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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:48 am
Haru nodded, diplomacy, honestly he had thought about it, but the journey they were undertaking, where ever it took them they would need to be subtle. He wasn't actually sure if some of the pride knew what subtlety was. A lot of them were as brash as their startling red coats. Having been born a rogue he knew, he remembered, how to avoid conflict, of course, things changed all the time, but tact, he wasn't really certain that firekin knew what tact was.

He laughed quietly and nodded to his lady "I'll keep them safe Uriah. There are plenty of sturdy sensible creatures here and I'm sure.. I'm sure even those of high tradition will know that the world out there isn't the world in here." He let a frown crease his brow. He would have to have words with Mate'moto at some point. The female general, he knew she was born here, and she seemed very level headed, he would assist her if he could while they were out there in the rogue lands.

"I'll be back before you know it my love, keep the hearth warm for me?" He smiled his best roguish grin and took a deep breath.

"Hopefully we won't come back with a fight on our heels Uriah, but, I just don't know. We can only hope that those among us with brash natures curb it while we are out there and that they listen to their level headed leaders." He chuckled, referring to himself as level headed was a little silly really, he could, after all, be a fool, but for the most part, he was sensible. It was time for him to embrace his new rank and show the pride he was worthy of the title. He was not going to let the troupe down, he was going to make sure they all came back safe and that this mission was a successful one.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:18 pm
Heti, still scanning the crowds for any sign of his father, was pleased to see at least two familiar faces approaching. Friends. He knew at least one of them was here to say farewell, though he had no idea if Asyria was here to join the band or simply say her own goodbyes.

Kerra, who had shifted his weight to scratch his back against the rough edge of a stone, did not notice the females until Heti addressed them.

"Is this to be a farewell from just one? Or both?" he asked curiously, switching his gaze between the pair. Part of him wished that Paschar would change her mind and decide to go with them, but he knew that would not be the case. She had things to study here, after all, and perhaps it was best that the Firekin were not too reliant on their rogue-born brethren. He did not doubt that mistakes would be made out in the rogue lands and yet, in someway, he felt they needed to happen for their kin to learn.

Kerra, through a yawn, gave them a nod of greeting and got back to his paws, "seems like the women are the more adventurous ones of our kin,"
a quick scan...maybe confirmed this? Still, he couldn't be totally sure.

Epine de Rose

Sia nodded thoughtfully, tipping back her ears and setting her mouth into a thin line. Yes. The regent's cubs were growing nicely, no longer the vulnerable balls of fur that they had once been - though it seemed like only yesterday. "Well, fine or not, I'll miss you all the same. Thought I would come and wish you good luck. Other advice, unfortunately, I cannot give. My homeland was a friendly one and my journey here relatively easy until the desert and the training for my duel," she gave him a coy smile, then. "If there are fights, you will win them. How could you not? With all the training you have done?"

She drew closer, touching her shoulder briefly with his, "just try not to underestimate the world out there and you'll return in a full blaze of glory. Maybe you'll get one of the history stones all to yourself, depicting the tales of your adventures out beyond the desert, hm?"

She gave him another - more forceful - shove with her shoulder and moved to sit beside him, casting her gaze out across those gathered, "ah, I will miss watching you down at the training grounds. Spare a thought for me when you're out there?"

Sia was a flirt, undeniably so, but she'd found a preference for Ud these last few weeks.


"You should not have retired," Azar said at last, his voice gruff. It was hard to tell whether he was joking or being serious. Kidondo decided on the former, though he had a sneaking suspicion it was not.

"It was time," he replied, "we did all we could. The pride demanded further change and the only way to do that was with a new leadership. Besides, though I hate to admit it, my friend, I am not as young as I once was. My bones ache these days and No's health is not what it was. Our people are a warrior race. They cannot be led by elders who are not able to take the lead in a charge." He smiled wistfully, "if I was younger, I would be going with them now."

Azar startled at that, finally turning to look at the elder, "and leave the desert behind?"

"I did before, remember? Though it was before you were born, you know the stories."

"I do," Azar admitted, "but that was for different reasons."

"No," Kidondo replied firmly, "my reasons back then were the same as theirs are now. To learn. To bring about change to better life for our people. I travelled the rogue lands to find strength in outsiders. To find answers to the problems our inbred people suffered. What you see here today is merely the next step in that journey. I started us on that path long ago. We have reached the mountain and, now, it is time to climb."

