duel as a mystery. We can even work out what really happened and then Azar can just tell lies if anyone asks him directly! You can continue to RP Ayira if you wish but since you'll have 5 posts on your next reply I will put her up as meeting the quote on the front page.


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:37 pm
Asyria lifted her brow further at the Corporal's outburst, he was decidedly easy to provoke and one might be so bold as to assume that if the wrong person overheard, he might get himself into a spot of trouble. Nevertheless, it wasn't for her to judge the inner workings of this pride, she had no idea how it worked yet. Suffice to say that while he might bluster and inadvertently insult his Regent, this may be something forgiven and put down to his natural disposition.

...Sometimes, tempers such as his could be accepted in light of other immeasurable qualities. That aside, there was something about his indignant response that she simply couldn't ignore. He was much too easy to toy with, at least in this type of environment.

"So you are changing the terms of the duel," she replied smoothly, her tone containing just the slightest hint of a drawl. "Your immediate challenge was 'here' and 'now'," she shook her head. "Perhaps it is you that needs to learn some respect given that you dismiss your Regent's views with such ease -"

A pause followed.

"You are in luck, I will accept your change in terms, if only to ensure that your Regent's instructions are adhered to," she said at last and motioned with her paw. "Come, I will show you how to dance respectfully, you may learn a thing or two in the process..."

I'm down for a follow-up RP on this! I think I'm developing a soft spot for Azar, and by extension his beleaguered son. xD
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:03 pm
He growled again, louder than his previous attempts at angry noise, and narrowed his eyes at her. Oh, she had a mouth on her, this one. He'd have fun showing her how much she had to learn if she hoped to beat a Firekin before this day was done. So what if he had changed the rules! This was his land. His people. It was well within his rights! Just because his son might have had a point about disobeying the regent. This way it was only half-disobeying and that was much easier to overlook.

He did not bother to ask his son to stand in for him. Did not pause to think that by abandoning his station he could end up being demoted--or worse! Though, to be fair, a demotion was probably one of the worst case scenarios after exile.

"You can dance all you like," he grumbled, turning after her towards the sparring grounds. "I will fight."

Heti, with the long-suffering look of one who had grown up around such behaviour, heaved a great sigh and turned back to his duty.

[ exclaim Azar'bijan has temporarily left the guard post to duel with Asyria. He will return shortly. Duel will be RPed 'behind the scenes' so as not to interfere with RP in thread]

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:13 pm
When the ashey female finally responded he felt taken aback, he'd said all the right things what was wrong with her? Shrugging his broad shoulders he rolled his eyes and chuckled. What could a girl do after all? They were smaller, weaker, they were girls after all. His mother had said to him all the time girls should be cared for and protected. It was hard for him to pull away from those beliefs because despite his avid boredom with his family, they had without a doubt raised him with care. That care had simply skewed his perception of the world a bit.

He watched as she rose to her paws but rather than stalk away she volunteered to fight. "Good luck princessa " he settled himself further in to a more comfortable position to watch the match. He hoped she wouldn't be pitted against one of these big males that were milling about. It really would have been a shame to see her face mussed up. Still she had other assets too. He watched unashamedly as she stalked in to the ring.

hehe I dunno how he ended up this stupid, i think i dropped him on his head.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:22 pm
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Location: Guard Post Nearest Sparring Grounds

Dam had watched the scene unfold with wide, shocked eyes. The corporal really was a hot head... How had he maintained such a high ranking position when he obviously let his anger dictate the majority of his actions? Was this an off day, or what was more scary, this his all the time demeanor? Curiosity moved her.

Quietly, not to draw attention, Dam'ahdra crouched and stalked quietly over to the lion that still remained at the post. "Wood... is it?" She thought she heard the lion, the son of the Corporal, refer to the lion by the name. "Is that how he is... all the time?" She kept her voice quiet, and trained on the lion's back who was going with the poor fresh blood... She almost wish she'd stepped in and volunteered to battle the lioness herself.

Out of his ear shot, she shook her head in disbelief. "He's terrible." Her mouth pressed into a firm, hard line to show her distaste.

