His head pressed against Ciro's chest, listening as his breath faded and his heartbeat slowed, so faint he could barely hear it, holding to any hope he could that his friend would live, that as long as he drew breath there was always hope. A final breath, and then...silence.

"Ciro? Wake up, Ciro."

Judeau nudged his friend, reaching out with one paw to shake him. A second paw, a harder shake. Please, Ciro, please wake up, please don't leave me, please...no...

The god's head reared back, a mournful roar, a cry of all his rage and sorrow falling from his jaws, echoing across the rocks of the cliff, a thunder that tore across the land.

Never had the god of penance felt so lost, what would he do now?


The best snarled as she chased after the pale lion, talons lashing at the ground with each stride. No, you will not escape! Hiding in the brush will not save you, you murdering--

The god's cry pierced her ears, snapping the goddess of survival from her rage and bringing a pause to her pursuit. Judeau! That meant...

A final snarl in the pale lion's direction, the goddess spread her wings, leaping into the air to fly toward the cliff's edge, diving toward the ground where the dark lion had fallen.

She knew before she saw his motionless form, his chest that had fallen still. Ciro was gone. She had been unable to save him, now she could only hope he could rest in peace.
