What's grosser than gross? |
10 Sith apprentices in one garbage can! |
8% |
[ 11 ] |
1 Sith apprentice in 10 garbage cans! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Venomisci's Lightsaber Training room floor! |
13% |
[ 17 ] |
The little "gifts" from Darth Scoobadoobacus' booty! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Scabrous constantly slurping up the blood from his never-healing mouth wound! |
44% |
[ 57 ] |
Total Votes : 127 |
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 12-sided dice:
2, 11, 1
Total: 14 (3-36)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:30 am
Queentintin sees her detached body, and tuens to look at the droid, *thought we were friends Scraps! lol * ok new battle , see the hard ones always kill me! xp Queentintin=250 Droid=250 no hits! all your fault DD! lol  The droid pulls out a katana in each hand and begins whirling them about and slicing through the air as it approaches the girl. Queentintin = 165 Droid = 250
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:31 am
Fred66 DD-SCRAPS Fred66 DD-SCRAPS Fred66 How did I miss this yesterday? My circuitry is out of sync. Ties a few loose ends together. Fred 195 Droid 140 The droid helps the girl with her circuitry by using a soldering iron on her. Fred66 = 85 Droid = 140
Runs to find ice but finds an ice pick instead which uses on the droid. Fred 85 Droid 85 The droid finds a flesh pick and uses it on the girl. Fred66 = 30 Droid = 85
Wants to know where the droid shops. Fred 30 Droid 85 Puts a stop on the droid's account as it is no more and all future droids. Congratulations, meatbag! You're now in *BRZZZT! second place!
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
1, 4, 2
Total: 7 (3-24)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:34 am
Esme Marie Cullen DD-SCRAPS MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPThe droid comes into the Battle Training Room and assesses the situation. The girl seems to be good at close combat, so the droid decides to keep its distance. It pulls out two blasters and fires on her from behind a pile of debris. Esme Marie Cullen = 250 Droid = 250
Esme’s advances, light saber in hand, and slashes the droid’s circuits. Next, she slices it’s roller. Esme’s=250 Droid=250-55-55=140 The droid activates its retroboosters to climb through the air and out of the girl's reach. It drops some thermal detonators down toward her. Esme Marie Cullen = 250 Droid = 140
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 4-sided dice:
4, 2, 1
Total: 7 (3-12)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:36 am
sachara DD-SCRAPS sachara DD-SCRAPS The droid tries to shellac the girl's surface. Sachara = 40 Droid = 5
Sorry, didn’t work! And another one bites the dust! Sachara = 40 Droid = 0 The new droid hears the girl say something about biting dust, so it hits her with its sand blaster. sachara = 180 Droid = 180
The droid welds the girl's mouth and nose shut. sachara = 110 Droid = 75 You posted twice, so I'm using the first post in which you hit the droid three times.
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
3, 6, 3
Total: 12 (3-24)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:38 am
AngelMuerto MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPAngelMuerto = 250 Droid = 195
The droid heard that the boy has some real sick moves on the dance floor, so it pulls out its blasters and fires at his feet to motivate him and give him a beat. AngelMuerto = 195 Droid = 195
Fred66 rolled 3 0-sided dice:
, ,
Total: 0 (3-0)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:16 am
MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPPuts a smoke bomb under the conveyor belt. Fred 250 Droid 250 Please ignore.
