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Porcelain Pinch

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:51 pm

A big broad grin swept across Hadithi's face. He didn't sound like a bad guy at all with a name like Haru. Then again, he had been wrong about his assumptions before. "Pleasure to meet ya, Haru!" The corners of his eyes creased with mirth, tail twitching.

But a man of few words made him wondering even more about the stranger rather than repulsing him away. What type of family were they? What were they seeking? Where did they come from? Is this all of his family? He assumed so, but he didn't spy any cubs around. It was offly strange. Wouldn't cubs be along for the ride if they were just passing through?

His head tilted to the side in contemplation. "Where to, pal?" That would perhaps answer some of his other questions. And in all honesty, he wouldn't mind more company. Their family dynamic seemed very interesting. He wanted to know more. And there was only one way to learn more--spend more time with them. He just wasn't that sure if his scaredy-dog was going to follow suit. It was a lot to ask from someone who would probably skitter at a passing butterfly.

A snort passed his lips as he shook his head. "Didn't think you were doing any harm." He lifted his head with a smirk, a teasing lilt in his tone. "Unless....are you hiding something?" Hadithi had never been a part of a war. The lion had never even met another who had been a part of a war. Meeting a warring group of lions would be extremely interesting. Dangerous, yes. But wasn't life dangerous regardless? Some of the best stories came from near death situations. However; the male didn't seem like the fighting type. They seemed serious but, death bringers? Nah. "Not like I would mind any, either way. You and your family are an interesting scoop."

The shout of his name pulled his gaze away from the read lion and towards his wild dog companion at his side, brows drawn up. "What?!" Was it something that he said? Rangi did have a habit of flying off the handle over small things. It was quite cute. He had to admit, he liked spooking the little fella. It made every day interesting. But right now he wasn't even trying to. Whatever could be wrong?

"It's alright," he cooed, nearly treating him as if he was a cub. He nudged him with the back of his foot and chanced Haru a glance. "Sorry, Rangi is a bit..touchy." A bit. More like a lot. But it was best to skim the details. The uneasy yet apologetic look on his face was replaced with one of glee. "And he can't see any colors. Can you imagine?!" It was one of his favourite topics. How could someone live with seeing only grey?! Hadithi had tried and tested everything, but came up with all monotone answers from Rangi each time. It was fascinating. And, obviously, he assumed others would find it interesting as well.
syrius lionwing

- Mynsed -
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:56 pm
Haru raised a brow, well yes, this was an interesting conversation. It wasn't like he hadn't seen creatures travelling together before. He did wonder what the benefit was of travelling with a wold dog though. They weren't exactly large enough to take on prey big enough for a lion to eat. He was about to query this when the lion said family. He chuckled, he found that so amusing. If he and Uriah had this many kids she would probably castrate him. That thought was not amusing.

"We are not a family, except for coming form the same pride of course. We are a," The blood red lion paused for a moment contemplating what exactly they were, he shrugged and decided to go with what was pretty much fact "Exploring group from the Motojami'simo. These lions are all from the sand. We have decided it is time we joined the world and this mass of firekin you see before you is the first foiret." He did wonder how many other missions there would be out in to the rogue lands. He guessed it would depend on how this particular journey went. He knew many of the females here were looking for rogue males to freshen the blood, in what was a very tight gene pool.

The big red male looked around the lion and chuckled at the wild dog "We tend to favour hunting dogs on the sands so it is nothing unusual to see a dog, but a lion and a dog travelling together is a little peculiar, I must admit." Again a relaxed chuckle, Haru was not out here to cause fights, and maybe the due could provide some much needed information about the way the land lay. "Colour blind hmm? Well we firekin, we are pretty colour blind ourselves, monochromatic and red, they are the colours of the sands."

- Mynsed -

Porcelain Pinch

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:14 am
Target locked, as it were.

