Darth Venomisci rolled 5 100-sided dice:
84, 89, 60, 87, 16
Total: 336 (5-500)
Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:12 am
sachara Numbers to generate: 60, 53, 74, 6, and 30! BLOCK: 60 sachara Numbers to generate: 60, 53, 74, 6, and 30! BLOCK: 6 Beating you with weapons has *hiiisssk! proven difficult! Perhaps I should just take you *hiiisssk! out with my bare hands!
Numbers to generate: 48, 98, 6, 78, and 61!
6fred6 rolled 5 100-sided dice:
93, 14, 48, 21, 74
Total: 250 (5-500)
Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:18 am
Fights fire with fire.
48~Block cool
sachara rolled 5 100-sided dice:
83, 61, 3, 75, 57
Total: 279 (5-500)
Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 4:46 pm
Numbers to generate: 48, 98, 6, 78, and 61!
ozkur rolled 5 100-sided dice:
69, 29, 97, 75, 53
Total: 323 (5-500)
Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 3:18 am
Numbers to generate: 48, 98, 6, 78, and 61!
Darth Venomisci rolled 5 100-sided dice:
21, 87, 14, 31, 6
Total: 159 (5-500)
Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 5:35 am
6fred6 Fights fire with fire. 48~Block cool sachara Numbers to generate: 48, 98, 6, 78, and 61! BLOCKED: 61 Hand to hand combat seems to be *hiiisssk! something you kids are good at blocking! I can stand to punch your pasty soft *hiiisssk! flesh for that long, however, so I'm going to keep you kids at bat's length distance today!
Numbers to generate: 12, 78, 41, 13, and 60!
6fred6 rolled 5 100-sided dice:
98, 10, 35, 64, 60
Total: 267 (5-500)
Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:26 am
Nowhere near.
60~Block cool
sachara rolled 5 100-sided dice:
13, 26, 96, 43, 54
Total: 232 (5-500)
Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:22 pm
Numbers to generate: 12, 78, 41, 13, and 60!
BL0CK: 13
Darth Venomisci rolled 5 100-sided dice:
37, 64, 29, 47, 1
Total: 178 (5-500)
Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 4:35 am
6fred6 Nowhere near. 60~Block cool sachara Numbers to generate: 12, 78, 41, 13, and 60! BL0CK: 13 I don't think you kids are getting *hiiisssk! the hint! Maybe you'll be convinced to *hiiisssk! back away if I use Force Lightning on you!
Numbers to generate: 73, 46, 92, 74, and 10!
ozkur rolled 5 100-sided dice:
51, 79, 8, 44, 92
Total: 274 (5-500)
Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 5:28 am
Darth Venomisci I don't think you kids are getting *hiiisssk! the hint! Maybe you'll be convinced to *hiiisssk! back away if I use Force Lightning on you!
Numbers to generate: 73, 46, 92, 74, and 10! Probably NOT! xd Got a BLOCK (w/92)
6fred6 rolled 5 100-sided dice:
97, 15, 91, 86, 27
Total: 316 (5-500)
Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 10:02 am
Esme Marie Cullen rolled 5 100-sided dice:
25, 11, 87, 80, 34
Total: 237 (5-500)
Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 10:29 am
Numbers to generate: 73, 46, 92, 74, and 10
sachara rolled 5 100-sided dice:
55, 56, 50, 2, 47
Total: 210 (5-500)
Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:17 pm
Numbers to generate: 73, 46, 92, 74, and 10!
6fred6 rolled 5 100-sided dice:
1, 94, 50, 33, 63
Total: 241 (5-500)
Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:10 am
sachara rolled 5 100-sided dice:
48, 20, 69, 89, 84
Total: 310 (5-500)
Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:54 pm
Numbers to generate: 73, 46, 92, 74, and 10
Esme Marie Cullen rolled 5 100-sided dice:
10, 81, 78, 87, 79
Total: 335 (5-500)
Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 4:26 pm
May the fourth be with you 🚀 ☄️ 🌙 1 block: 10