Fred66 rolled 3 8-sided dice:
3, 8, 2
Total: 13 (3-24)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:17 am
MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPPuts a smoke bomb under the conveyor belt. The droid will not know what has hit it. Fred 250 Droid 195
Queentintin rolled 3 12-sided dice:
2, 12, 3
Total: 17 (3-36)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:30 am
DD-SCRAPS Queentintin sees her detached body, and tuens to look at the droid, *thought we were friends Scraps! lol * ok new battle , see the hard ones always kill me! xp Queentintin=250 Droid=250 no hits! all your fault DD! lol  The droid pulls out a katana in each hand and begins whirling them about and slicing through the air as it approaches the girl. Queentintin = 165 Droid = 250
she casts a magic spell and flies off, letting the droid be in disespair , hehe turns into a butterfly! 1 hit! must have dropped a bomb lol Queentintin= 165 Droid=165 xd
Esme Marie Cullen rolled 3 8-sided dice:
4, 3, 3
Total: 10 (3-24)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:05 pm
DD-SCRAPS Esme Marie Cullen DD-SCRAPS MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPThe droid comes into the Battle Training Room and assesses the situation. The girl seems to be good at close combat, so the droid decides to keep its distance. It pulls out two blasters and fires on her from behind a pile of debris. Esme Marie Cullen = 250 Droid = 250
Esme’s advances, light saber in hand, and slashes the droid’s circuits. Next, she slices it’s roller. Esme’s=250 Droid=250-55-55=140 The droid activates its retroboosters to climb through the air and out of the girl's reach. It drops some thermal detonators down toward her. Esme Marie Cullen = 250 Droid = 140
Esme lounges in a chaise, sipping her margarita. Esme=250 Droid=140
sachara rolled 3 4-sided dice:
2, 2, 1
Total: 5 (3-12)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:04 pm
DD-SCRAPS sachara DD-SCRAPS sachara DD-SCRAPS The droid tries to shellac the girl's surface. Sachara = 40 Droid = 5
Sorry, didn’t work! And another one bites the dust! Sachara = 40 Droid = 0 The new droid hears the girl say something about biting dust, so it hits her with its sand blaster. sachara = 180 Droid = 180
The droid welds the girl's mouth and nose shut. sachara = 110 Droid = 75 You posted twice, so I'm using the first post in which you hit the droid three times.SO SORRY ABOUT THAT, I DIDN’T REALIZE IT. Sachara = 110 Droid = 5
AngelMuerto rolled 3 8-sided dice:
6, 8, 8
Total: 22 (3-24)
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:23 pm
DD-SCRAPS The droid heard that the boy has some real sick moves on the dance floor, so it pulls out its blasters and fires at his feet to motivate him and give him a beat. AngelMuerto = 195 Droid = 195
MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPAngelMuerto = 195 Droid = 30
uses them dance skills to sweep the droid off it's... wait... there's no feet.
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
3, 4, 1
Total: 8 (3-24)
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:17 am
Fred66 MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPPuts a smoke bomb under the conveyor belt. The droid will not know what has hit it. Fred 250 Droid 195 The droid sinks back into a time when it was addicted to smoking cigarettes thanks to the girl's cruel act. The droid sues the girl for future medical expenses which will occur because of its addiction flare-up. Fred66 = 250 Droid = 195
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 12-sided dice:
11, 3, 12
Total: 26 (3-36)
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:18 am
Queentintin DD-SCRAPS Queentintin sees her detached body, and tuens to look at the droid, *thought we were friends Scraps! lol * ok new battle , see the hard ones always kill me! xp Queentintin=250 Droid=250 no hits! all your fault DD! lol  The droid pulls out a katana in each hand and begins whirling them about and slicing through the air as it approaches the girl. Queentintin = 165 Droid = 250
she casts a magic spell and flies off, letting the droid be in disespair , hehe turns into a butterfly! 1 hit! must have dropped a bomb lol Queentintin= 165 Droid=165 xd  The droid flings one of the samurai swords at the butterfly with deadly accuracy. Queentintin = Your wings are gone and you're now back to being a worm. Droid = 165
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
7, 3, 5
Total: 15 (3-24)
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:19 am
Esme Marie Cullen DD-SCRAPS Esme Marie Cullen DD-SCRAPS MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPThe droid comes into the Battle Training Room and assesses the situation. The girl seems to be good at close combat, so the droid decides to keep its distance. It pulls out two blasters and fires on her from behind a pile of debris. Esme Marie Cullen = 250 Droid = 250
Esme’s advances, light saber in hand, and slashes the droid’s circuits. Next, she slices it’s roller. Esme’s=250 Droid=250-55-55=140 The droid activates its retroboosters to climb through the air and out of the girl's reach. It drops some thermal detonators down toward her. Esme Marie Cullen = 250 Droid = 140
Esme lounges in a chaise, sipping her margarita. Esme=250 Droid=140 The droid ruins the girl's vacation by activating the sprinkler system above her. Esme Marie Cullen = 140 Droid = 140
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 4-sided dice:
2, 3, 4
Total: 9 (3-12)
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:20 am
sachara DD-SCRAPS sachara DD-SCRAPS sachara Sorry, didn’t work! And another one bites the dust! Sachara = 40 Droid = 0 The new droid hears the girl say something about biting dust, so it hits her with its sand blaster. sachara = 180 Droid = 180
The droid welds the girl's mouth and nose shut. sachara = 110 Droid = 75 You posted twice, so I'm using the first post in which you hit the droid three times.SO SORRY ABOUT THAT, I DIDN’T REALIZE IT. Sachara = 110 Droid = 5 The droid releases a toxic gas as it begins to expire. Sachara = 5 Droid = 5