One of the red lions had sought to split himself from the pack, perhaps to give himself some breathing space, but on this occasion he was going to be subject to the curiosity of the two teenagers. It wasn't long before they were in earshot and neither seemed to have any interest in wasting time. No sooner had they reached Heti than they were already proceeding with their conversation - hopefully he had the ability to pick up on what they were saying, and quickly!

"Well, aren't you a set of oddballs out in the middle of nowhere?" Huo chimed in merrily as he regarded Heti and then his compatriots. "Decidedly less daunting than all the Stormborn warbands out here though, you've got less scars," he mused and fixed his gaze on the striped lion again. "Doesn't mean that you're not suspicious though, you look like those lions we saw back in the sandy region without any water."

"Aye," Shui agreed as he drew to a halt and took a seat. "And the lioness seemed quite adamant that was their home and they didn't really feel the need to leave," he raised a brow at this thought. She hadn't said it outright, but she and Azar had seemed clear in their intentions, they had little interest in what lay beyond their own rather bland home. "So if y'all have changed your mind then it seems the pretty red lioness and her mate have some explaining to do," he added.

"Mhm," Huo nodded. "Y'all might need water but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that taking it by force will be met with equal amounts of displeasure," he pointed out. "You're hardly a troupe of performers," he pointed out. "So there's no point in pretending to be something you probably aren't," he raised his own brow to match his sibling's. "So what's an army from the world of sand and thirst doing all the way out here, huh?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:52 am
In his moment of silence he'd barely noticed a lion approach him. A bit of the fire broke from the group and navigated it's way towards the green lion. Suddenly his vision caught sight of the bulk approaching him and naturally he found himself dropping his rump in slight shock. The shock itself wasn't enough to change his expression, but he did find himself picking his jaw up from the ground to better communicate with.

"Hey there." He said, trying to be friendly and less formal. Was that the right choice? Ali wasn't sure, he also wasn't incredibly diplomatic for the most part. "I'm not.. that worried." He said, gathering himself up a bit. "Just a tad shocked by the size of group moving. I'm not interrupting some fleet on their way to a war am I?" He queried. "Ud, it's nice to meet you - I'm Ali`dido, or Ali for short." He offered a smile at that point as they became more friendly.

"A healer?" His brow screwed up as he questioned this. "Why would you presume I'm a healer?" Never had he thought his bags would instigate such a thought, or perhaps it was his pelt? Either way Ali found himself struck by the question.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:03 pm
"...half?" Neci repeated, confused and intrigued all at once, "how does...one become only half a lion?"Perhaps that was a name given to those lions who were particularly small. He wasn't half the size of a lion but he was definitely below average. She wasn't really sure how to say more without potentially coming across as rude, though.

"We are from the Motoujamii desert," she replied, "it's safe to say that our people don't get out very much. Never really had much of a reason before now.
I was quite excied at the prospect of seeing what lay outside of the borders."
She paused, blinking between the odd pair, "and you are the first rogue pair that I have ever met! A half-lion and a...a very elaborately marked lioness!"

"Tattooed," Laka corrected with a grin.

"Tattooed?" Oh dear, it seemed like she had much to learn, "never heard of such a thing."

"The name is, Laka. Pleased to meet you!"

"Oh, and I am Neci. Do you have any stories to trade?"

Laka peered across at her companion and gave a shrug. What could it hurt to stay and chat for a little? No one here seemed to be particularly aggressive and, despite her large size, Neci seemed to be much alike to themselves.


Kimeti drew close enough to Harakhty that they could easily converse amongst all the hubbub around them, nodding in semi-understanding. The life of a rogue was alien to him but he knew he would be wary if he was faced with those he didn't know and was also greatly outnumbered. "We mean no one any harm - unless they wish it upon us. Our journey is mostly for information gathering and for...the experience. Our people have been secluded - some for their whole lives. New leadership has decided to change things."

He paused, wondering how far he could pry without it being rude, "what happened to your pride?" he could not imagine what he would do if his home no longer existed. "If you do not mind me asking, of course." Was it some great tragedy or a fading away with time? He supposed some prides would not be as big as his own.