Azar was silent.

"It is not too late for you to join them," Kidondo added quietly.


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:31 pm
"Or desperate for children," Asyria corrected Kerra in a blunt tone that some day, she would probably be renowned for. It was no secret in this pride that they suffered from a severe lack of new blood. One aspect of this mission of theirs seemed to be to find suitable blood - whether they found it remained to be seen. After all, the lionesses didn't have to prove who the father was, they could simply pick whomever they sought and pretended if they felt so inclined.

...Yes, Asyria was just a touch more realistic about the world and what lay outside. It might have been disrespectful to her new pride, but at the same time, they needed new cubs and how better to do that than to send as many fertile lionesses as possible? A male couldn't haul cubs home, they'd have no mothers to support them and it would only cause strife with whomever they stole the cubs away from!

"The desire for tiny bundles of fluff can make some lionesses a touch ridiculous, so do keep an eye on them," she warned.

Paschar on the other hand, had elected to roll her eyes at Asyria, she was quickly becoming accustomed to the black lioness's demeanour. There was no real harm in her, but she wasn't the most positive female in the world. Perhaps it was how she had been educated, or simply what she had experienced, but she simply didn't take any prisoners.

"I believe on this occasion it's a farewell from us both," Paschar smiled merrily towards Heti and took a seat. "Though you might not believe it, Asyria wanted to make sure you were all prepared just as much as we are for the outside world," she added. "So we figured, as former outsiders, we'd hang about just in case there were any extra questions before you left and then we'd just wave you off," she paused briefly and peered towards Kerra.

"Are you going as well, or are we all here to coo happily at Heti and wish him well? she asked curiously.


"I have confidence in everyone, I'd just prefer that you were all a little more measured," she smiled at her mate and gave him a gentle nudge. "This land is most assuredly ours and we know it down to each grain of sand, but out there, they'll have to remember they're mostly cubs," she pointed out.

"No one was raised to be a fool though and we have seemingly prepared Huria for the world beyond so I'm reasonably confident you'll succeed," she added. No Huria had been found dead after all, they may not have heard back from them, but she preferred to think that they were all doing rather well for themselves out there.

"However if you are feeling brave, do try to bring me back something exotic and shiny," she teased and gave a wink. "For now though, I'll let you mingle with the folks who'll be serving under you, better for you to get yourself out there rather than for me to distract you," she pointed out delicately and with that, backed away to move towards the sidelines.

She'd be around, but for now it was in Haru's best interests to introduce himself to those he may not have spoken to much before. She on the other hand, would wait for her companions to finish up with those they were conversing with...

Syrius Lionwing
Fin for now from meeeee...
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:32 pm
"Whaaaa?" Kerra looked perplexed for a moment. Desperate for children? Oh, that's right...there had been that talk of rogue breeding, hadn't there? He hadn't really taken it all that seriously but now that Asyria had stated it like that, he did start to wonder. Just how many cubs would the Firekin be welcoming after this was all said and done?

Well...suddenly he was seriously glad he wasn't going. No one should have to deal with that trauma. All them angry pregnant ladies? No thanks! "Thankfully," he replied with a grin, "I get to stay here and man the fort. Keep Gramps under control, that sorta thing." He laughed, smacking his dad on the shoulder with a paw, "good luck out there!"

Heti did not look amused. "Thanks for coming. Somehow I think we'll never be able to prepare ourselves fully for what lies ahead."

"No kidding!" Kerra burst out with amusement, "it'll be a learning experience, to be sure."

"It will be fine," Heti replied, "but thank you for coming. It means a lot." He, strangely, felt a little choked up about it. He was already starting to feel a little homesick and he hadn't even left yet. "It will be good to work with those of different ranks. Get to know them all better."

Epine de Rose

"I won't go," Azar answered at last, "I can't."

Kidondo turned sandy-coloured eyes across at his friend, the beginnings of a frown working between his brows, "there is no shame to be found in leaving the borders temporarily."

"Leaving them unprotected? No. The pride needs me here."

Kidondo knew these were just excuses but he let the topic lie. No point angering the other male over such things. He was stubborn and wouldn't shift once his mind was made up.

"They will be getting ready to leave soon," he said then, "you should say your farewells."

Again. More silence.


