Eliminate the Nest

If one worried about the Dretch then they could do so. For Taka, however, her life was still the same as usual - daring feats and adventures that now took her through Jahaur if not sometimes beyond. Her tribe still had to survive and it was not like they could hole up on Chibale to shelter from the strange enemy. Instead Taka and her Sisters hunted, bringing food and other supplies to those who had opted to stay home to tend to families and to aid those who were hurting from loss. Since she had already lost her family long ago Taka had no need to linger in a home nor did she intend to baby her Sisters. She simply came and went as she pleased while hunting with her perzis beside of her. Both Gideon and Gydon were great assets and despite her earlier protests against the cats joining her the woman had grown rather fond of them.

I see why you hunt with them...but why such similar names?

The memory of her conversation with the Elder Moniate created a smirk across the young Alk’s features, Simple. If I ever need the help of both in battle then I can save breath by calling the same name.” Though if she did need she always added a bit of a drawl on Gideon’s name so that the perzi knew when she was calling the golden one over its shadow. Others may have doubted the usefulness of the creatures but Taka enjoyed having them moving through the jungles with her. If anything she watched them to try to learn their grace to include in her own movements. The hunt and battle both thrilled her and ever since her menzuri encounter as an apprentice the young warrior had been training, pushing herself day and night until her blades were strong enough to stand against any similar enemy. So much so that her abs felt like rocks and her arms were stretched tightly with muscles that glistened with her sweat even now as she moved through the humid jungle. Some sisters may have seen her as queer for her loner attitude and her brilliant red dreads but the Alkidike enjoyed her quirks. If anything she was glad to have lost that bet to the windling since his punishment had in fact taught her a lot. She knew not to underestimate the earthlings any longer and she knew that it was fine to stand out as she was. A brilliant flame to brighten the forest. Thank Aisha. After all no one said that she couldn’t still have some pride. If possible arrogance and vanity would be her middle name...if it wasn’t already. Eh, she would accept it if it were. No point in being bashful about her strength and feats. Others could call her prideful but she would just call them jealous in turn.

While she was thinking on such things Taka moved quietly through the trees. Unlike the open fields of Sauti and the forests of Tale these great towers rose far above the ground and their huge crystallized branches seemingly blotted out all sources of light. The oldest parts of the jungles had even thicker and taller trees, creating a seriously realistic sense of eternal night. However, the young blade was accustomed to hunting in such a dark world and her twitching antenna would attest to her own adaptation for the lack of light. It was now that as Taka moved through the bottom layer of foliage, with only crystals and barely a bluish orange haze of sunlight lighting the way, the blade found herself relying on her antenna. The correct path could be found via memory and also through the twitching sensation of her antennae as she navigated her way forward.

If anything she was sincere in her hunt, something revealed by how steady her footsteps were. When she was with her Sisters she was dedicated and today’s hunting mission was one which she did not intend to fail. The Elders had entrusted her and her tribemates, Moiu and Yiva, with this task and she was not going to falter now. There was a nest of menzuri and she had to eradicate them so that none would get injured while hunting around their home village.

Her tribemates, Polin, Moiu, and Ylva, were nearby. It was their footsteps that she listened for as well before moving forward. As long as they were by her side then she knew that no menzuri could surprise them from the side as all the blades held a key position to keep the group from being surrounded. Though the silence made Taka wary. She knew that this area was silent but it would be nice if the menzuri could be loud for once. It was far less threatening that way. The aura in the area was dampening, the miasma from the toxins drenching the webs lining the trees created a heavy atmosphere - something Taka despised. If anything there was only the slightest of noises as her Sisters moved along, but then again those slight sounds here and there were not her ideal way of sensing her sisters.

Such noises could alert creatures to their presence. Even a radaku had been startled earlier as Moiu accidentally tripped over a root she hadn’t noticed. Taka bit her lip in frustration as the creature bolted from the area and towards the deeper stretch of forest “Moiu.” The name darted from her pursed lips as she sent her sister a very unamused glance, “I don’t think chasing a radaku was in our plans.”