Mysses Greenie
xDa She didn't know his name and had to guess from what she thought she heard Heti say, sorry.

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:30 pm
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Location: Sparring Grounds

Agni-pariksha stared at Beezlebub, still looking utterly amused by his insistence about not hitting a girl. The Regent was covered in scars, mostly on her body but her face had not been spared in her (relatively short) lifetime as an enthusiastic and talented soldier. That he was bold enough to say such foolish things out loud, especially to her face whether or not he knew who she was, was delightful.

She watched Bri'ehn remove herself from the conversation and stepped up to block her from going farther, still smiling darkly.

"What is your name?" she asked, "You teach that one how a girl fights and I'll let you in."

It wouldn't be the first time she'd broken the rules lately, and it was a huge show of confidence in the grey girl. Bri'ehn wasn't wrong to say a lioness was more than a pretty face. Beezlebub could win but around here he wouldn't win without a fight, and that would be enough for Agni-pariksha. Enough to happily let her skip right on over having a proper joining duel, even if it meant training her herself for a while.

Hiba made a face while watching the exchange, simultaneously disgusted and amazed. He had been grown when he lost his mother but he never forgot her, and since losing his father he had spent so much time with his sisters.. even a short time with them and their daughters was enough to keep his mind from going down that narrow path.

He finally took a seat to watch what happened next, as surely many others did too. The loud-mouthed lion had to have no idea who was laughing at him, and the fact that the Regent didn't immediately try to rip him to shreds was amazing. Another thing he hadn't expected in the Firekin.

They really, absolutely were not mindless killing machines. It gave him some hope for his future here.


Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:56 pm
A breath. That was all it had seemed to take.

"Well that escalated quickly."

Purple eyes stared after the pair, Corporal and the feisty feline who had chosen to test her luck against him. Wook had almost forgotten there was another about besides Heti surrounding him - fool.

"Wood ... ?" The suddenly confused lion moved to face the voice that had spoken and had the Firekin not been predominantly red he likely would have been caught with a pair of pink cheeks. That just wouldn't do and so he shot a note of thanks to the Gods that had gifted him with such a pelt. "Wook, the name is Wook." He corrected her with a small smile that showed her he took no offense, he hadn't actually introduced himself after all.

"Depends on the day I suppose." Wook said after the Corporal was far enough away. "There are good days and bad in all of us. It just so happens that he has seen far more bad in the recent days."

It took quite a bit for Wook not to laugh out loud at her dislike of the Corporal, sure he wasn't for all. He supposed that depended on the day other met him, whether he was liked or disliked - he was sure that wouldn't change the Corporals mind on anything.


Roman Foi
That made me giggle. <3

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:13 pm
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Location: Guard Post

Almost as if out of nowhere, a bright red lioness appeared in the group at the Guard Post. She had been watching the squabble escalate with enthusiasm and was finally compelled to join in the fun. She was practically beside Heti when he turned his attention back to his post, but she was watching Azar and Asyria go with a smile on her face.

"She should do well here," she commented brightly, twitching her ears at the sound of Dam'adhra and Wook talking quietly nearby. She turned to look them over, too. They had conflicting attitudes about what just happened. That was too bad, she thought it would be a good show.

Now she just had to make sure she didn't lose track of where they went. There had to be a good spot to watch from the Guard Post.


Roman Foi

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:25 am
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Location: Guard Post Nearest Sparring Grounds

There was something about the lion, Wook, that made her giggle. Of course she muffled it and refused to look at the lion's face, for fear of it making her laugh out loud. "I'm sorry, then, Wook." It was an odd name, regardless. "What does it mean?"

She didn't comment further on the Corporal, sensing Wook had a stronger loyalty to the lion besides him being a higher ranking official. Instead, she watched the bouncy red lioness join the party. She was an energetic thing, she was. It made Dam think of a young cub that was eager to be in the center of it all.

"Do you think we could see it from here?" She asked to all in the little group of guards.

Mysses Greenie
xD I like Wook.



In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:42 am
want to do a proper rolling type fight? We can take it to a separate thread if you do! If not im happy for him to get his butt kicked, he needs some sense knocking in to him.


