The time of rest for Freth wasn’t exactly…restful. In the days following the incident with the titanic sized Bombirdier, Freth was hard at work on two fronts. On the one hand was trying to see if there was anything else to parse in the Violet Book. She only had a small bit of time just before going to the Bombirdier to actually skim through it initially, and she was hoping for some sort of other clues to see if this whole ordeal was actually worth going out of their way for. The Herba Mystica was said to do all manner of things, but science wasn’t exactly developed like it is in this day of age, and Heath was after the fact touted as a raving lunatic after publishing the Scarlet and Violet books. The unknown kind of Pokémon that were sketched out and diagramed were also a point of contention, namely for Eris. Whenever she wasn’t yelling at Freth that she needed to hone her psychic abilities, she kept insisting that with authority’s say so or not to investigate the crater. There is no telling what Heath turned up in his expedition and the fact that he saw such Pokémon down there was perhaps of a concern. And taking in consideration that the current day professors haven’t came back yet, something has to be going on in this region and the people here are taking it too apathetically. Freth couldn’t fully disagree, but at the same time, she couldn’t put Snagem in any more hot water than what they were already in. The incident with the Bombirdier was already dicey as is, and that wasn’t even their fault…mostly.

In the time she wasn’t studying the Violet book, she was in fact try to work on her psychic abilities. Actually…in some cases, she actually was, even if it was so much as holding the book with her psychic prowess, turning every individual page, while floating in the air herself, and trying to maintain it as long as possible. When she was actually the most focused on her psychic power, she was trying to push her limits on it, harkening back to her time at the village in the northern reaches of the Snowpoint area near the lake. She found herself reaching deep levels of meditation once again, trying to find more, deeper power that she found herself desperately needing as of late. One personal training session had her out at the inner courtyard, the recreation fields. She moved several large weights out of a nearby store room that was meant to be used by the Pokémon that cared about them. She also had out a few of her Pokémon, one such being Mamoswine, since the size of a thing was an issue to her just as much as the weight of it and to her admission, she barely managed to get her loyal beast off the ground sometime before having to put those skills to a boulder thrice his size. In the midst of the training regimen, she ended up having to stop for a moment, bracing herself against the wall, feeling all manner of exhausted. Mentally, rather.

“Ugh…I wish that I could get this down sooner than later…” Freth said. “I’m not sure how much more I can actually push myself like this…”

“No one ever said this was going to be easy.” Freth would look towards a window, noticing her faint reflection, or rather, the image of the Hunter staring at her, arms crossed. “You’re taking crash course after crash course doing this sort of thing where I had years, and that was before I became a hybrid. Unfortunately, you don’t have the luxury of time.”

“Tell me something I don’t know…” Freth whispered to herself. “Ugh, I feel like if I can actually get a hybrid attack down, I’d be better off than I was two days ago.”

“I guess we can experiment real quick.” Eris suggested. “You could go for the Galarian Articuno’s namesake.”


“Freezing Glare.” Eris stated.

“The thing you used on Chaksu?”

“Yea. For the sake of it, try it on a weight. Get one of your Pokémon to toss it up or something.”

“Wait, I don’t even know how to do it yet. What am I supposed to do?”

“You focus your psychic power through your eyes. In that power, focus on removing all momentum from the thing that’s falling. You’re effectively removing physics from the equation without actually removing the physics and have it without any further influence from you, only temporarily though.”

“Is this sort of thing the reason why your eyes ended up glowing blue?”

“No, that’s just a natural thing once you get more of a handle of your power and get it a lot more potent and focused. Mine didn’t start off glowing either.” Eris stated. “Its just the natural progression for Galarian Articuno.”

“Go figure…alright. Hey, Alakazam.” Freth called out to her Pokémon. The Alakazam was having his own meditation session but was out of it upon Freth’s beckoning. “Can you lift this weight up for me. I need to try to do something. I want you to drop it when I say to do so. Alright?” Alakazam did what he was commanded and lifted the weight with a lot of ease, almost provoking Freth’s envy, but she wasn’t going to berate her own Pokémon by any means. Alakazam held up the weight high up into the air, waiting on the command. “Alright, just…disable physics on this thing. Great. Not hard at all.” Freth said with great sarcasm.

“Relatively speaking. Its not actually disabling physics…its suspending it, its…ugh, you know…just try it. See what happens.” Freth couldn’t help but to roll her eyes.

“Okay Alakazam. One…two…three!” Alakazam released his psychic hold. Quickly Freth tried to do as command, her eyes lit up, as did her feathers and the black feathers around her eyes. As the weight came down to nearly eye level, Freth managed to unleash a harsh violet beam from her eyes upon the weight, practically surprising herself. The weight was suspended in midair. “Okay…that is freaky.” Freth had to reach up just to see if it was in fact stuck in midair, but before she had any opportunity to, GRAY started shouting out of her SNAG, nearly making her jump. That moment of distraction got her to not pay attention to the weight, or the potential danger it still held. The weight only stayed in the air for about a second and a half before gravity continued the weight at its original pace as if it had never stopped at all, the weight smashing her foot. “AAA! MOTHERFU-“

“You didn’t get it right.” Eris spoke up, cutting Freth off. “If you did, that weight would have stayed in the air a lot longer than it did.”

“You don’t say!” Freth shouted at Eris in the reflection on the window.

“Though at least you got some idea as to how to do it. You still need more training.”

“I think I need to see Doc! Son of a-…THE HELL IS IT, GRAY!?” Listening to GRAY, Freth couldn’t help but to sigh. Apparently the reserve team is now on a rescue team to get Raifort out of trouble. “Ugh, that blasted woman is going to be the death of me…” Freth growled out. She would then recall her Pokémon. She’d have to leave the weights where they were at. She was probably going to get yelled at later for not putting them back where she got them, but she wasn’t going to have the time. Not with Claydol now spiriting her away to the mission destination.

Arriving at the destination, Freth saw Odd already leading the charge, needing to make every second count considering the peril Raifort was in the midst in. She would quickly run off the cliff and started to glide instead of outright flying, trying to put at least some semblance of training in use. Galarian Articuno glided for horizontal distance, psychic power for ascension unless she was in a hurry…which technically she was. She needed to try to reach the island as fast as she could. But even aided with what little skill she had, it was easier said than done trying to reach where Raifort was at. Once arriving there, she quickly tossed out her Pokeball. “Alakazam! Go!” Freth shouted. Tossing the Pokeball out, she released the Alakazam out for battle. “Alakazam! Psychic!”

The Alakazam would greatly focus then unleash a harsh psychic blast, hopefully to redirect where this gigantic bass was going.