Her sister, her cheeks glowing from her mistakes, smiled sheepishly. “An extra surprise?” She shrugged her shoulders to try and ease the pressure of her mistake, “If we just took the normal route then surely I would know the path and have better footing. I do not understand why we must take such an indirect approach to the new nest of menzuri.” She tucked a stray dread behind a long pointed ear before slipping forward so that she could walk closer to Taka. They were approaching the darker parts of the jungle, the tale tell sign of a menzuri nest as their webs blocked even more light and deterred other creatures from approaching.

Taka frowned as they crouched and began to slow creep along the path. This was why she preferred to hunt with her cats. They were quiet and knew her movements well. Sometimes she had to wonder why she did bother accepting tasks with tribemates. While she enjoyed their presence at her side in battle it was so much easier to hunt alone.

“Be more careful here Moiu.” Taka was thankful that Polin had spoken up, the Alkidike archer silent as a menzuri itself as she emerged from the shadows to walk alongside of them, “We are entering their territory and we do not wish to cause any chaos when the menzuri will take any chances to catch us off guard.”

Ah, yes. At least Polin had experience with the menzuri and so spoke truthfully. Taka nodded her head, “Agreed. The last thing we need is for someone to get stung and hallucinate. It’ll be tricky enough as is to fight these creatures with their crystal hides.” She remembered first hand how dangerous the menzuri could be and to go into a nest of them? Only the strongest of their hunters could be given such a mission. A fact which only further encouraged the blooming pride in Taka’s heart. She was strong, she was asked to come with Sisters older than she, and she would lead the to victory.

Movement from behind announced Ylva and she strode towards the group with her spear clutched tightly, “Less talk and more hunting.” She hissed softly, “The more we speak and stand around the most likely someone will get stung.” The Sister scolded, her uneven ears a testimony of how nasty the creatures could be. Taka hadn’t been around when the older warrior had been injured but many told of the day when she and another Sister had stumbled into a nest like this and the hallucinations had caused one to take part of an ear while the other had to take a life to survive. That pain was hidden but it did explain the hardness in that gaze, that determination to destroy all the menzuri. Taka could only wince as she imagined ever being in such a role and how surely that would haunt her. Not that she would comment on something out loud - no one would ever do such a thing to Ylva - but her expression shifting was enough for the older Alkidike to nudge her forward.

“We have a task to focus on.” Noted Taka with a firm nod as her Sisters moved forward through the jungle, the air around them becoming even heavier in its silence. As it was the Alkidike was feeling restless. What if their hesitation and conversation had given the menzuri time to move? While others may see them as creatures many wondered about their intelligence and if even the Dretch could utilize them. If any creature in Jahaur was vile enough for the Dretch then surely it was the Menzuri. Taka gritted her teeth at the thought, her fingertips finding the cool metal of her blades that hung at her hips, and she couldn’t resist lifting one handle up so that she could nestle the blade snugly in her hand. If they were to battle then she would have one blade pulled and ready just in case a Menzuri did drop from above. None of them will touch me. And if the Dretch controlled them then she prayed that she could make the b*****d feel the bite of her blade through the Menzuri’s wounds. Their death screeches would fill her with anticipation for the same wails from the Dretch. She had a lust for blood and she would gladly go into a rage fighting as a berserker against them if necessary. They had taken too many, caused too much harm, and even pushed the Elders to invite those vile Extremists into Jahaur. Good riddance. She was glad that their ugly spawn had decided to go back to Yael. The hatred in their hearts and the way that they carried themselves just pissed Taka off. She was full of pride herself but by Aisha she was not dumb. Would rather die fighting by their mock Aisha than actually give earthlings a chance. Not that she would want to help them. From the stories she had learned while traveling outside of Jahaur it seemed that their Sisters had quickly made a good work of their prison island by razing villages and killing earthlings who lived there. If Taka was an Elder she would have pressed to just eradicate the lot of them. How did anyone expect those purple haired glowing eyed ones to fight for the Alkidike when they had experienced death by their hands? I feel like there’s more of them then our new...Cousins? She didn’t like the word nor did she think she could see any of them as related. Those that bred on Yael surely were just being cursed by Aisha as they couldn’t produce Alkidikes and instead had these Elarians. Or at least that was a bit of the rumors circulating through the Alkidikes. Now that they had seen and experienced the Elarians very few had good remarks about them. Others whispered to just leave the Extremist to their own as surely the Dretch would scent them out and chose to chase those with weaker defenses while leaving the rest time to find a way to truly fight. Others wondered if the Extremists could sell themselves to the Dretch - a sure way to support ending the Earthlings if they were so tempted by empty promises of evil. Either way none of the rumors boded well for the Extremists and their children. Even Taka didn’t know if she fully agreed with the idea of eradicating the Elarians...strange as they were….well maybe. She wasn’t even certain herself what she wanted when it came to all these politics.