The blood red lion listened as the big lioness spoke to the smoke gray female. She had power to grant the female entrance in to the pride? Why wasnt he getting the same offer? He grumbles quietly and gets to his paws moving towards the two females.

"Include me in the conversation there ladies. I need in too you know?"  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:45 am
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Location: Spring

"You know, I thought I'd dread the heat but it isn't actually all that bad."


"You're awfully quiet, you know. Tazka, right? I guess playing tough will have you fit right in."

"Oh piss off."

Neither of the two had been in the area long. It just so happened (to the eventual dismay of the darker-colored lioness) that Hati and Tazka had come to the area at around the same time. With the numbers around here it wasn't surprising that some rogues managed to time their entrance this way, but at this point Tazka was sure that she'd prefer the company of almost nearly anyone else other than this perky white and red lion that seemed to insist on being a thorn in her side.

As Tazka made her way to the spring, Hati followed. The lion brushed off his unwilling companion's words with but a grin as he moved with her just a talking distance away. As the lioness drank, Hati looked their new environment over, pink eyes pausing briefly on each of the new strangers that he found around them as he spoke to her.

"I'm from the mountains. It's a lot different here than there, obviously."
His ears twitched. "That pride's gone now, though..." Hati let his voice trail off as he looked back to the water. Honestly he didn't know much about the Jini-msemi, only really having been a part of his pride before his pilgrimage. He'd returned to find the pride gone. It was no matter, though. That life had passed, and he figured it best not to linger. He had gotten the impression that the spiritual beliefs of his own home wouldn't fly, here.

Tazka had decided to outright ignore the lion who spoke to her (though it seemed more like he was just speaking to no on in particular, at this point). Maybe if she just ignored him long enough he'd go away.

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Location: Sparring Grounds

Hehewuti was all for the excitement of new blood. This was no surprise, though. Wherever there was a buzz of something new or something exciting the guard seemed drawn to it like a moth to a flame. So the white lioness made herself towards the sparring grounds. When she saw what she thought she recognized to be the corporal, about as grumpy as she recalled him to be, preparing for a duel with a lioness she hadn't recognized, it dawned on her that she might be a bit late to the party.

Still, there was still more to be found. The lands seemed to be bubbling with life, nowadays. It wasn't long until 'wuti saw sight of the Regent having some sort of interaction. The lightest of smiles playing on her maw, she made her way towards the lioness only to hear the back end of the conversation. The regent seemed a bit busy. Instead of approaching Agni-pariksha, then, she moved up beside the white and gold lion who seemed to be watching the scene unfold.

"My my," she murmured to Hiba quietly, a lion that she didn't recognize so she assumed to be at least somewhat new, "there seems to be quite a bit of excitement today, hm?"


oo Ded

Lonely Phantom

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:32 pm
Amidst their murmuring his purple eyes caught the gaze another lioness, a vibrant red - traditional firekin, who had made it clear with her glance that she perhaps didn't agree with their opinions. No matter.

Wook lifted a paw and waved away the apology. "I haven't the foggiest." He admitted to her. "Wouldn't have been my first choice, had I been the one to choose it." The lion gave a great laugh - in all truth he hadn't thought of his name as nothing more than a name. Perhaps one day he'd seek out a meaning, but today was not that day.

"I'm sure we could find a spot - the Corporal wouldn't hog such a pleasure to himself." He mused slightly, taking on a more appropriate attitude towards the matter. In the end, yes, he had been alarmed at just how quickly things had escalated, but he did find joy in witnessing such a fight - it was sure to be a good one.

Wook watched the vibrant red lioness who had given the group of them a glance, would she find the 'arena' first? In seconds he realized that although the battle was going to be a large event - perhaps the largest of this particular day - maybe he ought to remember the goal of today as well. Rogues. Plenty of them had begun to seep into the prides lands.

So it was either seek out the battle of a day or feed the army of tomorrow - without leaving them unintended. Had he said the words out loud perhaps he'd have realized just how far above his pay grade he'd been thinking, but alas his thoughts remained just that, thoughts.

Outwardly Wook appeared to simply be standing there, gazing now, at the rogues that had come to pay their dues and earn a chance at a lifetime on the Sands.



