Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:06 pm
from the queen bean!
why did the pirate put the stearing wheel in his pants?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:10 pm
He had no arms.
Why did the pirate have no arms?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:15 pm
Donators: Drew Thirte3n 7k heart They exploded
What's tomorrow's weather? Questing Gold Mountain Blue Vest and Shirt
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:18 pm
Raining men.
Find "x" 7x + 34= 77
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:20 pm
Donators: Drew Thirte3n 7k heart 54!
How many sheep do you have to count to fall asleep? Questing Gold Mountain Blue Vest and Shirt
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:22 pm
how much does 5+7=?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:23 pm
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:29 pm
Because of their shiny scales
Where am I?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:30 pm
Donators: Drew Thirte3n 7k heart under my bed
what else should I ask? Questing Gold Mountain Blue Vest and Shirt
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:31 pm
Because bunnies never leave you behind. EDIT: There really isn't a wrong answer to that question. xD I dunno, "What is pi?"
Why do we exist?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:34 pm
Donators: Drew Thirte3n 7k heart To eat cake!!
*Has no more questions sweatdrop * Questing Gold Mountain Blue Vest and Shirt
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:36 pm
cuz we have a head
why do ppl say weeee at random???
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:36 pm
Because of the ultimate chicken lord
What is pink with green spots?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:41 pm
A spoiled peach
Why are Spartans badass?
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:29 pm
Because they can say "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAA"
Why is music addictive?