This was why she focused on the hunt above all else. There was less room for division, less worry about romance and hierarchy, and more just the necessity of survival as you fought beasts far larger than you. She and her blades were content with that. She only attended such events to keep an eye on the young mystic who had captured her attention. If anything that girl gave her hope for the future.

“Taka?” Polin was hissing at her and the red dreaded Alk found her gaze quickly turning to the other Alkidike, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah.” She gave a firm nod as she proceeded forward. What was she doing? Dancing in her head while the rest hunted? Now that was shameful. Disgust made her want to spit on the ground, something she wouldn’t hesitate to do if the noise wasn’t risky due to their current situation. This is why I don’t bother with politics. Just give her something to hunt like the Menzuri and she would gladly dive right on in.

Bow, spear, and swords.

Each Sister had their own weapons but Tyiva was the only one with dual blades. While her other Sisters could defend with Spears leaving one to distract with arrows from afar Taka was bold enough to dance forward into the Menzuri. She could dig her blade into their leathery underbellies and carve upwards to slice them beneath their crystal armor. They had a plan and simply had to stick to it in order to eliminate the nest and as Taka’s gaze narrowed, her antennae twitching with sudden urgency the Alkidike realized it was time to put their plans into action, “Now!”

Calling out she watched as flaming arrows shot up into the high branches of the trees, catching webs on fire and startling the eight legged creatures which clicked threateningly at them before attacking. Grinning like a madwoman Taka raised her blades and darted forward, the cool metal flashing brightly as it reflecting flames and blinded the Menzuri. Taking the opportunity given to her by the momentary blindness the huntress stabbed with full force and barely grimaced as black ooze, blood and guts, dripped from the creature and down her forearm. It was all part of the hunt after all and she didn’t mind getting a little messy. Plus it was always good to get revenge on the Menzuri, something that she was certain Ylva revealed in as she noticed the older warrior tossing Menzuri left and right with her spear flashing through the flames.

“Taka!” The scream caught the Alkidike’s attention and she pulled her blades from another fallen Menzuri, “Moui is in trouble!” Polin was trapped by the swarm of Menzuri but Ylva was suddenly there knocking them aside with a strong swing of her spear. Hesitation gripped at Taka as she took a step forward but a sharp look from Ylva had Taka turning towards where Polin pointed. They would be fine, Ylva could handle it and keep Polin safe.

Moui, however, was another story.

Sending a quick prayer to Aisha while curses towards the Menzuri left her lips Taka darted forward. Her Sister who had been sending arrows had been careless and allowed several menzuri to sneak behind her. Blood was pouring from her arms as she attempted to dart away from the three menzuri, their beady eyes void of mercy -if menzuri could even think of such an emotion the dark and vile creatures that they were- and only the flickering flames gave any sign of where they were heading as they dragged Moui their way. One had shot a web and had gotten her by the heel causing the lithe Alkidike to fall backwards before getting dragged by the creatures.

If anything they were hungry beasts and would be looking for a new nesting area with a feast for any potential young. The thought made Taka’s stomach churn as she watched them slide down a cliff, their legs and agility making the descent all too easy for the creatures. For anyone not capable of climbing with eight legs and not able to make a web the descent looked alarming, if not lethal. Yet Taka was not known for her patience nor was she known for making the most rational decisions during a hunt. Not when someone’s life was on the line.

