Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:46 pm
Heliko pylori Kay9214 "I'm not dark though! I'm a Grey Jedi!" crying "I mean sure... I teach and help run a Sth Temple... But that doesn't mean anything..." ninja Grey? So you went from being dark to being grey? You're still riding the line....and you're still a Jedi... stare "I was never dark! I'm just not a member of the Order any more." >_>;
"And Dark Jedi are what you call Sith. Sith is a misnomer. Only the red pointy guys like Daddicus are actually Sith."
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:52 pm
Kay9214 "I was never dark! I'm just not a member of the Order any more." >_>;
"And Dark Jedi are what you call Sith. Sith is a misnomer. Only the red pointy guys like Daddicus are actually Sith." *listens carefully to his explanation* Mhm...mhm...yea...oh really?...you don't say...*nods in understanding...then blaster whips him in the knee cap* blaugh ((Yea, I know. Got busy work wise for a bit there. Trying to be more active during the down period. ^_^ Good to be back! ))
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:11 pm
"I guess it's good to be appreciated." >_>;
"Why don't you go pick on someone not tied to a chair. Yeah, go smack Jason. He doesn't seem to be here to make himself useful..." emotion_donotwant
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:16 pm
Kay9214 "Ouch!"
"I guess it's good to be appreciated." >_>;
"Why don't you go pick on someone not tied to a chair. Yeah, go smack Jason. He doesn't seem to be here to make himself useful..." emotion_donotwant *feels accomplished* ^_^ I was about to smack Jason until someone felt that they weren't getting enough attention. Far be it for me to disappoint. *makes sure those ropes are nice and tight* And, Mr. "grey" Jedi, I was going to let you off with a simple black eye until you start to ooze all of that *mocks him* "this is grey and this is dark" stuff. Obviously you needed something else to focus on...like how much your knee cap hurts. Do you wish to continue with your explanation? *raises her blaster, aiming at his other knee*
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:22 pm
"Is that really the best idea when dealing with your professor, an expert practitioner of Dark Force powers, and Second in Command of the Sith Temple?" emotion_donotwant
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:33 pm
Kay9214 "Is that really the best idea when dealing with your professor, an expert practitioner of Dark Force powers, and Second in Command of the Sith Temple?" emotion_donotwant *gets a thoughtfully plain expression on her face as she blinks; considering his words as she looks to Naast then back to Kay* Last time I checked, he was the one training me in the ways of the Hunter *points her blaster towards Naast* Sooo....good try *gives him a cookie* Hey! Wait, how can you be a so called grey Jedi dealing in dark forces? stare Being a paradox, is that how you get your jollies.
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:47 pm
"I'm not terribly fond of the Jedi's religious ideas. The Force is just a tool. It's not important how I use it, but what I use it for. It's not paradoxical at all... And, if you'd really like to know... I'm between Daddicus and Naast in the hierarchy. I'm practically his boss as well." xP
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:05 pm
*takes out a hammock and hang's up in a corner of the ship and jumps in it* -sways and watches everybody- *grabs a drink off the tray with the little server droid and wipes off some spider webbing from the glass* Yuck. xp
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:18 pm
Kay9214 "I'm not terribly fond of the Jedi's religious ideas. The Force is just a tool. It's not important how I use it, but what I use it for. It's not paradoxical at all... And, if you'd really like to know... I'm between Daddicus and Naast in the hierarchy. I'm practically his boss as well." xP *earnestly listens to him, even nodding in agreement until he gets to the part about what to use it for. then she snaps out of it as if waking from a dream state* Wow, you actually almost had me there. Thank goodness for your preachy nature. That grey force really knows how to manipulate people, I'll give it that. By the way, practically doesn't make the cut *crosses arms and puts her nose in the air, refusing to acknowledge him as anything more than just "this weird guy"*
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:23 pm
"Grey Force? Are you quite sure you're from this Galaxy? How could you possibly be enrolled in the Academy without even the basest knowledge of the Force? Okay then, I am his boss, outright."
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:30 pm
Kay9214 "Grey Force? Are you quite sure you're from this Galaxy? How could you possibly be enrolled in the Academy without even the basest knowledge of the Force? Okay then, I am his boss, outright." Am I from this Galaxy? Maybe...>.> And maybe some of us are being trained in things other than the force *holds up her blaster* and..I have a light saber around here somewhere...*pats down her person looking for it but doesn't find it* Well, anywho! Naast reports to Daddicus, thank you very much. And you can't go changing your answer like that! Besides, if you're so powerful then why don't you untie yourself... and remind me of where the beach chat is....<.< Questioning me about this galaxy, hmph! Why isn't there a grey force. Makes sense since there's a light and dark. *continues to mumble to herself*
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:35 pm
"Shows what you know, again! It'd be all but impossible for the likes of you to wield a lightsaber unaided by the Force. You're going to hurt yourself! And as to Naast, why don't you just ask him about me."((Guild Chat Space is on the Guild Home Page. You click 'Join Chat'. Chances are slim to none anyone is in there now, unless you're talking to someone and are heading in there with them.))
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:43 pm
Kay9214 "Shows what you know, again! It'd be all but impossible for the likes of you to wield a lightsaber unaided by the Force. You're going to hurt yourself! And as to Naast, why don't you just ask him about me."((Guild Chat Space is on the Guild Home Page. You click 'Join Chat'. Chances are slim to none anyone is in there now, unless you're talking to someone and are heading in there with them.)) *narrows her eyes and glares at him, knowing that there is truth in his words from how many times she's failed in what's-its-name class* Who cares about wielding a light saber anyway. It's just a big glow stick...and I know plenty! >=P I will ask him about you and your so called position. ((I have no one I'm heading there with but I was going to check to see what was going on. Thanks for the direction! ))
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:48 pm
Heliko pylori Kay9214 "Shows what you know, again! It'd be all but impossible for the likes of you to wield a lightsaber unaided by the Force. You're going to hurt yourself! And as to Naast, why don't you just ask him about me."((Guild Chat Space is on the Guild Home Page. You click 'Join Chat'. Chances are slim to none anyone is in there now, unless you're talking to someone and are heading in there with them.)) *narrows her eyes and glares at him, knowing that there is truth in his words from how many times she's failed in what's-its-name class* Who cares about wielding a light saber anyway. It's just a big glow stick...and I know plenty! >=P I will ask him about you and your so called position. ((I have no one I'm heading there with but I was going to check to see what was going on. Thanks for the direction! )) "That's what I thought," Kay replied, suddenly aware of the difficulties of looking tough while tied to a chair, "And what are you waiting for? He's right over there."((No problem. ^_^))
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:56 pm
Kay9214 "That's what I thought," Kay replied, suddenly aware of the difficulties of looking tough while tied to a chair, "And what are you waiting for? He's right over there."((No problem. ^_^)) I'm waiting to see your Houdini act, of course. Or, do you like being tied to a chair? Or maybe you can't escape at all. The force being held back by some pieces of string? *chuckles*