Fuzzy Kitten

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:15 am
"Something shiny, check." He grinned at his lady and gave a nod, he would need to speak to the leaving members and the general before the moved out. He gave his mate a touch on the nose "Don't do anything I wouldn't do while I am gone." He wasn't entirely sure what he wouldn't do in the firekin lands but he thought Uriah may think of something unusual. It made him chuckle to think about it.

Shaking his head the blood red male turned his maned head and trotted off towards Mate'moto. He wanted a word with the general before they set out, he knew she was a good general and an excellent fighter but he wasn't sure just how much time she had spent in the rogue lands if any at all.

He scanned the crowed and made a beeline for the familiar lioness.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:15 am
Her daydreams of water were pushed from her mind as Mat noticed Haru heading in her direction. She tossed the older male a grin as she turned to him, trotting over to meet him halfway.

"Haru!" she called, her voice strong and excited. "Glad to see you here. I hope you'll be joining us," she added, knowing full well that the Brigadier wouldn't be caught dead staying behind. Ud was also in the crowd, she had noticed, and she was pleased that all three of the new high-ranking lions had decided to come on this journey.

"Looks like you're the only one out of us with any rogue land experience," she said, not at all concerned about status or how it might look for someone of a higher rank to look to someone of a lower for help. That was what made a good General - not someone who would charge into battle (even though she was prone to doing that), but who could use the strengths of those around them to ensure victory and to fill in the gaps of others weaknesses. Haru had come to the Firekin from the rogue lands and she was going to make sure they capitalized on his knowledge.

"I'll be looking to you to guide us," she added seriously, her golden eyes gleaming. "But know that we're all here to support you should we come upon situations even you aren't familiar with. We'll tackle this as a team."

Syrius Lionwing


Kuzimu yawned widely, closing her eyes for the first time in what seemed like ages. She licked her lips, her maw still tasting of the kill she had recently ate, and opened her eyes once more. Surely they would be departing soon...or at least she hoped so. The urge to finally leave these sands behind and seek answers to her questions was strong. She had to wait, though. Patience was a virtue after all.


Ud had to admit the focused attention of Sia was something new and a bit exciting. He hadn't thought about his new rank or favor with one of the leaders to be an attractive quality, but he supposed it might have its perks. As she spoke he tried not to let the sudden urge to stay behind get to him. He had a duty to the pride now and going out with a group like this was going to ready him for his new rank in ways he couldn't hope to achieve without it. It was like training on the sands...kind of. Practice made perfect, and going out with experienced lions was what he needed to become experienced as well.

But now there was a female tugging at his thoughts and he realized her dark pelt and red eyes would certainly be on his mind during the long walks that surely stood before them. How was it he could become so interested in one single lioness so quickly? They had only spoken once! Perhaps it was his youth speaking, but he didn't think about that at all. All he knew was he had a pretty lady beside him giving him much more attention than he had received from any other female other than his mother.

"I'm sure I'll spare quite a few," he admitted with a slightly nervous smile as he glanced down at Sia. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? You've been in the rogue lands, after all. I'm sure you'd be a valuable resource." And someone to possibly cuddle up with on cool nights, but that would just be a perk.



Offensive Hero


Ruthless Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:05 pm
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Goodness Suoh was late for the meeting of the Firekin who were heading out on this new expedition. Upon arriving to the location however he noticed no one extremely familiar to him. Though he knew a few of the others faces he didn't really recall any names that stuck out. Would they recognize this dark male? It wasn't like he really had anyone to say goodbye to here so at least he couldn't need to say any farewells before they go onto the task they were setting out for. Though part of him wished he had someone to say bye to. Were others gathering things? Was he supposed to? Suoh felt overwhelmed and so very unprepared.

At least though he would have good traveling mates and he knew at least some of the world out there to help with. He could see many higher ranking Firekin there. Knowing they were all going on there as well. Shifting weight from one paw to another he felt nervous. After all this time being with the pride he was going back out. Exciting! Did he look nervous? He sure felt nervous. Who should he bump into first? Deciding to wander towards a few groups, see if he might be able to strike a conversation.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:16 am
Haru smiled at the general "Of course, I would not miss such an adventure." He was glad she was so level headed, it gave him hope for the further of the pride to have such a female in charge of this first expidition, he hoped, it would not be the last. If the firekin were finally allowed to roam a little more, there could be big changes, changes he felt were probably for the betterment of the pride.

