Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:57 pm
Wii = small price, hours of entertainment X-box 360 = medium price, great graphics, hours of entertainment PS3 = Incredibly large price which they still lose money on with each puchase, hours of frustration. xd Well, that's just what I think, but most of it is actually true. 90% es un truthio!
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:30 pm
Pulga Angelic Light Blue Um, not really. A lot of the games are entirely different... xd $250 is well worth it, as it is A LOT cheaper than the other two 7th gen systems, and only a little less powerful. Unless Nintendo is hiding the true power of Wii, then it really is a gamecube on steriods with motion sensing, and that is really only worth $200. Besides Zelda and Mario Galaxy, the games don't seem like much. then is a PS2 on steroids worth $600? I would think not, every new system is a copy of it's previous with better graphics, however the Wii is the only new console with something truely new...
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:22 pm
I love you Wii. They are totally worth buying. And even though I am waiting for the price to go down a bit, the fact that you can play almost every Nintendo game in exsistence makes it the best choice when it come to new generation game consoles. Nintendo officially rocks once again.
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:26 pm
Yeah, costs are annoying ><
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:01 pm
you people all complain about the ps3's price, but do you forget that you dont have to buy the eighty gig system?! and with the ps3 you dont have to worry about paying for online, its all free. not like the 360, as well as having to but batteries for the controllers, and it would make sense that the ps3 is more expensive, its by far the best quality system around, microsoft released the 360 early just to make more money before the other companies, and because of that the 360 has like a 45% deficiency rate! it horrible! because microsoft is all about money i have lost any respect for them, at least the nintendo put effort into the wii, they tried making it and interesting system with the unique controllers, which can definitely be fun with some games. the ps3 dashboard is very well done with lots of useful features, and the sixaxis controllers (which dont need batteries) were a huge step forward for sony. so yes the ps3 is expensive, but its well worth the cost. even if you get the 30 gig system (which is much cheaper!)
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:32 am