"I'm sure you'll find yourself on many more in time," Koharu answered, her maw pulled into a small smirk. It seemed like Hila was a different type of lioness, one already set on her path with no way to deter her from it. "Perhaps you'll share with me a story convincing enough to make me want to join you." Her life was young and without purpose, but she was in no real hurry to find it. In time she was sure that it would come to her, and perhaps she would be as passionate as Hila when it came to vikings.

Koharu's gaze flickered up to the sky, looking towards the gathering of dark clouds. Another storm, as was typical of their lands, was on its way. She stepped forward silently, with a grace that was inherited rather than trained. Koharu had always assumed that she resembled her father's side of the family more than her mother's, though she had not known of any aunts. The dark lioness would likely never know that it was inherited from a mother she did not realize she had. But, such was the way of the world.

"Keep an eye on me, and you may just find out if it leads anywhere." It was an invitation of friendship subtly placed in Hila's paws. Koharu wouldn't be terribly offended either way.

"Well, I'm going to head off before this storm hits." While the pride was used to the constant storms, it did not mean that Koharu herself was willing to suffer through every last one of them. The lioness bobbed her head in a farewell gesture, and then moved off back towards her den.

and a wrap I think ~