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And I my mom sometimes calls me Molly. But then my best friend Molly came in my life and I talk a lot about her.
So one day at work she's like
"Molly how's your friend Molly?"
and I didn't even notice the coincidence until she pointed it out that now I have a friend that's actually named Molly she can't call me Molly anymore, at least not near Molly XD
That's funny you say that. My name is Kelly and my one of my BFF's is also named Kelly. She and I had a great time calling each other and saying, hi Kelly, it's Kelly!" We even spell it the same way. I call her my Mini Me though since she's shorter and a few months younger. blaugh
My main nickname is Kel. My mom sometimes calls me Sis or Sissy since my lil bro was born. There's a ton of others, but they aren't used regularly. I've also been called Kel-Kel, Kell-Bell(hate this one)
Kelly Belly(I hate this one too) Doll, Toots (sp?) and Super Happy Fun Ball. Occasionally the peeps at work call me Wonder Woman