Ok I guess I'll break this down into two categories:
Photographs. I Love taking pictures it's kind of a side hobby that I have and I'm quite good at it apparently. so here afe a few of the ones tha I really Like and yes photography is a form of art:
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a44/shelby_73/windet.jpgThis one actually made the local News as a hot shot of the day
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a44/shelby_73/vacation/DSCF2058.jpghttp://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a44/shelby_73/vacation/DSCF2051.jpgThese are a few of some picture tha I took down townof my friends I turned the ISO down on the camera and took these photos they are a little blury but I love the effect that the pictures took.
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a44/shelby_73/picturesof me/CNTower.jpgThe is of the Cn Tower in Toronto I took this while on Vacation last summer I switched my camera to black and white and got this great pic.
These are a little old I haven't really sat down and drawn much lately.