Maybe this was a normal occurrence out here.


Heti was not expecting to be thrust into a conversation with the teenagers as promptly as he had been, even as they closed in on him - not until one of them piped up and then...didn't stop. Well, the pair of adolescents could certainly talk! He'd give them that. And as they did so, he could not help a slightly bemused smile stretching slowly across his maw.


He scrambled to keep up with what they were saying, eyes widening when it seemed that they might have been on the borders of the Motoujamii at some point recently. Who they had spoken to, he didn't know, but most likely a couple of guards on patrol. It must have been a fairly amicable meeting, otherwise the news would have spread like wildfire. He was fairly surprised, though, that he had not heard mention of a pair of chatty teenagers.

"Uh..." he said at last, when it seemed it was finally his turn to talk, "changed our minds?" He clipped his jaw shut, shook his head, then laughed, "ah, so you must have met with a couple of our less...modern-thinking members. The decision was not made too long ago, in fact. We've not been away from home for long, but yes, it was agreed that we should venture out and see what the world is all about." He paused to glance at all the non-Firekin moving in to chat and mingle. Something...felt oddly good about that image. "Thankfully, being out here means we're far less territorial. It's...mostly about gathering Intel. Learning how things work out here. Finding potential alliances. That sort of thing."

He glanced back at the two males, maybe a little hopefully? "You two don't strike me as your average rogues. Am I right?" They were bold and fiery. Good traits in a lion. If they had been fully grown, they'd likely have had to watch themselves around the Firekin females...

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:22 pm
"Huh...so the queen chick must have changed her mind," Huo mused.

"Tapana," Shui corrected him as he was often known to do.

"I wonder if grumpy jerk face is nearby," He added.

"Azar," Shui added once more, casting an exasperated glance towards his brother who seemed thoroughly distracted by attempting to find out whether the two lions were in fact in the group. With Huo very much inclined towards something else, Shui took the opportunity to return his gaze towards the striped lion and gave a not - suffice it to say that even the siblings stood out in parts like this, they were a bit fluffier than the average rogue.

"We're not from around here," he confirmed with a smile. "We're kinda from the opposite end of the spectrum from you guys," he added and gave a wave of his paw. "Lots of sand, lots of water, plenty of fish," he tilted his head to the side and grinned. "And honestly, a better sense of humour, guy we met last time was really uptight."

"And not here, the coward," Huo had finally returned to the conversation and gave a sniff of disappointment. "So, you gotta name or...?"

"Uh, I'm Shui by the way."

"Oh right, yeah," Huo coughed. "I'm Huo."


Epine de Rose

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:35 pm
User Image
Aodhfin had found a nice spot to perch himself, so that he could sit and observe. he wanted to make sure no one hostile was going to sneak up on them while they all took a needed rest. but then again he figured it would be hard for anymore to sneak up on such a huge group such as themselves. besides it probably would take another huge group to take them all on. giving a sigh, he felt he needed to be less up tight right now than he was but he couldn't help himself with being out in the rouge lands were anything could happen.

(using old cert)
User ImageUser Image
Houjin and Houri both were not far from Aodhfin. as Houjin seated himself near Aodhfin, he watched as his daughter Houri went off on her own. she wanted to take the opportunity to grab some water after such a long journey to get here. plus she figured she figured she would get to indulge her curiosity by chatting up these strangers like the rest.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:13 pm
Roku eyed her as she spoke, trying to spot any deception in her words, but she seemed more excited than anything else. His fur smoothed out as it became more obvious that she wasn't a threat, and instead he just cocked his head, curiosity starting to rear it's head. This was a strange one, with a strange group. They all seemed so cautious, weary of the rogues that were intermixed with them, but none seemed to be hostile. At least not yet. And then there was this one, who was not nearly as stoic as the rest of them.

