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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:52 pm
Runa narrowed her eyes as another lioness joined them and began to speak over her, but upon realizing her 'mistake' she quickly fell silent. Turning her gaze back to Tethys, she listened to what he had to say before nodding to confirm her answer.

"My only desire is to go Viking," she said seriously. "I am in no hurry to become a mother, and I certainly don't wish to carry cubs while out in the rogue lands. I intend to see it through," she added, lifting her head a bit higher. As a Freeborn she wasn't sure it would count if she came back before the Captain and the rest of the group did, and she wasn't going to turn back until she had glory to her name.

The red lioness and the Captain spoke, greeting one another, and Runa was about to turn to go when another lioness showed up to speak to Tethys. It allowed the skull-marked female to turn her attention to Runa, who gazed up at her with a raised brow.

"Runa," she said, offering her name. "You've been out on Vikings before with the Captain, then?"

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:43 am
Xochipepe beamed as Tethys welcomed her and gave him a nod. She hoped that she could truly prove her worth with this particular viking. Prove to all that she was someone you would want in your band. To be a part of something more. To have stories to tell her kids and her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren! She just had to survive first...

To Runa, she gave a smile, too.

Though she did not know anything of the lioness her want to go viking and - perhaps more importantly - her slightly unconventional markings, drew Xochi's attention and held it.

"Just the one Viking," she replied, "he gave me the chance to become a Reaver and earned my respect. I might be new at this but I'm ready. With Tethys as Captain I feel like I can accomplish anything. It will be good to meet and raid alongside other like-minded ones like yourself."

She paused, blinking briefly in the direction of the raised voices, and shifted the angle of her body so they weren't directly behind her. "Do you know them?" she murmured under her breath, indicating the decorated female and the blue male.



Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:02 am
((I will be posting a few more lions for people to interact with in a bit just, bear with me, they'll be in a new post!))

Tethys gave Runa his full attention as she spoke, and only when she had finished did he provide her with a slow nod. She'd answered him perfectly, he couldn't judge her too much, but she really had answered exactly as he would have hoped. If she was determined then who was he to deny her the opportunity to prove herself? The only time he would step in is if he had reason to believe she simply wasn't suitable.

...And for that she was still going to have to screw up.

"All right then," he said finally, a wry smile on his lips. "Looks like I'll have another very opinionated female in my life soon," he said with a chuckle. He'd make no secrets of the fact that his own sibling drove him absolutely up the wall with her incessant nagging and relentless demands. Oh they might have been made with good intentions but the lioness just never shut up. "Welcome aboard," he said finally as Runa's attention turned to Xochi.

...It was only then that his ears gave a flick and he regarded the 'commotion' with interest.

Well he'd be damned.

"You have got to be related to the lion who thought I was my sister," he remarked. It wasn't a proper greeting at all, but he couldn't help himself as he regarded Zjarri. He'd remember his manners eventually, they just weren't going to display themselves just yet.


Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:27 am
Runa had to give Tethys credit where it was due - he wasn't like other Captains, nor like other Stormborn in general. Vidar was more what she had been anticipating when she had heard of this grand quest, but it seemed the actual Captain was mild-mannered and humble. At least more so than she was expecting.

Not wishing to take any more of his time, she gave a little bob of her head in understanding and thanks and turned from the white male to speak to the red female instead, freeing him up as more and more lions were approaching him. It seemed like this was going to be quite the adventure.

"No," she said, glancing out of the corner of her eye at the gathering lions. She recognized them from passing them in the pride at various points, especially the heavily decorated one, but she didn't know their names nor what they were like. She found it a bit amusing that one wore a skull on her face and yet Xochi had a marking of one without needing to be weighed down by such a cumbersome item.

"I'm new at this as well. This will be my first Viking," she admitted, moving away from Tethys a bit more so their conversation wouldn't overpower the one he was having. "I'm thankful he's willing to accept those that are a bit green. I have much to prove and wish to do so in a profound fashion, and I feel that this long journey will do just that."

Lifting her head a bit to peer up at the other lioness, she gave her a small smile that was greatly supplemented by the markings at her mouth. They could either give her a scraggly grin or a terrifying snarl, depending on which way her actual mouth went. Despite her initial interruption, Xochi seemed to be the kind of lioness Runa wouldn't mind spending time with on this adventure.

Epine de Rose



Offensive Hero

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:41 am
The look plastered to her face matching a set of wide pink eyes spoke volumes of her emotions at that exact moment when Tethys recognized her, not for talents or something more impressive, but for the very lion she had been trying to avoid and only recently found reason to welcome back into her life. Silence filled the air around her as she forgot, momentarily, where she was in the heat of embarrassment and found that she had to freeze herself to a spot before she gave herself even a moment’s opportunity to whip around and tear her father apart.

