Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:46 pm
I've got a younger brother. Annoying beyond belief....
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:52 pm
4.. all older, 3 sisters, one brother (3 of them have kids totaling 8 nieces and nephews)
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:01 pm
*Points* Her family is weird. His/Hers/Theirs situation! I STILL haven't met any of her siblings....
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:04 pm
cuz none of them live here LOL... and ya, Twins + my brother came with my mom, And my other sister with my dad.... and both twins and my brother have kids... my nieces and nephews range in age from 10 years to under a month old.... 4 boys, 4 girls lol
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:09 pm
Hey, they're all balanced. It's all good.
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:10 pm
yup they are lol, well at least for now
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:21 am
As far as blood goes, I have only brother who is 3 years younger then I. Then there's a step-bro and sis from my dad's remarriage. Both are younger then me but only by a few years. Then two step-bros from my mom's remarriage. Both are older then me. I don't ever talk with any of them though. *shrugs*
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:23 pm
Ah I only have one older brother. I'm wanting to get to know the future in-laws though...
How are your in-laws Lenelee?
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:09 pm
Younger brother. LOL My in-laws aren't half bad. We all get along and they all seem to like me so I can't complain. 4laugh
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:03 pm
Lol, I think that's how my situation is too.... though I haven't met them in person but I talked to his mother and she practically loves me XD
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:08 pm
Oh gosh! I get along with his mom great on the phone or in e-mail but she wasn't so great in person...at least not what she was like the other times. sweatdrop Long story sweatdrop
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:19 pm
Oh, every past experience/comments/advice is greatly loved though!
And stories in times of boredum 3nodding
Though you don't have to tell it if you don't want to of course.
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:26 pm
I'll tell on a less wonderful day ^_~ Long story brought to super short-ness.
I think KNOW that she was fully expecting my man to be a total mommy's boy. Acting like a lost puppy and just falling over himself with love and happiness and such over seeing her. It was a load of crap. Then she went on to look at me and say he's only got me for sex and he needs his mommy. I retorted that I take care of him just fine. For God's sake! He's a 22 year old man, not a two year old and I'm his wife. Just because she wasn't there then doesn't mean that she can just try and pick back up from when he was just a little kid now. Give me a break... She needed to let go of the past and see the great man he is now and start fresh and go from there. She was testing and pushing me the entire time. Prolly trying to feel like his #1 again when it's just not like that anymore. I felt sorry for her really that she felt the need to play the dominance game with me the entire time. sweatdrop I didn't stand-up to her like I normally would have since A) first time meeting in the flesh B) she was nice enough to let us stay in her home and I would never be rude to a host.
Now, believe me when I say that really is the short of it. LOL
I think next time around will be much better. Especially if she comes onto my home turf. muhahahah rofl
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:28 pm
Oh my! Here's a side of Lenelee I never expected!
Hmmm... now I do wonder how William's mother will act when I meet her in person.
He showed her a picture of me some time ago and she said I was pretty and I talked to her on the phone and we both had a good time!
She even told William about it after the phone call and laughed about the parts that were funny (aka I wouldn't have sex with him until marriage) and he told me that she said she loved me ^^
She doesn't know that we're engaged but I guess she can kind of feel that we are....you know with the way we talk about each other and such...
and how did Ray (I believe that's his name from some post somewhere that I read) act towards his mother acting like this?
(I'm not used to calling my fiancee NOT by his name. I say his real name to people and people are like, what who's that? It just feels like to me that there's no other name for him and there's no replacement/not right if I say anything else...)
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:58 am
Hmm? What side of me? *confused* LOL
You know what? The crappy thing is, he didn't say much about it. At least not in front of me apparently. sweatdrop He avoided her almost the entire time we were there and just didn't like being around her at all because of how she was acting. I got mad at him though for sticking me with her. I had to explain it wasn't fair and I felt sorta trapped and it sucked.