Wincing as she threw her body forward the Alkidike reached a hand out towards Moui who was already losing the light in her gaze, the haze of hallucinations easing her body and luring her to a stoic state, but Taka was determined to get her friend to grasp her hand. It strained her body, her shoulder let out a loud popping sound but Taka managed to wrap her fingers tightly around the other Alkidike’s hand while twisting so that her feet kicked at the Menzuri. A hiss of pain left her lips as one’s bite gazed her calf but she tugged hard enough to break the grip and to send them flying in the opposite direction of the Menzuri which gripped at the cliffs. They would scuttle away and she was certain her Sisters could eradicate them or that at least they would a new place to nest that was away from the village.

Such worries seemed meaningless though as Taka pulled Moui tightly against her body and braced herself for their collision. Thankfully though it seemed that a stream was running beneath these cliffs and rather than a bone crunching thud Taka’s ears only heard a loud splash as warm waters surrounded them. Water filled her mouth, her surprise having caused her to gasp, and her ears rang as waters whooshed into them. Yet Taka managed to kick, her arms still wrapped tightly around the dazed Moui, and both Alkidikes managed to touch the shore. Her mind was spinning as she coughed up water and smacked Moui’s back until she did the same. But it was hard to see straight, Taka wobbled as the poison from the Menzuri slowly began to spread through her veins, the wound on her calf having given the Menzuri a way to her mind. s**t. She tried to move fast before that strange warming sensation caused her senses to go ary. If they weren’t ary already...her antenna were useless as they tingled and made her feel fluttery on the inside and Taka found that her body was sensitive, too sensitive for her own comfort.

It was almost tempting to let the poison work on her. It would be so easy to just let it take over and she could pray that Aisha kept her and Moui safe as they lost themselves for a few hours. But she had to remind herself that the poison worked on everyone differently...that was right, right? Not everyone got the rush, the tingles, the spreading of warmth...no it could be more drastic for Moui. Taka found her mouth opening and closing and opening again as she tried to say the name of her Sister. Moui with the long dreads that were tightened into a coiling braid that trailed down her back and had the markings of vines spreading from her shoulders and along her back. Were those vines moving? Taka winced as she weebled on her feet. No, no, no. In the haze she remembered something about antidote...berries mixed together...in her satchel. Her fingers trailed down her skin, touching her sides in fascination at how strangely good that felt, maybe this was how the menzuri made one feel like it was okay to be eaten...it just felt so nice...but Taka had to bite her tongue sharply to let pain try to break the spell.

Work pain work. She fumbled through her satchel, cringing against the pain and mixed feelings that the hallucinations brought her as her fingertips skimmed over everything before finally getting to the herbal pills. She could eat one now and then….then get one to Moui but how? Could she even swallow this one for herself? Taka’s fingers shook as she raised the pill to her lips which were even more sensitive than her fingers, something that almost made her laugh as the tingling feeling of her fingers against her lips caught her by surprise. But she caught the pill again before dropping it and in a slight moment of clarity she popped the round antidote into her mouth and forced her throat to swallow it. Her toes clenched into the dirt as she forced the medicine into her system and then as she sat there, her body slightly rocking as it fought off the hallucinations and those strange sensations that came with it, but surely it was working because she was starting to think clearly about survival and Moui rather than what the hallucinations had tried to make her feel.

It was only a few moments later that Taka made her way over to Moui. The other Alk was still dazed, her gaze unseeing from the severe amount of toxins in her system, and she barely made any noise as Taka propped her up against a tree. Perhaps the faintest of smiles decorated her lips as Taka’s hands grazed her skin but the Alkidike had to shake her head. The hallucinations definitely were messing with her and she had to remember that if she didn't’ get those pills to Moui that she could die. Hurry up antidote. At least it had prevented her body from rising with a fever and stopped the hallucinations from making her completely docile as they had Moui. Or was that from blood loss? Taka winced as she tried to get the pill past her friend’s lips but the Alkidike simply wasn’t swallowing.