At the mention of him being frightened, he huffed and shook his head, "I'm fine. I'm not scared." Which was a lie, but his pride wouldn't allow for that to show. (he willfully ignored the fact that his scent had long since given away how he really felt)

He nodded and moved a paw forward to scratch at the ground, not really sure how to answer beyond that to her question. "And yeah. We're usually pretty fast, once we can really pick up speed." He shrugged, "I mean, I've never tested it against a lion before, but I've never had anyone catch me before while I'm running." His tail flicked cheerfully at the thought of running. If there was one thing he enjoyed about being a cheetah, it was that. There was nothing that quite beat the feel of wind against your face.

There was a pause before he looked back at her, "Who are all of you? I've never seen such a large group of lions before, and you all look so similar...."

Syrius Lionwing

The dark furred lion listened quietly as the red male spoke, humming once as he explained their purpose. He couldn't imagine being secluded all this time. Yes, he'd stayed within the desert for most of his life, but it wasn't due to being told to stay. He'd just... hadn't felt like abandoning his old home until a bit more recently. Though by the sounds of some of the conversations around him, it sounded like these lions were so isolated that they didn't have much experience in anything other than their own.

Well, they were branching out now. And he could understand wanting to learn of the world around them. It's something he was rather enjoying right now. "Well, I hope it's a fruitful journey for all of you then. I don't think most rogues will try to pick a fight with any of you, but you should watch out for some hunting parties from other prides. They can sometimes be... confrontational."

Harakhty gazed away at the next question, silent for a moment as he thought over his words. Finally, he continued, "It was an old desert pride that just... faded with time. Many of my old pridemates left for better lands, and eventually there were so few that it wasn't really a pride anymore." He shrugged, "I'm still looking for where I'd like to call home."

Clearing his throat, he looked back over, "I'm Harakhty, by the way."



- Mynsed -

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:38 pm
Oh great, now Hadithi was questioning the lion about his intentions. Rangi swallowed thickly, scowling at the blue lion when his gaze turned to him. Couldn’t Hadithi just say his greetings and leave? Then again, he could also say his farewells and just leave his companion behind.

A quick glance at the number of lions swayed that thought. Perhaps it would be best to part when he was a safe enough distance away. Hearing that the group were explorers didn’t settle his nerves. He watched Haru closely, stiffening when the lion leaned around Hadithi to look at him. His mouth nearly peeled back to reveal teeth; he resisted the temptation and simply gave him an uneasy look.

Hadithi, he realized, had a big mouth. Beyond the literal sense. Letting out a small yelp at being nudged, he passed the blue lion a glare. Of course, he wasn’t going to nag about his disability being told. It wasn’t necessarily a secret. And it could help to find a seer. But…

As Haru responded to it, Rangi’s expression flattened. Red? As it was, he wasn’t even sure if the scale of gray he saw was the gray everyone else saw. In fact, he had learned multiple names for a certain shade of gray. Red and green were the same shade, for example. It was by luck that someone pointed out he probably saw in gray. With nothing to compare it to, Rangi couldn’t quite say if they were wrong or right. ”I can’t see red,” he said flatly, inching further behind Hadithi. ”You don’t happen to… eat wild dogs, do you?” He shouldn’t have asked. If he could, he would reel the words back into his mouth and banish them.

porcelain pinch

syrius lionwing
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:34 pm


Hadithi's jaw dropped, mouth wide open before a wide, lax, smile came to his maw. Not a family. Fascinating! They looked so similar to each other. Yet that was easily explained by knowing that they were all a part of a pride. But it did raise the question....Did all prides and packs look so similar to each other? Is that why they band together? The lion had never ran into a pride before so he wasn't too sure. "So....you all have to be red and black?" Of course, with the big mouth that he had, he couldn't help but ask. It was all too interesting to him.

