radioactive waste101
I've thought, since I was in 6th grade, that if you had a giant fan powered by batteries that it could create a wind powerful enough to spin the turbines (that are used to generate electricity) fast enough to make, not just the amount needed to power any househeld aplience but, also enough to take a small amount to power itself, creating a never ending cycle. That way it could save natural recources and it would be a lot safer for the enviroment than other sources like atomic power or burning fossel fuels.
Do they already use that?
If not, do you think it would work?
Do they already use that?
If not, do you think it would work?
Always think of the energy spent. Also, energy can lose its power. (I think it's called diffusion) Let's use your case, a giant fan. That makes the weight extreme, therefore, needing more energy to work. Now, the main function of the fan, the wind current will decelerate while increasing the distance due to friction. And, oh yeah. The air resistance of the aerogenerator might uproot the whole aerogenerator and be blown away due to the strength of the wind.
Why don't you just directly place the effort of rotation on the wind turbine?