Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:15 pm
{True that. XD If it's practical, I can help out if you want. To boast my skeleton making skills, when Incubus Gage makes a RP he asks me to make him a skelly if he doesn't make one himself.}
Silently Ariae sulked, probably going to be in her quiet depressing mood for a long time. As her anger and jealousy wore off over the years, her insecurities returned bit by bit. Especially considering Jaquel's romantic past and the fact that women walk by their home almost daily.
"Van, if that...that thing makes one more pass at our daughter, I'm incinerating it." Mala hissed, clinging close to Van while glaring at the blade.
"It's not like it has a chance in hell. After all, I'm a woman and that's a dagger. The 'stabbing' would be too unpleasant." Larai commented off-handedly, now bored of the situation and going back to reading her book.
{Sorry, couldn't resist that lewdness. XD}
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:23 pm
((You are a wonderfully awesome person and I love you (no homo!) and it would be greatly appreciated if you did. I've never been much for fancy shmancy profiles anyway.
And don't worry, if you didn't, I would have. XD ))
"Hey, it's a nice dagger! Annoying spirits possessing it aside, I'd prefer to keep it." Van said before getting up to pull the dagger out of the tree. "Besides, I think I know a temporary solution." he said sheathing the dagger and then shoving the thing in the ground, burying it up to the hilt. He listened carefully for a moment. "...Aaaand silence."
((Unfortunately in eagerness of getting dagger man going, I flubbed my original idea of him being annoying as all hell but mute while sheathed. An idea I may have stollen from another webcomic. >w>;; ))
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:40 pm
{*hugs* Want me to try and start now or should I wait until I have access to a computer?
Hurrhurrhurr. ********* style="color: salmon">"Just remember to hide that thing or keep it out of our inn room." Mala whispered into Van's ear after a couple moments, wanting absolutely no lewd comments about their sex and/or cuddling.
"I...I'll go get us some wild berries for dinner." Arise muttured sullenly before stalking off.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:49 pm
((*hugs* I can wait. I'd never force you to suffer through the bitchpod.
And wrong name there, hun. XD ))
"If I can get a duplicate made, I'm selling that thing as soon as possible." Van muttered, going back to cuddle to with Mala.
Jaquel followed his wife putting an arm and wing around her in comfort. "You shouldn't worry about what a possessed dagger says." he said.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:06 pm
{Thank you.
And s**t LOAD OF ******** style="color: salmon">"That's probably what the last owner did." Mala muttured, snuggeling herself up against him.
Ariae looked up at Jaquel with mopey, almost teary eyes. "But I am flat. The flattest, plainest, most paranoid woman out here." she muttured, clearly looking like she was almost about to cry.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:13 pm
((Random note: Your assorted curses at typos never cease to amuse me. XD ))
"Ariae, what on earth makes you think I care about a silly thing like that? I've told you before, things like that don't matter to me. You're beautiful just the way you are and I still love you just the same." Jaquel said giving her a warm and reassuring smile.
"If Larai was carrying that thing around for so long, I'm amazed he kept his trap shut until now." Van said.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:40 pm
{I'm glad my immature bursts of typed rage amuse you so. XD}
"She probably kept it in that box the whole time." Mala guessed with a small shrug.
Ariae smiled faintly, even if she didn't truly believe she was beautiful just as she was. "I love you too, darling." she muttured faintly.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:50 pm
((Cheer for canceled classes and sick teachers for they mean more rp time with the Zelly. =D)) "But if you really do feel that...er, small, they have pills to fix that you know..." Jaquel offered. "Maybe if we're lucky some poor mook will try to steal it from us and 'unfortunately' get away." Van said.((And the pillz make a comeback! =D ))
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:05 pm
"Maybe." Mala chuckled, going on to lightly kiss Van on the cheek.
"Well, if you think I really should, I guess I could try some..." Arise said, sounding unsure of it none the less.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:13 pm
((I won't bother asking what the 'Hooray!' was aimed at. I'll just assume it was for both more Zelly time and the pillz. XD Brick joke for the WINNNNN!! =D))
"I don't mean to pressure you; it's your body and your decision." Jaquel said giving Ariae a light kiss on the cheek.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:34 pm
{Hooray for the pills and Zelly tiem. XD}
"I..I don't know if I want to do it or not. Just tell me your oppinion, please?" Ariae asked, almost sounding desperate.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:46 pm
((*hugs for profiles* In retrospect, I should've just said 'hey, wanna be my co-author?' and let you post it, but this way I can make edits. XD ))
"It's whatever makes you happy, Ariae." Jaquel said as he hugged her. "I'll always love you one way or another."
((Although I will make you my second in command in case my authority is needed while I'm away in class. =3 ))
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:59 pm
{Thank you, I'm honored. XD}
"I..I guess I'll go without it." Ariae said after a moment of thought, hugging Jaquel back.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:09 pm
((As you should be. biggrin Also, I'm having trouble deciding on a pic for the prez's son in Plague Winds. I'm torn between this one for still having the high-class flair of a political leader's kid, as well as having that air of a fancy captain, but then I'm leaning towards this one for having more of a feel of 'renounced all family ties/status' that would come with it.)) "As you wish. All the easier to hug you close." Jaquel said with a smile as he hugged her close, something bigger breasts would no doubt interfere with.((Oh gawd, I just realized they basically just had a fantasy rpg-era debate about breast implants. XDDD ))
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:13 pm
{I'm torn between the two. But really, it depends on what personality you want to go with. If he's snobby and cold, go for the first. Which, to be honest, makes a really awesome combo. To be fair, though, I'm a bit prejudiced since I love snobby guy characters. The seccond gives a more rugged I-don't-give-a-flying-fudgenutter sort of feeling. He seems a bit colder than the first, possibly more rutheless as well. It really depends, though.}
"I love you, my glorious knight." Ariae muttured with a broad grin, feeling much better now as they hugged.
{Indeed they have. XD}