Nonetheless, they were a group that was akin to a family. The bond had to be strong. Possibly stronger than a familial bond. He stared at Haru, practically starry eyed at the thought. To learn about the culture of Motojami'simo, of any pride, excited him enough to be pacing on his toes. "From the sand, you say..." His eyes darted to the ground, paws curling against the ground. His eyes slowly traveled upwards to look at Haru once more. "Born from it?" Childbirth was a mystery. No one had explained the ins and outs of where cubs came from. Other than it was a female only experience. But...was the world male or female? Was it possible for the sand to conceive children. It would be revolutionary, mind blowing. By golly, he wanted to know more. Unless...they lived inside the sand. Hadithi shook his head. The idea of sand getting into his ears did not sound appealing. Perhaps there were ways to prevent that though.

His next words were formed slowly as he tried to think of a way to question without sounding offensive or insensitive. "Why explore?" There could be a multitude of reasons. Sickness, death of a leader, scarcity of food, getting to know surroundings. Ultimately, there had to be some sort of driving source that brought them out. There were many dangers out in the rogue lands. Why face them when in a pack?

An easy laugh came from his lips at Haru's mention of dogs in his pack. It was a relief that he was well accepted. Perhaps Rangi would loosen up a bit at the information. But it being weird that they were traveling together? He couldn't see a reason why. "He's a friend." Hadithi gave a heartfelt shrug, and glanced back towards Rangi with a smirk. "Not much of a hunter either." A chuckle came from his lips as his eyes went slightly glazed, happy and reminiscing. "He can't even catch a butterfly. Hunting is my job. But he does provide a good amount of entertainment and the company is nice. Rangi is a main source of my tales." The dog was bound to get angry at him. Alas, there was no disputing the truth.

The lion's eyes grew wider at the new information given to him. "So there are others like you!" Wildly, he turned to Rangi with a mile wide smile. "Isn't that great?!" If he could, he'd leap for joy at the information. Hadithi didn't even question why they could see their red and black if they were colourblind like Rangi. A gush of air escaped the lion. "Rangi, maybe you're from the sand as well!"

The next words out of Rangi's mouth had Hadithi's gaze wide for a whole 'nother reason. Eat wild dogs?! A bark of uncontrolled laughter left his lips. He bent over to try to calm himself but it proved to be little help. "No worries little fella, I won't let them harm a hair on your head. He tried rubbing the side of his now watery eyes as he took a look at Rangi. Yet as soon as he did, another eruption of giggles left him. "You're a hoot."

- Mynsed -

Syrius Lionwing

Porcelain Pinch

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:19 am
Kiahi'kripi smiled at the cheetah, she knew he had been frightened from the moment she had walked up to him but at the same time her curiosity was piqued beyond the need to be a big, stoic lioness from the sands. She was after all a young female and while she knew she should be all sensible, it was very hard when you were out here. The rogue lands were amazing she had seen so many new and unusual things!

"I'm not very fast." She paused for a moment, she had never been much of a runner, she wondered if any firekin was a good runner they were mostly all muscle and sinew and on the sand it could be hard to get purchase. Still she felt she could possibly race a cheetah. With this thought immediately reaching her tongue she grins and bounces.

"I can run with you if you like, everyone is resting right now but I want to see how fast a cheetah is." A hopeful sparkle lit in her eyes. She really, really wanted to race him. Even if she knew she would lose the thought made her all excited. Glancing back at the resting pride interacting with both rogues and each other she didn't think they would mind if she just slipped away for a moment to race a cheetah. Plus neither her brother nor her aunty Geei had noticed that she wasn't chilling with the others yet this was a perfect opportunity to let loose.


Haru looked between the two companions, the lion, how young as he? He chuckled and stretched out his paws. It seemed to him that this conversation would be very amusing. "There are many reasons, one of them being that the females of our pride are struggling to find males they are not related to. We are out on a mission to harbour some good feeling towards other prides, we have been isolated for far too long." He really didn't see any problem with telling the blue male this information, perhaps he was from another pride or some coalition some where? Who knew, word of them travelling would be about and if word got around that they were out on a peaceful mission instead of a war mission, it could be nothing but a good thing.

