Fresh company would be nice, particularly someone who wasn't so invested in what he was currently up to. The lioness also had the great fortune of not looking like those the scourge regarded as fair game. For all intents and purposes she really would be safe in his company, and if she happened to join his band or the Collective while they were passing through, then she would have absolute reassurances that nothing would touch her.

It would of course be up to her when she parted ways from them; Tethys's route was set but her's would remain flexible. When she saw something or someone of note he would bid her farewell in much the same amiable fashion as they had first met.

"Then we might as well get a move on," he chuckled as he gave a nod of his head for her to follow. "At least this way I won't fall too far behind and you might see some sights that take your fancy along the way," he mused. "Consider it a guided tour," he added as he began to walk towards the direction that seemed to be where he had come from.

His meanderings would come to an end for now and in the meantime, he'd keep an eye out for somewhere interesting (and safe) that she could visit when they really were too close to his home...

Ruler of Everything
xD It's at it's natural end anyway, I genuinely don't mind people implying they just walked off whenever it fits! So we'll call it fin.