
Gahiji gave a sigh of relief, glad that the girl didn't need him to bring bring her back to wherever it was that she'd come from. She said that she was 'good' which meant that he was fine. There was likely nothing to worry about since she had her magic to clear snow.

"I'm looking forward to it too." He said as she mentioned challenging him later. He could go for that. Once the weather was back to normal that was. Until then he would likely just be skulking around, getting a feel for everything going on, get a feeling for what people were around, and go from there. Now if he ran across something worth going after like a big, strong warrior type or maybe a yaotl then he'd be all for picking a fight. If not then just skulking was good by him.

Lifting a hand he pulled his mask back down and said, "Good luck out there, I hope your flames keep the snow at bay." He gave a nod before he turned, picking an arbitrary direction at random, and headed off in that way. No reason to go straight home since it would be as boring at home as it was here.