"I am afraid that is a turn of phrase, we are born the way all lions are born. We do however consider ourselves born of fire and sand. It really is just a saying though." This chatty blue male was very amusing, perhaps if he had run in to one of the more stoic members of the group he would have been met with disdain, but Haru had been born in the rogue lands he knew that personalities differed greatly and that the clearly inexperienced male would learn the birds and the bees one day and understand that such phrases were just that.

When the lion mentioned that the wild dog may be from the sands, again, laughter ensued "My young friend you misunderstand. We firekin favour the colours of fire, black, red, white, some gold, we are colour blind in that we do not see many other colours within our borders and those that are, they leave, rather swiftly." He paused, he wasn't going to go too far in to details of what the pride was like. Neither the lion nor the dog would really be welcome on the sands. He was not as prejudiced as others, but he knew they would never really see someone, as blue, as this male on the sand.

"I have never eaten a wild dog, do you taste good?" The blood red male chuckled brightly and shook his head. "I don't think we would get much off you little dog so you can rest assured we will not eat you."

Porcelain Pinch

- Mynsed -
PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:42 pm

So, they were travelling to breed. What romantics. Rangi frowned, inching out of his cover. And nearly bit Hadithi. "I can hunt!" replied indignantly. It was partially the truth. How else would he have survived on his own before Hadithi? Of course, his meals usually took the entire daylight to catch. Or he would settle on vegetation, which wasn't nearly as fulfilling. It made his quest that much harder to continue, what with barely inching across the land.

Goodness, though, was Hadithi an idiot. Rangi gave him a sidelong look before looking back to Haru. The more he talked, the less cautious he was. He was even standing beside Hadithi now, watching the lion curiously. Why would they leave swiftly? It confused Rangi, the certain phrasing, but he wasn't going to ask. His idiotic companion may, anyways.

He opened his mouth to ask a different sort of question... and ended up behind Hadithi again, glaring around him at Haru. "I do not taste good!" he snapped, bristled. The reasoning for not eating him didn't settle well with him either. He felt... offended. Still, he scowled at the lion from his usual place behind the idiot, watching him with renewed wariness.
porcelain pinch

syrius lionwing

- Mynsed -

Porcelain Pinch

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:41 pm


There may have been a smile on Hadithi's face, but his expression? Blank. He tilted his head to the side, curiousity peaked by his own confusion. That answer left much so much to be desired. Why would females be wanting to find unrelated males? Unless...was he the only male? Or one of the few? There had to be more though...their pack was so huge! And with isolation, he could only imagine the pride not being able to persist. Unless...the sand was male? Was that even a thing? He plopped his rump in the sand. There was bound to be a major headache if he continued to try to puzzle it out. "Why do they need to meet with other males? Is your pride lacking in.....'maleness'?" He couldn't think of any other word for it.

Fortunately, some of his questions were answered. They were normally born. Sand was now out of the question. He couldn't help but wonder though..."What does it mean?" Maybe they just really liked fire and sand? Or did each have a hidden meaning behind the word? Both conjured up multiple things for him, most unpleasant. But some pleasant. He'd like to believe that they just really enjoyed the beach and a good fire for warmth, but he needed to know for sure. His wants were unimportant when it came to research.

An easy laugh came from his mouth then. "Sorry, pal. Guess I got too excited." Hadithi was used to misunderstanding; and this definitely wasn't one of his firsts. Being an ever curious lion, he had jumped to many false conclusions which was all the more reason why he asked so many questions. The more details he had to go off of, the better. His eagerness did get him into plenty of trouble.

His mouth fell open as he contemplated. He was a bit disappointed that his friend couldn't find someone that was like him. Hadithi was eager to try to find someone else who is similar. It must be a confusing world without another who shared the same plight, after all. Well----a plight to most, but an interesting tidbit to him.

Regardless, there was something more prevalent that was nagging at his mind. "Why do the others leave?" To be honest, he was interested in going to said pack. Not to stay. There was much more that he wanted to explore, of course. But to learn and absorb their culture and history. Were other pelts not able to survive in the same environment? His lips creased in a thoughtful frown. No, that didn't make much sense. So what was it? His gaze bore into Haru's for answers. Just what was it?