Roman Foi
His name, if you were curious, was based on Wookie (yes, as in Star Wars hehe)
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:03 pm
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Location: Spring

It wasn't his usual place to socialize, normally his social interactions fell to cubs or those just about to bloom into their adolescence, he'd seen many pass under his eye like dust devils. First a small breeze, turning into a sandstorm. Many had grown and produced more cubs for him to sit before he could even blink and he was content with this lot in life.

Damu could've possibly become a soldier if he'd had the nerve or want to put himself to that, with old Firekin blood in his veins he struck an impressive bulk even still for his growing age. A veteran of many passing years of the Moto's, but he had as always been, a rather pacifistic and gentle giant and with most cubs today being watched over in a creche away from the 'festivities' - he took his own time to inspect and ofcourse have a drink before going back to his own work.

Large, white tipped paws shifted with his weight as he stooped to lap up the water. His thick belly settling on the ground whilst he glanced up now and then at old and new faces, hopeful new ones to the pride. He wondered if any of the now-soldiers and hunters that wandered and overlooked the new participants to the Moto's were cubs he had once sat.

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Location: Sparring Grounds

Kivuli'Kaa had been a mostly quiet member since joining, she'd won her duel fair and square and chose not to claim any sort of bragging rights about it. She hadn't seen the point. It was a genuinely smart way of making sure only the strongest joined the pride, she only wondered if these newcomers were to the task. Some looked like they could've handled themselves well enough.
Normally she'd have been accompanied by her small avian friend, but today he'd chosen to do some preening and had said 'any business of lions, is not of his'.

So there she was. Mostly overlooking the sparring grounds patiently, to see if any wanted a challenge or a duel. It wasn't that she was eager, it was more she was just prepared for it. She'd hunted, she was mostly full of what she'd been able to find and it'd doubled as a warm up for her muscles.

And if these newcomers needed to prove themselves, she was all the more happy to offer them something to prove themselves with.

Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

20,275 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:30 pm
Heti, with yet another deep sigh, nodded gingerly at the conversation between Wook and Dam'adhra. His father, at least, had given onlookers something to talk about.

He offered the female who had moved up to join them a welcoming smile and agreed with her observation. "Just between us, I think that's why the corporal was hard on her. She'll make a good Firekin. I won't be surprised if she wins a duel and joins us today." Wouldn't even be surprised if that winning duel was against his father. Azar was never the best of fighters when he was being like this.

Then, remembering his duty, Heti turned his eyes back out towards the horizon. "With one guard down, I guess I better keep a closer eye on things. You might have to move a little further in to get a good view of the goings on."


Bri'ehn dipped her head respectfully and replied; "my name is Bri'ehn and it would be my pleasure to teach him some manners. I have dealt with my fair share of fools in my life. He will be no different." Spoken as if she was old, the female was - in fact - still in her youth.

At that moment, she felt a strange, burning desire to tell them both about her ancestry, but it seemed inappropriate at this time. She did not want to seem to be garnering favour before she had proven herself. What mattered now was her own strength and skill - not the blood of her family. And so she shoved the need away and focused instead on what lay ahead.

She turned as the male approached and snarled, "you need to know nothing except that I will teach you a lesson in respect. You asked for a fight so let us put one another to the test." She'd had a good teacher growing up and there was no way she would want to let him down.


Shaak tipped her ears forwards as more newcomers came to gather at the spring. She knew mountains from her youth. Knew their savage beauty and how different and unpredictable their climate could be. The desert, at least, was predictable with its weather - well, mostly.

"Your old pride is gone?" She asked softly, "I am sorry that you have been lured here by such an unfortunate turn of events. There are those among us who have also lost homes. If you do not mind me asking, how did it come to be?"


Mysses Greenie

Roman Foi

Syrius Lionwing
To keep the RP moving I say maybe best to discuss the events briefly and do them here. However, after this ORP is done and once they are both full members it'd be awesome to do an official rolled duel between them! [feel free to PM me or catch me on AIM <3 ]

oo DeD

[sorry again, if I forgot to quote anyone!]  
[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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