“So you’ve met Bjorn.” Her lips pressed together tightly as she clamped around a series of words that flew about her head. All of which were threats upon the large blue lions life, father or not. Her eyes were blazing with anger and she could feel the smile that likely broke a typically straight faced Sabia beneath her mask – this drama was precisely what the crimson lioness sought after.


To Bjorns dismay he heard the words, ones which couldn’t have been blocked by the voices surrounding them and suddenly he was very aware of the crowd. There were a couple lions speaking about the small outburst displayed by him and Zjarris right hand, though truly, amongst these lions the words shouldn’t have been a shock. That was the opinion of the old reaver anyway.

He didn’t need to see the look on his daughters face to know precisely what the reaction was, he could easily have gauged it based on just how happy Sabia`deimos was becoming. The dangerous lioness he sat to wasn’t beyond murder and acted at the command of his daughter. Bjorn wouldn’t have been shocked if the crimson lioness was asked to do away with his sorry a** due to all of what he’d caused Zjarri. “Hello Tethys.” The blue lion said with more confidence then he deserved.


Sabia`deimos was wild with emotions, all of them matching a very dark grin she wore beneath her mask – which concealed the full blown effect of her wild eyes. “Daddy issues.” She whispered to the father of her Captain, the grin growing, though it didn’t seem possible. The words hit a wall when they got to Bjorns ears and he didn’t even react which made her a tad disgruntled, but still like an attack dog she sat still.

Zjarri called the shots on this sort of thing, Sabia would admit to that, but she’d happily complete such a task – no questions asked. That was how their relationship worked. There were never any questions, never a breach of that wall. In most cases that meant that it protected Zjarri from any possible direct connection.

Zjarri and Bjorn remained silent the whole while, but Sabia displayed a small giggle.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:33 pm
Xochi gave a low 'hm' sound and shifted again so that she was standing alongside the other female, casting her gaze more obviously towards the others now. "Don't worry. You'll get your chance and we'll all look out for one another. We're all brothers and sisters now, right? Besides that, Tethys has a good head on his shoulders. He'll steer us in the right direction and give us a smack if we start diverting course." Xochi laughed quietly, turning to smile across at the other female.

They had been right about this pride after all. Here, amongst fierce fighters, her face did not stand out so much at all. With this newfound friend and her unusually markings and the 'dressed up' female across from them, she felt like she could truly fit in.

"The only problem I face is that I'm waiting for a friend to join the pride. He's taking his sweet time over it and I'm worried he might finally make it in only to find me gone!" She worried for Zili and what might have happened to him. "Whatever he's doing he better hurry up and win his challenge." She blinked, glancing at Runa, curious.

"Were you born in these lands?"



Fuzzy Kitten


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:00 pm
Runa nodded in approval - a good Reaver was highly dependent on a good Captain. Captains that were lazy or too bossy took all the glory for themselves, while a good, fair Captain would see to it that everyone pulled their weight and got their fair share of treasure and praise at the end.

"Oh? You could always leave a message with someone. Now that you're a Reaver you could always test him," she pointed out. That might be considered cheating by some, but Runa had always wondered how someone whose talents didn't reside in fighting might make their way into the Stormborn without being a Thrall. She felt the dueling system was a bit antiquated, but she was certainly in no position to bring it up with the new Warlord, even if she was female.

"I was," she confirmed. "My father is not of this pride, but my mother is."

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:26 pm
That was a good idea. Perhaps she could leave a message with Dione. They were recent friends and the female was a trustworthy and honourable sort - much like her twin. It needn't be complicated, in any case. A sort of like, 'gone out, be back later', kind of thing - though deep down she hoped she would be around when he finally did make it.

At Runa's suggestion of answering a challenge from Zili, she threw back her head and laugh, "nonononono, I could not do that. He'd never forgive me, whether he won or lost. I just hope he hasn't lost heart. I offered to stay with him until he won his challenge but he insisted I go after I was advised against doing so." She sighed, missing her shadow.

"A mother is all a cub really needs," Xochi returned, having been raised by her single mother out in roguelands. "I think we should be good friends, Runa. Hanging out with the boys is all well and good but I do have a need for sisters."



Fuzzy Kitten


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:22 pm
Runa snorted softly at Xochi's reaction. So he was prideful, hm? Not an unusual quality here, but one that she didn't care for if it got in the way of progress. Still, she had no idea who this lion was nor what he was actually like, so she'd save judgement to pass later should they ever meet.

At the following comment, Runa's ears perked up just a bit. She had come from a large litter, populated with both sisters and brothers, and she couldn't agree more. As comfortable as she felt around males it was nice having a female counterpart to complain to about the idiocy of the other sex.

