silenced nocturne

Clara continued her graceful strut to the Hall of Sacred Pieces. At first, she had been content with stopping in the castle front room, but naturally there were people there as well. Here, however, everything was spaced out and any conversation would be drowned away by the number of artifacts.

Feinting a sudden spell of dizziness, the vampire quickly took a seat on one of the plush, red velvet chairs that periodically dotted the walls. Pulling a fan from on of the folds of her dress, Clara opened it with a flourish and fluttered it just so that it drew the attention to her hypnotic eyes. Inclining her neck slightly, the blonde allowed for more of her seemingly flawless skin to be viewed. It was a trick she had learned when she was young; men love skin.

"Do forgive me, love. I was just so overtaken with emotion, and this corset is so tight.... But, you must know how bothersome corsets can be." Clara apologized strategically. From what's he had gathered as far as society columns within her large number of years, she hadn't noticed any sign of James ever pursuing another active relationship. Besides, alluding to the corset always made men flush slightly with embarrassment and that was a reaction Clara enjoyed. It put a lingering thought just at the back of their minds.

Folding the fan together, the vampire tucked it away before forming a slow, secretive smile. "Really, James, you haven't the slightest idea of how glad I am to see you. To be near you truly brings me joy." Allowling the wetness of tears bring a sparkle to her eyes, Clara cleverly repositioned herself in such a way that begged to be viewed and touched. Much like the smoothness of marble, her skin radiated a gravitational pull that was almost irresistible and seemed to torment those that did appreciate its existence. Her neck, slightly bowed, was unrelenting to the male eye by way of its perfect curvature and need to be grazed by the softest of lips.

Of course, this almost lustful way of thinking would fall only to the minds that where open, even slightly, to its pull. Clara was an expert herbologist, and could apply a potion to her skin that sucked in unsuspecting victims to her beauty. That was one of the dangers about her, she eagerly used her dangerous concoctions to her advantage and would lure an innocent soul to its demise. And here she was, sitting in the castle, surrounded by works of art that grew from the time period she started her reign from. It was if time had moved backwards, to the first few moments of meeting between James and Clara. It was almost sickening how cruel she had planned this out.