The shout from Rangi had his eyes pulling away and towards the wild dog with a smirk. He could? "Then why haven't you joined me in a hunt?" The company was more than welcome. In fact, there was fun to be had with another. Hadithi wasn't one to usually play with his food---that would be cruel--but a game between he and Rangi? He'd partake in that.

Another guffaw came from his maw. God, he couldn't believe this kid. The canine couldn't see a joke from a mile away! Hadithi shook his head in good humor, bumping his back end against Rangi. "He was just kidding, fella. No need to be angry." A toothy grin envolped his face as he stared down his friend. "And if they try, I'll make sure to protect you, alright?" Confident, he puffed out his chest. "Nothing'll be able to get through me, buddy."

- Mynsed -

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:30 pm
Raising an eyebrow at her, the cheetah mulled over the thought for a moment. She wanted to run with him? Like a race? He's never actually raced someone before... but it would be nice to run with someone for once. He's shown others how quick he can go, and he's hunted with others too, but actually running with someone would be a new experience. One he wasn't really against trying.

So, with a nod, he grinned tentatively back, "Alright," he paused to glance around, "but we'll need to move to the outside of the group. We don't have to go away from them, but we'll need more room to run." Roku tapped a paw against the ground, a nervous tick at the thought of leaving his hidey-hole in front of all of these lions, but he figured that if anyone tried to confront him, this other lioness would probably have his back. At least he hoped so.

Heaving himself up, he slid his way out from under the rock he'd been curled under. He took a moment to stretch out long legs, feeling a few pops as he did so, and then turned back to face the lioness. At that point, he realized that, if they were going to do this, they should probably find out each other's names. "I'm Rokusasu, by the way."

Syrius Lionwing
*made his font a little bit darker* Was getting sick of how light it was. >>



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:19 pm
"Regent," corrected Heti with a teasing smile, wondering why on earth one of their leaders would have been out on the borders. He knew that Tapana had not been happy about this expedition. Was their something going on that she didn't want others to know? His concern was only heightened when they mentioned an 'Azar' who - without a doubt - was his father. He only knew one grumpy Azar, even with the name being relatively common amongst his people. His father had not been convinced of the idea, either. Maybe they were simply nursing their wounds. Or was there something else going on between them that he wasn't aware of?

His father and...the regent?

Oh, surely not.

He cleared his throat and tried not to be distracted so that he could listen to Shui as he spoke.

"My name is Heti," he replied, giving the boys a polite nod, "your home sounds a marvel. You have sand but...lots of water? Like a...well, I don't even know." He'd never even heard of an ocean before and the biggest source of water he had ever seen was at this very settlement. "And your people, they are honourable? Strong?" These boys seemed capable enough. Could this be the first promising sign of an alliance?

He glanced around to see if there was a superior officer close by - just in case they might be interested in hearing this, too. He thought of his father and,
with a crooked smile, added, "patient? Are they also patient?" What would they think of him when he told them that Azar was his dad? Ha! Maybe they wouldn't believe it.

Epine de Rose

"We shall keep a look out, although I rather imagine some of my brothers and sisters might be keen to try out their skills in combat with an unknown enemy.
It does get rather boring, I'd imagine, training day in and day out against opponents you know as well as yourself." Not that Kimeti would know, of course. He'd chosen the more intellectual route of teacher. Knowledge, he had decided, was where the true power lay.

"It is a shame about your pride. For your people and for us. They sound like they would have made a good alliance. A lion must be strong to live in the desert. An impressive feat. "I hope you find a place to call your own. I could not imagine wandering alone for long. The world is bigger and harsher for it,"
he gave the male a nod.

"I am Kimeti. If you ever pass by the Firekin, perhaps you might find yourself at home there. Your grey pelt might be dark enough to win approval." Or was it a little too brown? In this light it was hard to tell. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I shan't keep you any longer."

[IC] Rogue Lands

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