Her words made him feel proud, he did know about the outside world and he had always been a guard. Standing on the borders looking out, was perhaps not exactly what she was talking about. Still he remembered much from his time in the rogue lands. He had been born out there and he hadn't become a firekin until he was an adult, which felt like an aweful long time ago.

"I will help as much as I can." He nods an affirmative and settles in to a comfortable sit. He felt relaxed around the younger female, and he did want to air his concerns to her. "As my mate so kindly reminded me, it has been a long time since I stepped on to the sands, but I remember how to survive." He paused for a moment, wondering how to phrase his concerns to the fire bellied female. "I hope you won't think I am speaking out of turn, but, I worry about those who are very young travelling with us." He cleared his throat "Perhaps a word to all about diplomacy may go a long way."


Kiahi'kripi paused in her wandering as she noticed an unfamiliar lion pad up and pause amongst the gathering throng. Unfamiliar he may have been but the smokey red lioness decided he was a good creature to ask about her brother.

Tail in the air she padded up to Suoh with a smile and a questioning head tilt. "Hey, have you seen my brother? he us suposed to be here." she huffs and settles herself in to a slouching sit, a brow raised at him. "Oh, uh, he looks like me but he has a mane, obviously." She snikkers, they were fairly noticeable twins but not everyone knew them and this male, well she didn't know him either, he could have been new. Still it was worth questioning someone about her missing sibling.


Syrius Lionwing


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:16 pm
She sighed, looking up at him through her eyelashes, "when you ask me like that, I'm starting to think I should reconsider." Her smile widened - became almost dreamy - and then with a purr, she gathered her paws beneath her and closed the gap again, rubbing her side along him, "but no. Perhaps next time, hm? No doubt you'll come back with a tale or two to tempt me back out into the rogue lands."

And then she grew a little more serious and added, "I don't want to be a distraction. This is your first big role in a position of leadership. There should be nothing to draw your attention from that." She tapped a paw gently against his, "besides, I'll still be here when you return. Don't worry about that. I'm reasonably patient," she teased, then peered past him at the gathered group.

"Seems like a mixed bunch heading out into rogue lands. Just take care of each other out there. A scar or two might add to your appeal, but don't start too many fights out there, okay?"


User Image

"Hey!" A loud voice called out, potentially familiar to some, "Suoh! They told me you were leaving but I wasn't sure whether to believe it or not. You looking to break my poor heart?"

The owner of the voice was Nuraya and as she drew up to the charcoal male she paused to look Kiahi'kripi up and down. Hm. She was leaving as well, or what? She gave a soft snort and then turned her gaze back to the male she had blatantly been eyeing up these past weeks.


Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:26 pm
Kiahi'kripi tilted her head at the dark male. She smiled and tilted her head. "Suoh, is that your name?" She chuckled and twitched her tail. She really didn't understand why the other female was being so aggressive. Shrugging her shoulders the young brick red female opened her mouth to speak again though she couldn't help but snort a little laugh. Perhaps she was this males mate? She certainly sounded like it.

"Have you seen my brother? He looks like me but with more fur, obviously." She snickers. "He is supposed to be here, I swear sometimes it's like looking for a specific grain of sand int he desert with him sometimes."



Syrius Lionwing


Ruthless Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:38 pm
When the female approached him asking about her brother he blinked a few times. "I haven't, actually. I just got here. Running late." He should have not been training so long. "I could help you find him if you need." That at least he could do.

Just as he was saying that he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise up. The familar voice sent a small chill that he subdued. "Nuraya." Suoh said her name as he turned to look at her. Okay maybe there were two lioness he would have liked to say goodbye to and at least one of them was here. "Yeah I am leaving." Oh how he hadn't really thought about that too much. They had been talking a lot lately. His bad. Then again so had he and Kenina.

Then he turned back to Kiahi'kripi. "Yes sorry, Suoh is my name."

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:56 pm
Nuraya wrinkled her nose a little at Suoh's response, shifting her gaze between him and the female. Luckily for him she wasn't really the jealous type.
Growing up in the Firekin was difficult when you were related to nearly everyone else and she certainly wasn't the only one with that problem. Suoh was fresh from the outside lands and handsome, too. Their colours would work so prettily together, she was sure.

Still, maybe she was a little bit protective of him. Just a little.