Biting into the antidote Taka clamped her mouth firmly around the round pill and raised a leg so that she could straddle the other Alkidike. Sorry, Moui. As she planted herself there she only took a moment before placing a hand behind Moui’s head and bringing their faces closer so that their lips touched. It was a soft yet firm kiss as Taka pushed the pill past Moui’s lips and forced her to swallow. As the medicine went down her Sister’s throat Taka began to pull away but was startled to find that Moui tugged her back. Faint amusement softened her gaze as the Alkidike latched onto her and so Taka stayed letting Moui’s head rest against her shoulder. It felt nice to simply sit, their bodies soaking wet and needing the heat from one another, and Taka allowed time to pass so that the toxins could leave her own body.

They had a long trek ahead of them and Moui was injured, something that Taka made certain to address once she could move again. And it was while Taka was wrapping bandages, dried now that she had left them out on a rock to soak up the sunlight, that Moui finally tried to talk to her Sister. At first Taka didn’t hear her for the soft murmurs but a touch of a hand against her arm caught her attention, “Taka...you saved me?” She asked, her voice still faulty as pain and aftereffects from the poison caused her body to tremble, “You risked so much.”

“Well they do say I am a bit hot headed.” Taka replied as she kept her gaze on the wounds, her fingers tightening the bandages with ease as she secured the bindings, “So I don’t hesitate when someone is in danger. I don’t see the point of fear ruining the hunt.” As she finished she let go of the other Alkidike’s arm and inspected her own injury. Her calf was bandaged, ointment soothing the ragged cut, and she could only imagine the type of scarring it would leave. Thanks to the poison’s effects and exhaustion she hadn’t applied the ointment in time nor had she gotten to stitch the wound and it already had caked in her blood while pulling together in jagged patches. Taka frowned though reasoned with herself that she wasn’t one to care about appearance anyways. Why else would she have kept her red dreads? What Alkidike would want to mate with someone so strange?

Yet Moui was staring at her strangely enough, “You...me….the medicine I mean thank you!” Replied the other warrior quickly as she scooted backwards, “I wouldn’t have thought to react as you did. Honestly I thought I was dead as soon as the menzuri had my legs. Aisha must have been on our side when she sent you with us, Taka.”

Taka snorted, amusement lighting up her black gaze, “Is that so? I thought they just wanted to stick me on a suicide mission since I disgrace our tribe with my strange ways.”

“Surely you jest!” Replied Moui instantly, her cheeks darkening with shame, “I mean...yes I will admit I thought you strange and aloof.”

“And vain, don’t forget that one.” Taka quipped as she sat back to study her blades, thankfully she had managed to clean them earlier but now she focused on sharpening them as they prepared for the trek back up hill and towards home, “But I won’t deny either. I do enjoy hunting alone as I worry less about diving after others from cliffs that way and I do have my quirks that drive the Elders crazy.”

“Well...I’m glad you came.” Moui replied softly as she reached a hand to touch Taka’s arm, “No matter what the Sisters say I know you well now and I would accept your company for any hunt. You saved me and I will always be grateful. In fact you could say that my life is yours to do with as you wish...if you would want.”

Taka found her own cheeks darkening at the confession and ever so quickly she stood, “Don’t be grateful yet we still have to get back to the tribe. Once we make it back then you can consider your feelings...about being grateful that is.” Another reason she preferred hunting on her own...friendships, comradery, it all was so strange at times! Still even as she turned away and began to lead the way back home a small smile did flicker across Taka’s features. It was a bit nice to be appreciated and despite how flustered Moui’s actions had her Taka felt a bit...happy about it.

But she was a huntress and if anything the hunt was her lover. She didn’t have time for anything else other than that especially since the Dretch were still at large. Until they were gone she wouldn’t dare think of anything other than the upcoming war. Distractions no matter how tempting were not going to save the world in the end after all.