"Hopefully there will be a few more that join us," she agreed, finding Xochi to be far more tolerable than she had first anticipated with the interruption. They both shared the same colors, they were both female, and both raised by single mothers. Perhaps there would be more in common as they continued to speak. For now, though, Runa knew she should depart to prepare herself for the long journey ahead, and to tell her mother the good news. She knew she'd be thrilled.

"It's nice to know there's a friendly face to Viking along side," she said with another tiny smile that was once more exaggerated by her markings. "I look forward to our adventures together."

She bobbed her head in farewell before doing the same to Tethys, even though he was busy. With that Runa headed off back in the direction of her den, excited for what lay ahead.

Last post from me! Also I feel like I owe you a tag elsewhere but I can't for the life of me figure out where DX
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:24 am
"Let us hope!" Xochi agreed, sensing the conversation coming to a close and allowing her posture to relax as she prepared her farewells. "As do I. See you around, Runa."

She watched the dark female depart, the smallest hint of a smile on her face. This was just the beginning, it felt. The beginning of a great adventure which would be both dangerous and thrilling and she meant to make every moment count. She was still new at this, to be sure, but it would make her fight all the harder to ever prove her worth. And, apparently, in Runa she had found a kindred spirit.

With a soft snort, she shook her head as if to bring herself out of her thoughts and shifted up to some rocks where she would recline and watch the goings on.

[This is likely the last post from me unless she is needed. She won't leave, she'll just be lazing on the sidelines.]

Last post from me, too. We have just the one (I think) in Bahari. I shall link you later <3


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:17 am
Tethys afforded himself a laugh as Zjarri's expression turned in to one he recognised. That scowl of disapproval and embarrassment was one he had seen more than once himself. Nevertheless, he quickly righted himself and gave a shake of his head, as if to dismiss any concerns she might have had regarding his recognition of her.

"I have," he confirmed and smiled warmly. "All for good reasons though, I believe he was merely concerned that during his decision to sober up, he might have mistaken someone for something they weren't," he pointed out. It would be obvious that he had taken it all in good humour, and hopefully Zjarri would realise that he certainly didn't think less of her.

...It took a lot for someone to want to change their lives for the better and Bjorn had done it.

Nevertheless he did nod to Runa as she left before returning his attention to the blue lioness, he was able to multitask on occasions.


User Image

Meanwhile, it appeared that another set of individuals had entered the fray. They hadn't intended to attend this gathering, but given it was right in the middle of the township, it was a little difficult to avoid. Thus, the High Priestess and her apprentice arrived. Unsurprisingly his sibling, also the apprentice of said High Priestess, that raised her brow sky high at the sight of the commotion.

"Oh good grief, what has he done now?" she murmured curiously as she regarded the lions that approached, spoke with him and then took their leave. She knew there had been murmurings regarding his activities, some of them had been nothing more than gossip, but others had been accurate. However she hadn't anticipated that it would cause this kind of stir...more mild interest if anything...

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:00 am
Zjarri`fol made a physical effort to relax herself with a display of rolling her shoulders and relaxing her eyes. "I'm sure they were." The lioness said curtly. It was obvious that although Sabia had been joking about her Daddy issues, they were most definitely a real issue. She did do everything in her power to let him know that it wasn't him that caused her such anger, but instead her father himself.

"So. Tethys." Another nearly invisible stretch of her body helped to her to relax just a small amount more. "The rumor mill has been bubbling with what's happened surrounding you, and your band." All of this was stating the obvious, but it talked her down from the edge as she spoke. It was in this stage of calming down that she noticed the lioness bidding farewells - to which she smiled as best she could. "You plan to leave soon?" The question, how long, was unnecessary - even she knew that and so she chose not to voice, she needed to know what kind of time she had with her family.

"I'd like to offer myself, and my band." To formal? Zjarri was past giving a s**t, she wanted to get straight to the point.


Any shock he had felt had worn off quite rapidly when he listened to Tethys speak, if he could have ignored his daughters white hot anger he'd have even smiled a small amount. Bjorn wasn't going to lose this battle to win back his family, he just needed to get through these hard times.

His family wasn't going to become whole again over night.

Blue eyes rolled over the crimson lioness who was seated, as though watching a show, but her golden eyes moved from Tethys and Zjarri to briefly roll over him. The display had earned him that, he supposed, but he'd only put up with it for so long.


Sabia`deimos was amused beyond belief, but remained a silent party in the group - she'd had little reason to speak up at all as Zjarri was handling the situation and actually doing so very well, considering. Her golden eyes rolled over the conversation between the Captains and then to Bjorn and though she didn't laugh out loud the look on her face made it obvious that she would have liked too.


User Image

Kluna had been spending more time with her apprentice. Time that was usually dedicated to various tasks completed by the priestesses of the pride, but also included some idle chatter. If the high priestess pressed for the information she might have admitted to enjoying having a friend around, though her brother left something of a sour taste in her mouth. Still, even she could recognize he was good at what he did and as her apprentice and her approached the township to see such a crowd it was obvious the pride was watching as well.