"Well, I suppose they could use your experience," she mused, her nose still wrinkled with thought. Perhaps the poor guy had been scared off by all the crazy womenfolk that lived here? Maybe she'd beena bit too enthusiastic? Or maybe he genuinely wished to go out exploring with his comrades? Yeah, probably the latter.

"Maybe I should come to, you know...to keep an eye on you," she wasn't actually sure whether she was joking or not.

Then she turned her gaze again to the other female, "you and your brother both heading out, as well?"

Syrius Lionwing


"I won't," Azar replied at last, getting to his paws and shaking the sand from his fur.

With a low grunt, Kidondo got to his paws, too, and turned to regard his friend with a knowing gaze. It didn't seem to matter how many years passed them by. Neither of them had changed much. He recalled this Firekin as a cub,
just as stubborn as he was now, though far more pessimistic.

"I wish you would reconsider," he replied, "you will regret it."

"I live to regret most things," the corporal replied, "it will make no difference."

"We aren't getting any younger," Kidondo added with a sad smile.

"No." Azar bit back, "but we do get wiser."

Kidondo wasn't so sure about that.


Fuzzy Kitten


Ruthless Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:23 pm
The male chuckled a little. "Hopefully they do a little consulting from me." Not that he thought that they completely would. He had traveled but it wasn't like he made a lot of pit stops between the Pridelands, running into Nergui, and coming to Firekin. He had a good grasp of the rogue lands, managed to dodge the two leggers, learn of other places by word of mouth, and managed to survive out there but he was by no means an expert. It was also just going to be nice to see what may have changed out there. Maybe even if they traveled near his once home of the Pridelands.

Come with him? has he visibly gulped when she said that, he hoped not. Not that he would mind her tagging along but maybe... that might not be a good idea.

Suoh responded to her however, "If you'd like to I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Making note of everyone else around. Then turning his attention back to Kiahi'kripi, feeling almost rude that he wasn't doing a better job of helping. A male who looked like her huh. Eyes searched the lions around but he caught no sight of a male in similar coloring.

"Maybe he's running late?" Gods knew he had been.


Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:45 am
"Gramps?" Asyria queried and then shook her head. "Ah, right - Grumpy-guts, with you now," she remarked. It had only taken her a moment to put everything together, she'd already known who Heti was and the fact that Kerra was his son meant that the one they were referring to was all too obvious. In fact, she assumed it would be the very individual who was strategically trying to hide himself in the crowd.

As if to make her point, she turned her head and gazed directly at Azar and his companion with a raised brow. "I hear that dousing fire with water tends to do quite well," she stated and turned her gaze back towards Kerra with a wry smile. "Perhaps I'll call in some favour so you can have some close to hand to put out any little smarks that might run out of control, eh?" she teased.

Paschar had long since given up on encouraging the black lioness to have a little more tact.

"You'll be fine," the lioness remarked and gave a reassuring nod. She was confident in them, for all their bluster they would learn quickly and there did seem to be a fair few rogues to lead by example. Her concerns regarding their arrogance and pride would hopefully be misplaced and they would prove her wrong! Though she did rather hope that the lionesses would refrain from throwing themselves at other males until certain relations were strengthened.

After all...wouldn't it make more sense to point out that your mate was part of a recognised allies pride?

...Maybe that was just her.

"You'll have an absolute ball and when you come back you'll have all sorts of stories to tell everyone," she added. "Just try not to get scratched up too badly," she finished with a small wink. "We have confidence in you."

"And your dad probably does too," Asyria added and gave a quick nod towards Azar again. "Even if his head is stuck too far up his a** to come over here and tell you that himself," she muttered.

"One of these days you're going to lose your tongue, you really don't have any manners do you..." Paschar murmured with an exasperated sigh.


Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:56 am
The brick red lioness gave an exasperated sigh. "He's always late."She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Yes, we are both heading out. We're medics so I thought we might come in handy." He grinned broadly "Plus, I want o see the outside world. My dad and aunties were born out there. I want to see a wild dog and a cheetah and a leopard. I'v never seen one before." She stopped in her rambling and looked between the two embarrassed. She was maybe interrupting a lovers union here and it occurred to her she should probably continue to search for her brother.

"Oh you should come! It's going to be amazing. Apparently there are places where water goes on forever but you can't drink it cause it's salty.." Again a pause, she could feel her excitement rising in her chest. She should really find her brother.


[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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