"I concur." Was all the priestess said to Diones mumbling, not that the murmur required a response. It was simply a reaction to the scene laid out before them, a scene that almost seemed unreal. "Tethys." She said his name in quiet disbelief at the fact that sure as hell there he was centered out and with a disturbance, no surprise there. They were still a small distance away and so she couldn't catch what was being said, but it was clear one of the new Captains was interested in traveling with his war band.

"Captains are already looking to participate, interesting."

Epine de Rose

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:45 am
The Apprentice regarded Kluna for a moment before returning her gaze to her sibling. He certainly had created quite a bit of hubbub and a small part of her was a touch confused. Oh she knew he could be the life of a party, but this was no party, there was no alcohol and those she recognised from his band seemed sober as well. If anything it seemed like he had come out of another of his meetings, something he seemed to be having more and more of as the days and weeks drew in.

"I was under the impression he would be keeping his numbers low to avoid causing a stir," she raised a brow and pursed her lips. Perhaps the game had changed or a new strategy had been developed, but what did that mean in the long run? More casualties was a given, more fatalities were a possibility, but everything else...

He better lead them properly or his reputation would be in tatters.

"Perhaps they want the potential glory," she hazarded after a moment or two and allowed her gaze to run along those in the crowd. No sooner had she done so then she recognised a small number of them. One appeared to be Xochi, the other was Zjarri and by the looks of it, she appeared to be the daughter of the very male she had tortured with her drums.

Ahhhh so that was why he had wanted to impress her!


Tethys's smile disappeared briefly as Zjarri recovered her composure and went right to her purpose for addressing him. He was wise enough to appreciate that the vast majority of those speaking to him weren't there on a social call. Rumours had been heard, there were things to be gained and there would be a fair few who would want in on it... Some Captains included, it would seem.

"We've had our fair share of excitement," he agreed in a somewhat vague manner and raised a brow. The manner in which she was asking her questions seemed largely rhetorical, was he even supposed to answer them back?

...Probably not.

"You are certainly welcome to participate in the hunt if that is what you would like to do," he said in a rather measured tone. With male Captains he was confident he could rely on them indefinitely until the job was done, but things tended to happen to females that would cause them to cut their expeditions short... Suffice it to say that he wasn't entirely sure how much responsibility he could place on Zjarri at the time, even without knowing the lioness was a parent.

Fortunately for his own hide, he didn't explain his tone, he simply continued...

"When I am ready to depart I will summon those interested for a final briefing on what to expect, if your interest is still there, then I will be able to exchange further details with you there."

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:41 pm
As he drew closer, Taranu could see that it was Vidar, the captain of his mother's band that was speaking to the male in question. A small grin spread across his face knowing that his family members would be present as well for the upcoming raid. Taranu greeted the captain as he walked past.

"I look forward to it," he replied. Being a young adventurous male, he had yet to make a decision to follow a particular captain, choosing instead to accompany whatever band was going out raiding so as long as they allowed him.

"Why yes, I am Taranu, and I would love to assist you in this upcoming raid," he said with a grin as Tethys addressed him. "I admit that I am not the most experienced, but I'm a fast learner and quick on my feet."

lol, I didn't realize Vidar had designs on them, I'd be down for Taranu joining up with their band after the raid

Epine de Rose

Big Hobbit

Astounding Loiterer

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:35 am
Tethys smirked at the younger male and glanced briefly towards Vidar's back as he wandered off. It seemed that the rather proud Captain had designs on this particular line to the point he would even pilfer them right in front of another Captain! Regardless, it would be up to Taranu as to who he swore loyalty to eventually and it was usually in a Reaver's best interests to follow a Captain that they respected... Alternatively if that couldn't be achieved, at least one with rules they liked to follow.

"Wouldn't worry about the experience, we're all going to be a bit green going in to this one," he replied with a wave of his paw and narrowed is eyes. While he had no doubt a small number of younger participants wanted to come, he was acutely aware of how devastating it had been the last time. He wouldn't dissuade Taranu from this, it wasn't the Viking way, but he would at least prepare him for the reality of it.

"Fast learner or not, make sure you say your goodbyes before you leave," he advised. It was enough of a confirmation for Taranu to know that he had been accepted into this particular 'hunt'. What Taranu managed to achieve when he was out there was entirely up to him, but he'd be in fine company if he was nearby his own family to say the least!

"Settle any unfinished business," he added and raised a brow. "Not going to lie, the last time we ended up taking out new blood it was a massacre," he explained. "Honourable as their end might have been, I'd prefer you tied up your loose ends," he pointed out.

"If all that leg work doesn't put you off, then welcome to the brotherhood," he finished with a chuckle.

Big Hobbit
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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